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Original Poster
#1 Old 13th Feb 2009 at 8:45 PM
Default Runway Mommy: Round 2 over

This contest would go in beauty.

Hello, and welcome. This is for all those soon-to-be mommies that DO NOT want to quit their runway jobs while they are pregnant. Although, while all mommies are loved, there are a few qualifications:

-Please be female, adult, human or alien/elf/pixie (just please, no fur lol), and pregnant in your second trimester.
-This does not need to be your first child either.
-Plus-size models are extremely welcomed, and so are mommies expecting multiples.
-There may be up to 2 applications per person (i.e. there can be 2 contestants added in one application, or 2 contestants in 2 seperate applications)
-Custom content is not required, but is surely welcome.
-Photoshop and Simpose are not required, but are also welcome.
-Must meet the standard contest rules (i.e. NO sim-stealing, sim-tweaking, etc)
- If you have questions about other traits that you are unsure of, feel free to ask.

-Please state your name, age, location, the name of the father (or other mommy), and a short bio about yourself.
-You are required of a close-up of your face (shoulders and up) and of a body shot sporting your newly there bump
-There is also an optional free shot of your favorite activity or past-time (whether it be reading, dancing, spending time with your husband/boyfriend, anything)
-Applications are allowed through round one!

There will be 4 rounds and 2 optional bonus rounds for extra points.

-Round 1: Keeping it Comfy: Starts Feb. 23, Ends March 3
-Bonus Round 1: A Day to Relax
-Round 2: Sim-ply Pregnant Magazine: Starts March 7, Ends March 15
-Round 3: Formal Fun
-Bonus Round 2: Beach Beauty
-Round 4: The True Show

-There will be no cuts in the contest until Round 2, and there won't be any cuts for the bonus rounds.

Judge 1: Pux-80's
Judge 2: Cheese
Judge 3: caseyagain

Emergency Judge 1: MissTech
Emergency Judge 2: MrMan212

Jillian Reynolds:


-If I am correct, since this contest has 4 rounds, a star will also be awarded.

-Pux has so kindly made the winner a stunning prize, Julia Pollack

-BR_FI has also made a beautiful sim for the winner:

-Cheese has also made a stunning sim for the winner:

-If anyone else wants to donate a prize, you'll be loved greatly
retired moderator
#2 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 6:46 AM
Contest Approved
Begins 2.16.09
Ends 3.30.09
  • Do not post replies and/or contest applications before the contest host has checked in on this thread, or your post will be deleted.
  • DO NOT WRITE USELESS POSTS like "Hey cool contest, I think I might join." Reserve type posts and useless posts about coming back with an application will be deleted.

Formerly known as boolPropped
Field Researcher
#3 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 11:30 AM
Can I be a judge, please?

Like this post? You'll love my Tumblr! 😉
#4 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 11:45 AM
This sounds like a great contest! I just have one question, will we have to write anything (besides the bio) or will we only be posting pictures each round?
Original Poster
#5 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 12:09 PM
Woot. I'm here. Man, I knew I should have woken up earlier today. lol

wgroome: You will have a PM in around 2 minutes

novemberlove: Contestants will have to give some form of an explination to each picture. Maybe around 5 or so sentances? More of what you see fit, one picture could go with around 3 sentances while another has around 6 or 7. Paragraphs are not needed, but some explination that follows some what of a story line.

I really hope that this post makes sense, I got less than 3 hous of sleep :p
If that was unclear, please let me know, my brain at 7 AM is mush. Thanks!
#6 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 5:10 PM
Ok, thanks! I might join this

(and sorry for posting, I hadn't realized you didn't check in until now!)
Original Poster
#7 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 5:34 PM
novemberlove: That's totally fine, I'm glad it sparked some excitement!
#8 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 5:36 PM
Ooh, another mommy contest! Im just trying to get my game working, if i can ill be back with my application soon.

Just 1 question. We're not going to need Simpose or anything like that are we?
#9 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 6:01 PM
working on my app now, i have a lovely couple
Original Poster
#10 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 6:02 PM
chowgilly: Woot, excitement on the application. lol. Simpose will definately not be needed. I'm unsure of how it even works, but if there are those out there that know, it can be used and could be helpful. There will be "posed" pictures, but Simpose is not required or anything since candid shots are also welcomed.

As a side note, but on that same topic: if there are those that know how to work Simpose, or want to achieve a certain "look" while still using sim animations, I can put a link to a pregnancy modeling agency (thank you tv) that could offer some ideas.

ashilieee_x3: I look forward to seeing your app!
#11 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 6:25 PM
Default Laura Penn~Application!
[CENTER]Name: Gwen Mitchell
Age: 26
Loc: Florida
Father's name: Shawn Mitchell
Bio: Gwen and Shawn met on an underwear photoshoot about 7 years ago, they married soon after. Now they are expecting baby number 1 and they couldn't be more excited. Gwen can't wait to get up and start modeling off her bump.


#12 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 2:51 AM
its really sad... i wanna join, but, I don't think I'll have the time. ?
I'll debate it another day!

