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#1 Old 20th Nov 2021 at 5:17 PM Last edited by Softlism : 27th Jan 2022 at 10:44 AM.
Default [SOLVED] How to create a mesh default replacement for a BG full-body outfit without changing the texture?
For personal use, I want to replace the mesh of a full-body outfit with someone else's mesh, but retaining the original Maxis texture. I'm not sure if the mesh-DR-to-be is only for TM, though.

So what are the steps I should take in SimPE ?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 20th Nov 2021 at 9:49 PM
if it's just the mesh and it can use the same texture, you can extract the GMDC resource from the original outfit, make a new file, import the GMDC, save the file with a new filename (don't do "Fix integrity" or other changes you'd normally do for a standalone mesh, since you want this one to replace the original). Then you can replace the mesh - you may have to do changes to group naming depending on the mesh. Make sure the new mesh can use the same texture (UVmap, same number of mesh groups/textures, etc.)

If the mesh has a different number of mesh groups to the one you want to replace, you'll usually have to use the PropertySet method. There's a tutorial here: https://mooglesims.livejournal.com/26934.html
Original Poster
#3 Old 5th Dec 2021 at 1:39 PM
@simmer22 it seems like I have too little knowledge about SimPE to figure out myself how to extract Maxis meshes. Do I have to use the Skin Workshop tool?

I've already previewed the new mesh with the Maxis texture with Bodyshop, and it looks fine.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 5th Dec 2021 at 4:39 PM
I don't even know what the "skin workshop tool" is...

For ingame meshes you can use the default database to find the name of most clothing meshes, or (if you can't find it there) make a recolor in Bodyshop and open the recolor in SimPE and check the PropertySet/MeshOverlay/TextureOverlay resource (that's the name in the "resource tree" in SimPE. The resource itself has the name you're after in the "resource view"). The first part of the name before the underscore is usually the name of the mesh, although sometimes the age or gender prefix can be different, depending on whether the mesh is used for multiple ages/genders (often the case for child/toddler or larger work outfits).

To extract the mesh you need to know the name. Usually the mesh name is something like "afbodydress" and the original recolors (the names you'll find in the PropertySets) are something like "afbodydress_blue" or "afbodydress_green"

You copy down the name before the _ and do file --> new in SimPE.
Then you find the PJSE tool (Tools --> PJSE --> Body Mesh Tool --> Extracting Stage)
Paste in the name, and click OK.
(I think you can also extract directly from a recolor file with the "browse" button, but I never do that)

Right-click the GMDC file, click "extract" (personally I tend to copy/paste the name of the mesh into the filename box, in the example here "afbodydress", otherwise you get a string of letters/numbers as a filename).

From there you can import it into Milkshape, edit, do whatever.

Or you can import it into a different file by right-clicking the GMDC in that file and replacing it.
(Personally, I like to make sure the filenames match in the file I'm in, so I copy/paste the original name so everything looks fine afterward)
Make sure to commit and save the file.
Original Poster
#5 Old 10th Dec 2021 at 1:38 PM
@simmer22 Now it's clear to me how to extract the Maxis mesh -- I've created a new file in SimPE and extracted the mesh "tmbodyhipjersey". But what are the further steps have to take in this file to replace the "tmbodyhipjersey" with the Grizzelda mesh in this case?
Mad Poster
#6 Old 10th Dec 2021 at 1:58 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 10th Dec 2021 at 2:13 PM.
Can you be more spesific about which outfit you want to replace, and what you want to replace it with? "The Grizzelda mesh" tells me nothing. Are you certain the mesh is going to work with the EA textures? If not, the Moogle tutorial might be a better way.

- One way is to use Moogle's tutorial at the top. This one replaces the entire outfit and recolors. Best used if there's a mismatch between the mesh or recolors. This method allows recolors of the original mesh to work.

- The other way is to directly replace the textures and/or mesh. Can be used if you want to keep the general looks of the original, but just want to fix a small detail, or the morphs, or want to keep the original mesh but give it new textures. Best used where the UVmap isn't changed in a significant way. It's not a good idea to use this method for a complete mesh/recolor makeover (for clothes/hair, anyway).


Anyway, if you've decided you want to replace just the mesh, extract the mesh you want to replace your mesh with (the Grizzelda mesh in your case). Extract the GMDC by right-clicking and save-as. Also check the names of the groups.

Extract the GMDC from the Maxis mesh (in your case "tmbodyhipjersey") and import it into a new file (extract without changing the name, you'll get the weird letters, that's fine - it retains the internal name). You shouldn't need the other resources.

Make sure all the groups in both meshes have the same names (if there's a mismatch - if the mesh you want to replace just has "body" but the mesh you want to replace it with has "body" and "shoes" you'll have to do it with Moogle's tutorial).

If they're good to go, you can right-click the GMDC and replace the mesh in the "tmbodyhipjersey" file (I usually copy the name first, and paste it in after, just so the file looks alright).

