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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 25th May 2009 at 6:05 AM Last edited by HyghTyme_SC : 27th May 2009 at 10:36 PM.
Default The Play's the Thing: A Contest of Shakespearean Proportions

[Before we start, I'd like to thank Tree4me, aka Liz, for helping me plan this contest, and me RL friend Rachel for agreeing to be our Shakespeare expert.]


-Time. You're going to need multiple models for this contest, and you'll need to costume and pose three of them each round (except the finale, for which you will do four characters). Please don't enter unless you can commit to that. Judges will also need to make a larger than usual time commitment, at especially for the application round.

-While you won't have any points deducted for not using poses and face overlays (here and/or here ), you are likely to get better results if you do.

-For this competition you will need multiple actors/models. The specific requirements are:
+ 1x Teen Female
+ 1x Teen Male
+ 2x Adult Female
+ 1x Adult Male
+ 1x Elder Female
+ 1x Elder Male

Optionally: one sim of any gender and age AND one male of any age. These last two will not come into play until the finale, when you will have the chance to use them for two wild card rules if you so choose.

While you will not know the roles you will be costuming for until each round is posted, keep in mind that your sims will in many cases be playing multiple very different characters. Cookie cutter pretty is probably not going to do the job.

-A basic knowledge of the relevant plays. Nothing too deep, you don't even need to read them – this isn't an English/Literature class, and reading works meant to be performed (and trust me, seeing any Shakespeare performed is a treat when it's done well) can be boring as hell – but you should be familiar with the basic characters and plot. Read an encyclopedia article, at least.


-Photoshop may be used to enhance shots in general, but not actors, with one exception which will be stated in the relevant round.

Will there be eliminations?

Only if we get an enormous number of applicants, in which case it will be necessary due to the amount of time judging each participant will require.


1) Raindrops757
2) chibspan
3) Chessa


1) HyghTime
2) tree4me

Keep In Mind:

One of the great virtues of Shakespeare's work is that it's so versatile. You don't have to do Elizabethan costume if you don't want to. Be creative with your themes, and with everything else for that matter. I've personally seen a twenties Much Ado About Nothing, a modern Hamlet (which included the “bow-chicka-wow-wow” tune and Ophelia dry humping a couch after she goes insane), and I know someone who was whacked with a pool noodle by one of the actors in The Taming of the Shrew. Shakespeare is about creativity as much as it is about tradition.

For this round you will be creating your actors You must submit three pictures, each with 2-3 actors of your choice, so that every actor is featured in one picture. Each actor must also have a sort, professional biography (minimum of six sentences per bio), with their age and name at the top. You may not include the age or name as part of the bio, or include a greeting as one of your sentences. Keep in mind, this is supposed to be something like a job application, not a beauty pageant application. Clothing and hair should not be distracting – please keep it simple. Entries will be judged on creativity of the biographies, the appearance of the sims, and the attention shown to detail.

Scoring will be as follows:

Out of five points for appearance of sim - versatile and not cookie cutter.
Out of five points for each bio - how interesting is it, and is it appropriate for the task?
Out of ten points for each photo - does the photo showcase each sim without being just a series of poses next to each other?

Because there are so many points involved in this round, it will be weighted so that it contributes to your total score only as much as any other round.
retired moderator
#2 Old 25th May 2009 at 6:06 AM
Contest Approved
Begins 5.25.09
Ends 6.25.09
  • Do not post replies and/or contest applications before the contest host has checked in on this thread, or your post will be deleted.
  • DO NOT WRITE USELESS POSTS like "Hey cool contest, I think I might join." Reserve type posts and useless posts about coming back with an application will be deleted.

Formerly known as boolPropped
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 25th May 2009 at 6:59 AM
I was confused about the first round... do we enter just three actors or all of them (the ones you specified). And in the pictures we have to include multiple sims? Or is it like you have to sumbit three pictures with all of your models in (spread out between pictures) them and include all 7 models' bios also?
Test Subject
#4 Old 25th May 2009 at 6:05 PM
Checking in! As for your question Whatwedobest posted, for the app you're doing all the actors, though the two wild cards are optional. For the pics, we need three pictures with all the models spread out between them. And yes, you need seven bios. I know it's a lot, but I'm hoping the contest is interesting enough to merit the effort.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 25th May 2009 at 6:35 PM
Can I please help to judge?

I love the idea for this contest, it's very unique!

