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#1 Old 4th Feb 2023 at 11:48 PM Last edited by blackSoul : 5th Feb 2023 at 9:07 AM.
Default Colour Changing while zooming
I created a recolour for a gate and it shows up ingame but only when i zoom really close to the object. When i zoom out it changes back to the default colour and i really don't know why. I've recolourd mostly paintings before and that never happened to me. I've no clue what i did wrong. Any help would be appreciated!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 5th Feb 2023 at 1:30 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 5th Feb 2023 at 1:41 AM.
Did you recolor using DXT or by using Import?

If you used Import, you also have to do "update all sizes", or it doesn't update all the mipmaps (the smaller textures that shows when you zoom out).

If you use DXT texturing (DXT3 or 5), it updates all the sizes for you, and generally the quality is also a lot better. You should not do "update all sizes" with DXT texturing, because it can cause issues with the object when zooming.

Poppet's tutorial here shows how to use DXT:

(DXT3 is fine for most textures. Use DXT5 if there's transparency or cutouts, as it supports multi-level alphas).
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#3 Old 5th Feb 2023 at 9:06 AM
Oh my God... now i feel stupid.
I didn't even think about changing the DXT!
"You should not do "update all sizes" with DXT texturing, because it can cause issues with the object when zooming." Didn't know about that, always good to learn something new. Have to keep that in mind.

It works like a charm now! Thanks so much for your help!
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