Commit, then save.
Original Poster
#7 Old 8th Jan 2022 at 7:13 PM
@simmer22 So I have extracted both meshes. [pic 1] I've created a new file and imported the XML file of TMbodyhipjersey. The groups have the same names, i.e. "body" only, so I assume there's no mismatch. However, when I replaced it with the XML file of the grizzelda mesh, I get this message [pic 2]. Am I supposed to get this message when replacing a mesh?
Original Poster
#8 Old 25th Jan 2022 at 1:50 PM
@simmer22 It seems like that the interface of Simantics Object Finder has been updated. What checkboxes should I tick in to get a list of Maxis clothes? Does it still work if I have all the "objects.package" files set to Read-Only?
Mad Poster
#9 Old 25th Jan 2022 at 2:18 PM
^ I don't use that one (don't think I've even seen the interface), I just use the "Finder" tab at the bottom of SimPE with "name map" selected, and search for a piece in the name of the mesh/resource I'm looking for. It finds textures and meshes.

I don't know about the error/message. I don't think I usually get that one (can't remember it). I usually select the 5gd file and not the xml (but both need to be present).
Original Poster
#10 Old 26th Jan 2022 at 1:58 PM
@simmer I've reread Moogle's tutorial and I managed to replace the mesh, though it only worked for one of the recolors. How can I apply the mesh replacement for all the recolors, including CC done on that mesh?
Attached files:
File Type: zip  DEFAULT_tmbodyhipjersey_mesh-only_Grizzelda.zip (95.7 KB, 4 downloads)
Mad Poster
#11 Old 26th Jan 2022 at 3:04 PM
So let me get this straight - you want to replace the "tmbodyhipjersey" mesh with Grizelda's mesh, using all the original recolors?

As far as I can see there's only a teen version of this one, so you can do a simple mesh replacement. I showed how to above, but maybe it wasn't clear enough.

----- open a new document in SimPE ----- extract "tmbodyhipjersey"with the PJSE tool.
------Save the file with a new name, delete the SHPE, CRES and GMND (you can keep them if you want, but they're not necessary unless you're changing something in either of them), then save again.

------search for the mesh with the "Finder" (the tab at the bottom, use "NameMap", "Contains [match]" and "tmbodyhipjersey").
------Double-click the "tmbodyhipjersey", extract without renaming.
----- open a new document in SimPE ------Right-click and "add" the files you extracted into the new document
------Save the file with a new name.

With either method (pick one) you should now have a file with a "tmBodyHipJersey_tslocator_gmdc" resource.

Assuming you already have extracted Grizzelda (5gd and xml) files available (if not, extract the mesh)
---In the new "tmBodyHipJersey_tslocator_gmdc" file,
--- Copy the "filename" in the box above "models" (not 100% necessary, but I like to do it so it's easier to see what it replaces)
--- Right-click the GMDC, choose "replace"
--- Choose the Grizzelda mesh (here it's VERY important that the meshes have the same setup, or they'll look weird ingame - yours replaces body with body, so that works), choose the 5GD file.
--- Before clicking commit, paste in the filename in the "Filename" box, so it says "tmBodyHipJersey_tslocator_gmdc"
--- Click "Commit", then "Save".

You should end up with a regular mesh replacement that works for any recolors of that mesh. It can clash with other variants of defaults, but as long as you only have this one for this mesh, it's fine.
Original Poster
#12 Old 26th Jan 2022 at 4:47 PM
@simmer22 thanks, this makes it more clear. Your instructions are different than those by Mooglesims because they're referring to the 3DIR files instead (section "Step Five"). However, I got the "Resource Changed" pop-up again (see screenshot post no.7), even though I'm sure I picked the 5gd file. Should I click Yes or No?
Mad Poster
#13 Old 26th Jan 2022 at 7:13 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 27th Jan 2022 at 11:33 AM.
Yes, it's probably fine (I don't get the popup). Do you have the "advanced mode" and "Silent (less popups)" options ticked in the settings? I do. Could have something to do with that.


This is how to make a regular mesh default that directly defaults the mesh - it also works for textures, or other resources. It's the "old" method, but is still used for build/buy items and simple CAS mesh edits.

Moogle's tutorial indirectly defaults items by referencing them via the 3DIR/PropertySet. Recolors of the original mesh still work, and will show up using the original mesh. It's mostly used if you're swapping out the mesh and recolors for a completely different item, especially if there's a difference in group numbers (good examples are hairs and 3t2/4t2 clothes, which very rarely work as direct mesh/texture replacements). They're also a bit less likely to cause issues with existing recolors/meshes.


If you want your defaults to override the original mesh and use the existing textures, you can use my instructions.

If you don't want it to completely override but default via the PropertySet, you need to use Moogle's tutorial (you need to link all the textures to make it work).
Original Poster
#14 Old 27th Jan 2022 at 10:44 AM
Thanks, now it works! :D
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