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live." - Mark Twain
Test Subject
#6 Old 25th May 2009 at 9:02 PM
Of course, and thank you for saying so,
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 25th May 2009 at 10:08 PM
Ah, this Contest sounds really great, I wish I could enter... (I love Shakespeare, i played Julia some years ago and i'm still proud^^) I hope you get enough Contestants. So i'll just follow this thread and... Have fun everyone.
Test Subject
#8 Old 26th May 2009 at 2:10 AM
smillasnightmare - would you like to judge, maybe?
Field Researcher
#9 Old 26th May 2009 at 2:15 AM
This sounds really cool and I'm a nerd for the Bard! I wont enter, because I'm already in a contest, but I would love to judge.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 26th May 2009 at 3:10 AM
Ooh, Shakespeare!! I'd love to enter but since I've recently reinstalled, I'm hung up on building. So, may I be a judge?
Mad Poster
#11 Old 26th May 2009 at 11:53 AM
I'd like to be a part of the action, is EJ okay if all the judge spots are taken?

This allows me to see into the minds of people! That's right, I can actually see what they're thinking!
So long as what they're thinking is exactly what I think they're thinking.
#12 Old 27th May 2009 at 9:15 PM
Because I sometimes stray from directions, let me make sure I completely understand the requirements for the application .

-OK, so you MUST include all those diff actor/actresses, with 2 or three in a picture at a time.

-You don't have to make the 'wild cards' now, but you can & add them in the pics too.

-The actor/actreses don't have to wear shakesperian clothing. ...So they could wear like clothes people now a days wear.

....I think that's it. I think this contest will be fun, or atleast it sounds neat! I'm not a huge Shakespear fan, but, since every year in HighSchool you are required to read one of his plays, I am pretty up to date on the more popular stuff...I think

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#13 Old 27th May 2009 at 10:39 PM
1. Exactly.

2. I hadn't thought of that, but after some consideration I've decided that wildcards will not be judged for this round, and may be added up until the beginning of the final round.

3. Exactly. At no point in this contest is Shakespearean clothing a requirement.

Also, everyone who's asked has been added as judge/EJ.
#14 Old 27th May 2009 at 11:28 PM
Still confused about the 2nd question, lol... OK, so we have until the last round to 'introduce' them? So we don't have to add them at this point in time?

--(sorry, i'm just plain stupid sometimes)

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 28th May 2009 at 6:38 AM
hi! so, love the idea and i've already made my family and started writing bios...which naturally leads to questions, lol. SO, bios can be longer than six sentences? and also, i started writing as if my sims were all members of one performing troupe living together, is that acceptable for this contest or should they all be random people living across town who don't know each other? and finally for now (i promise), for the pictures do you want closeups on the faces or shots from farther away showing more of the sims' personality? thank you, and i apologize if these are simple things i'm not getting

great contest, i'm really looking forward to it! :D
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#16 Old 29th May 2009 at 1:46 PM
clw8: You're not stupid, you understood exactly.

Moonstream27: Bios can be as long as you want. They can know each other or not as you choose. Face shots, please. Thanks for participating!
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 30th May 2009 at 7:14 PM Last edited by Moonstream27 : 1st Jun 2009 at 8:49 PM.
Default Moonstream27's Application
The Prince's Players

(from left to right: Julie Lassiter, Lear Coumbs)

Lear Coumbs
69 years old

I have had a long, distinguished theatre career, spanning a lifetime. My parents ran a community theatre, so I grew up surrounded by snippets of lines being memorized, the musky smell of the curtain (and the costume room), scraps of fabric strewn about, cut from cookie cutter costumes, and of course, the random props, memoirs of forgotten plays. Before I could even speak I was appearing onstage. And after I learned the art of language I was stealing the show. It wasn't long before I graduated from community theatre and into the big leagues, touring with traveling troupes. Thus began my whirlwind career, a different play every season and a different theatre every night. I have performed in nearly every play known to sims, and received too many awards and recognitions to list (truth be told, I've lost count). I did a small stint on Thinroad recently, in New Quark City, performing in "Felines" for its last few seasons, where I met Julie. Together we left Thinroad and formed The Prince's Players Theatre Troupe, dedicated to the performance of classic plays in new forms.

Julie Lassiter
64 years old

I, too, have had a pretty long career. But, unlike Lear, there hasn't been much variety. In fact, I've only ever performed in three plays. The first was my church's production of "Bumblebee of God," during which I played the lead, Bumblebee #1. The second was my high school's production of "Rome and Julie," for which I played the female lead, Julie (obviously). That play is a wonderful memory for me, there is little better than standing in a wispy gown four stories off the stage floor leaning over a balcony looking down at my crush, Spencer Freeman *sigh*, wreathed in mist as he declares his undying love for me...but I digress. The point is, there was a Thinroad scout in the audience on opening night, and he liked what he saw. He offered me an audition for the new show, "Felines". And what do ya know? I got the part! I performed in that show for fifty years (in different roles as I aged, of course). Now that its marathon run has ended, I've joined Lear in his latest endeavor, The Prince's Players.