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 2:52 AM
Hey D63121, can I be a judge?
#14 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 4:42 AM
come on ppl join it will be fun, you know you wanna hehe
#15 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 5:35 PM
Name: Ella Ashburner
Age: 22
Location: London
Father: Liam Ashburner
I started modelling for a children clothing range at the age of 11 but stopped after a year when my Mum died and my father turned to the drink. From a wealthy background, I was soon looking at higher modelling at the age of 14 when it looked like me and my father were going have to leave our mansion and find something much smaller. Unfortunately, I didn't find much work at that age and soon lost all hope. At the age of 16, my father disappeared leaving me on my own and studying. The best bet on where my father was was most probably a betting place or a pub. But 7 months later, still no news.
I met Liam when we were both 17, both taking an interest in modelling. Liam was interested in being a photographer, me, a full time model. Together we sent in photos to many agencies, magazines and shops and always took an offer of a job. By the age of 19, we were married and worked for a local, but expanding, fashion magazine, fashioning different "in" styles and clothes from independent shops. I did many fashion shows and catwalks whilst Liam worked with different models and continued to take quality photos. We were both overjoyed when I got pregnant but soon found myself unemplyed; my bosses didn't like the idea of their top model getting saggy. But I didn't mind really, yet I was going to miss the actually modelling. Lucily, Liam was bringing in a healthy wage.
Face Shot

Bump shot (Note: She is on her second trimester but in most of the pictures I took she doesn't look that big. It may be the merternity clothing she was wearing, so I clothed her in some default PJs.)

I have taken to being a complete slob nowadays whilst Liam is at work and I have the house to myself. I watch a lot of films, read some books I've been meaning to read, and I've taken an interest in knitting.

Hope that app is O.K. ^^
Top Secret Researcher
#16 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 5:44 PM
Looks like a great contest, I may have to join.
Just after I ridded of my pregnant clothing hacks haha.
Quick little question; Is this like a modeling contest but with pregnant sims? I mean so the pictures will be like photoshoots? y/n?

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#17 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 7:47 PM
Unless im being blind( i often am) but im just wondering when the app deadline is? My silly comp has decided it doesn't want to let me play, so im just wondering when id have to get it done by?
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 8:02 PM
oh oh oh i so wanna join. need to sort out my game just reinstalled and everything's in a pickle. When is the closing date? can i be a judge if i cant join?

It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honor that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.
Original Poster
#19 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 9:37 PM
sorry, I just got home from school but I'm on now lol

ashilieee_x3: Looking great!
Zela: It looks great!

simcharley1990: Essentially, yes they will be like photoshoots. Like I will assign a "theme" persay for the rounds and then the contestants will be moddeling it. For the most part, they will probably be "posed" pictuers unless the "look" you're going for is "posed with a candid feel." Sorry, I hope that made sense. If not, I can try to explain it better.

chowgilly: You aren't blind, I haven't posted it yet lol. Applications will be allowed through round 1. Also, at a midway point during round 1 I will most likely post the "bonus round." The bonus round is optional, and the points will go toward the overall score, not the round score. Round 1 will start on the 23rd, so there is definately still enough time

angel4rab: *points up* lol. There should be enough time to join if you want, but if you don't want to join then PM me. Just let me know what your decision is lol
Top Secret Researcher
#20 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 9:39 PM
Ok, I'm going to use a sim that is already in game, I just finished writing the app and i'll take the pregnancy picture tomorrow hopefully.

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Original Poster
#21 Old 17th Feb 2009 at 9:44 PM
Sounds great!!

Note to everyone: This contenst should be pretty kick money. We'll have some mad fun. Also, after straining hours, I have created the prize lol. Pictures of her are posted and if I missed something/she looks like an ugly maxis sim, PM me and I'll fix her lol.
Also, I have updated the contest info with the round timing and such.
#22 Old 18th Feb 2009 at 12:27 AM
Default clw8 -application :)

*Name: Josie Kinkirk
*Age: 29 y/o
*Location: Strangetown
*Husbands Name: Mason Kinkirk
*Bio: Josie is a small town girl. Born and raised in Strangetown, along with her 2 older sisters. Shortly after highschool, Josie decided that college didn't seem the place for her, and started waiting tables down a Jimmie's Bar. On a hot, July night, she met, and later fell in love with her husband, Mason. They now spend the days together in a 4 room home that belongs to Mason's Grandparents.

Though, Josie has no previous modeling experience, besides beauty pagents, which, actually isn't modeling, she has, however, always thought it'd be fun to model, and always enjoys watching modeling competitions on tv. This is more of an eyeopening experience for her, to better help her determine what more there is to life.




Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
#23 Old 18th Feb 2009 at 12:37 AM
ill donate the "result" of my sims...meaning the newly born toddler if you'd like. (he/she may be ugly though lol) i dont really care about prizes, i just have fun. your sim is pretty that you donated. thank you. just let me know.

great competition guys keep em rollin.
Field Researcher
#24 Old 18th Feb 2009 at 12:46 AM
Name: Calypso Kings
Age: 25
Location: Hollywood
Father of the Baby? Heh she doesn't really know.... [/blush]

Calyspo is an actress living in Hollywood. She was born in 1984 in London, England. When she was 10 her mother died of cancer and she was sent to live with her father in Paris. With her father being a Director actress was her first choice early on. Being in her first production when she was only 12. But part of being an actress on the fast track from a young age, is being introduced to things she couldn't understand at a young age. Partying is her absolute favorite hobby, though the hang overs are abit of a turn off.


I'm not sure if this will work.. I accidentally deleted the other

Hobby Pic
Her at the club dancing with some friend.

Stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone.
My exchange page (50+ creations)
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 18th Feb 2009 at 3:29 AM
Could I be a judge? =)
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