(from left to right: Cassie Intrilly, Ophie Brigadier, Otii Navigatus)

Cassie Intrilly
22 years old

I didn't have much of an exposure to theatre at a young age, my parents thought it was bad for my development because it was based on lying. It took me until high school to realize my unrequited passion. I secretly auditioned for the school play, and the director liked me so much that she helped me talk to my parents about it. And surprise of all surprises, they let me perform, albeit reluctantly. I worked crazy hard on the play all semester so that they wouldn't regret their decision. By opening night, I could have performed the play in a coma. I was so confident that I would do well. But then the curtain rose on opening night and my parents were sitting in the first row, I lost my nerve and fumbled a line or two. But as I looked out at them, expecting to see them giving me an "I told you so look," they were giving me the thumbs up and encouraging me to continue. From that moment on, I was on fire. I rocked "Wizard of Loz" that night and every night. I was unstoppable. I appeared in ten plays that year alone. And that was just the beginning. High school was one big blur of theatre: countless plays, innumerable costumes, and layers upon layers of stage makeup. No one was surprised when I announced my plans to major in Performing Arts in college. I went away to school at New Quark University and performed in more plays than I had thought possible, mostly modern pieces. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with multiple job offers, but Lear, Julie, and The Prince's Players was the most endearing. So here I am.

Ophie Brigadier
26 years old

It has been a long road to get here. I did not have an easy life. I ran away from home at a young age with my sights set on joining the circus (which didn't happen, for the record). That was when I began living on the streets of New Quark City. The next few years blend together, an overwhelming onslaught of frostbite, hunger, and squalor. I became a street performer to try and generate some sort of income. Problem was I didn't know how to play an instrument or anything of that sort. So, I became a human statue, the Statue of Freedom, actually, a mirror image of the gigantic copper statue guarding New Quark Harbor. That's when Lear found me. He walked by me every day for a year. Then, one day, he left a note in my cup that said to meet him for an audition. I did, and now here I am. It was one of the best things I ever did.

Otii Navigatus
39 years old

I've had a few different jobs over the years. Most recently, I was in the Sim Navy. I had some great times there, sailing the high seas with the wind blowing through my hair and salty mist hitting my face. But there were some bad times too. On one mission, I was bound for Cyprus with a majority of the fleet when we noticed a tear in one of our sails. My vessel had to stop, but I encouraged the fleet to soldier on, hoping they would reach Cyprus in time for the battle. Unfortunately, when we finally caught up to them, all we found was debris. A storm had swept through them, leaving no survivors. My small vessel reached Cyprus and we decided to stay for a while, to help build morale. Unfortunately, we had quite the eventful shore leave (a few people died and I ended up getting fired). So now, back in New Quark City, I have decided to try my hand at theatre, a long time secret passion of mine, maybe it'll go a little better than the navy...

(from left to right: Reig Jones, Rodger Rhodes)

Reig Jones
17 years old

I've always been involved in show business. At a young age, my parents chauffeured me to my first auditions, from Captain Llama cereal commercials to Thinroad, the height of dramatic theatre in New Quark City. Since childhood, I have appeared most notably in the Thinroad productions of "Hello, Molly!" as Child #3, and "Les Joyeux" as Cosette. But the role that made me a household name was when I starred in "Oil" as Sandry about a year ago. Since then, I have been performing with the Traveling Thinroad Touring Troupe, a group performing various assortments of memorable scenes from Thinroad plays every evening across the land. I am looking forward to breaking into a more adult career by joining The Prince's Players.

Rodger Rhodes
16 years old

In this crowd, I probably seem under qualified, I had never really considered a career in theatre until one night when I happened upon an acting competition being held at the local roller rink. The winner was going to get the lead in the school play, Danni in "Oil". After a few cold readings and some acting games, the audience unanimously declared ME the winner! You can imagine my surprise, but after a day or so, I comfortably fell into my role as Danni, and I rocked it on opening night. I had discovered my true calling, and from that night on I have been avidly pursuing a career in the performing arts. It's been one success after another: community theatre, traveling troupes, a callback for the Thinroad production of "Lease", an acceptance from the Enerson theatre program, and now, performing with The Prince's Players.
#18 Old 30th May 2009 at 7:34 PM
i've been uberly busy lately, but once I drop of my final exam monday at 8am, I'll be out of school.. Non the less, I hope to have my application made and up by tonight or tomorrow sometime ... Monday at latest I guess. (If I wait longer than that, then it probably means I didn't have time to join, though I do hope that I can )

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Test Subject
#19 Old 30th May 2009 at 8:15 PM
Good app so far. You do know that you need all the actors though, right?
#20 Old 1st Jun 2009 at 2:51 PM
Below are 7 applicants for Shakespeare . . . They think they have what it takes; what do you think?
Margret Collins & Robert Cooley

Name: Margret Collins
Age: 62 years old
-To whom it may concern: I seek employment in this new installment of Shakespeare. Through out my life I have been in many small theatre performances, and have been a teacher of theatrical arts for 20 years. I have read every Shakespeare play, and know the plot for each and every one. My age does not effect my physical or mental ability, and will take any job or task and complete it fully. I'm always 15 minuets early on the job, and do not mind staying after extra hours for little or no extra payment. If you need a benificial asset, then I think that you will find that I can meet your needs to the fullest. Thank you for taking your time to consider me for the part. Margret Collins
Name: Robert Cooley
Age: 68
-Sir or Madam: I understand that you have an opening for an elder male, and I am interested in filling the spot. My background in Shakespeare may seem beneficial to you. I have recently retired from my job as an English Professor, after 40 years. I have read every play, and have taught a majority of them. My stamina isn't what it used to be, but I am still quick on my feet, and a hard worker. If given the chance, I will excell dramastically in your production. Thanks for the time, Robert Cooley.
Lauren Newman, Kaitee Buchnam, & Vincent Martin

Name: Lauren Newman
Age: 26
-To whom it may concern. Let me start off by saying that I applied for this spot because I have always been a huge fan of Shakespeare's work. I am still in college, and have been studying to be in the theatre. I was in small plays as a child and teenager, and feel that they have helped me understand the theatre more. I would enjoy having the chance to be on your crew, as this would be sort of like a dream come true. Getting to be in my favourite play right's plays would be an honor, and I would play my part outstanding. If I have not listed enough requirements, please feel free to contact me for more, because I'm sure that I am cut for the part. Thanks, Lauren Newman.
Name: Kaitee Buchnam
Age: 35
-Sir or Madam. One of the adult female parts would be gracefully played by me. I will be strait forward and say that I have only read one or two of Shakespeares plays. However, I have read other plays in my life, and I know a thing or two about acting. I am currently working as part of a film's crew, but would happily leave that for now in order to have a chance in your productions. Being part of a film crew has taught me how to act on set, so I think I'd be able to handle a theatre setting. If you need an actor in the making, then I think that you will find great hope with me. Thank you for your time, Kaitee Buchnam.
Name: Vincent Martin
Age: 40
-Dear Sir or Madam. I am a pretty well rounded, partially famous actor in the show business. I'm sure that if you search my name, that you will find that you have seen me in a few movies. My entire career I have been devoted to acting. I get a job here and a job there, but this is the first time that I have actually applied for the job. My interest was sparked by your request for an adult male part, and I am now very interested in having a job with you. It has always been my goal in life to be a role model to someone out there, and I feel that with this opportunity in the theatre, that I may eventually fufill this goal. Sincerely, Vincent Martin.
Kelly Stanton & Shawn Malloy

Name: Kelly Stanton
Age: 16
-To whom it may concern. I thought I was dreaming when I saw an opening for a teenage female part in your production! I have been taking drama class in school for as long as it's been offered to me, since I would like to be an actor. I have also taken dance since I was four, so I know that I don't get stage fright. If I get this part, I feel that it will jump start my dreams, hopes, and possible career as an ispiring actress. The only Shakespeare I know, is what they have taught in school, but I am quick to learn. I am sure that I can play the part really well, if given the chance. Thank you for taking the time to concider me, Kelly Stanton.
Name: Shawn Malloy
Age: 17
-Sir or Madam. The main reason I am applying for this part is because I have to get a summer job. Although, I know that this production will last longer than the summer. I have never taken any formal acting classes, nor do I read Shakespeare. However, I do watch a great deal of movies, and I aspire to be a film director. So, I think that having a part in a play, will help me understand the world of acting and directing better. Though, I do understand if I do not meet your requirements, however I hope that I do. Who knows, this oportunity might open up more doors for me. Sincerely, Shawn Malloy.
Sorry If the apps all sound similar. I've never written a job application before, and am fresh out of ideas!

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
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