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#1 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 6:55 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 5:05 PM.
Default Interesting Challenge: The Burnt Catalog!
~The Story~
A Single parent has just moved into a small house with their child but messed up their paper work and ended up sleeping in a motel for a night. While the single parent was sleeping a scream erupted followed by a fire alarm. The alarmed parent rushes in only to find the child had burned that catalog. After the fire was put out, They packed up and went to their new home. Unfortunately, their only way of obtaining furniture was from the catalog which only had a few sections remaining. Because of the fire, the parent is depressive and not able to do anything useful. No cleaning, painting or whatever gives skill points or money. He/she does not much more than reading novels, relaxing on the couch or bed or looking at the sky (not the telescope) and only talks with the child.

~The Start~

Create a simple family. Name it whatever you want. Make a single parent, it can be either male or female. Make them have any aspiration. Then create a child, not a toddler or a baby, but a child. Next, move them into an affordable small house and furnish it-BUT-You must use the rules for furnishings.

~Introduction(by arathea)~

When the child becomes a teen, it realizes what happened and wants to try to bring the parent back to reality. The key is a restored catalog.
The kid starts to learn and works on it's skills. a number of points of a certain skill will restore a part of the catalog, All skills maxed out will restore the rest of the catalog.

Every restored part of the catalog will give the parent more abilities.

~The Rules~

Furnishing rules:

1. You may buy items from the Children's section.
2. You may buy from the Bookcase/Game section.
3. You may buy items from the Plumbing section.
4. You MAY NOT buy items from the Comfort section.
5. You MAY NOT buy items from anywhere else in the catalog.
6. You MAY NOT use custom content.

Game Play rules:

1. You may not obtain items any way other then purchasing them.
2. You may only marry townies or NPCs.
3. You may not use custom content.
4. You must obey all the furnishing rules.
5. You may not have pets.
6. You may not move out children.
7. You may not move out the single parent or play any other family outside of that house.
9. You may not use the workbench.
10. You may not go to college.
13. The parent may not get a job.
14. The parent may not gain skill points.
15. The parent may not make money.
16. The parent can only talk with the child, watch the sims broadcasting channel and sit on the couch or sleep pretty much.


~Restoring The Catalog~

These are the ways to restore the life of the family. First, your child must become a teen, then your teen can complete the following restoring challenges. BUT REMEMBER that the teen cannot complete these challenges unless they have a B average in school and attend it each day.

Puberty - Become a teen. Unlocks Chairs/Couches/Tables/Counters

Sandwich Maker[B] - Level 3 Cooking. Unlocks Refrigerators
- Level 5 Cooking. Unlocks Food Processors/Microwaves/Toasters/Coffee Makers
BBQ Gal/Guy - Level 8 Cooking. Unlocks Grills
Chef - Level 10 Cooking. Unlocks the rest of the Appliances Section

WorkerGet a Teen job. Unlocks Cars(They cannot be used to leave the lot, only to go to work/Woohoo)
Hard WorkerGet to the top of the Teen job. Unlocks the Working Parent goal

Artsy - Level 5 Creativity. Unlocks Decorations
Wood Worker - Level 10 Creativity Unlocks Comfort Section

Fixer - Level 3 Mechanical. Unlocks Radios
Mechanic - Level 6 Mechanical. Unlocks Electronic Entertainment/Phones/Alarms/Clocks
Electric Engineer - Level 10 Mechanical. Unlocks all Electronics

Mirror Breaker - Level 5 Charisma. Unlocks Party Items.
They - Level 10 Charisma. Unlocks Wardrobes

Rough Rider[B] - Level 10 body. Unlocks Workout Machines.

- Level 10 Logic. Unlocks Pets

Overachiever - Levels Maxed. Unlocks everything.

~Restoring The Parent~

The following Teen achievements result in Parent changes as shown below.

Cooking Parent - Teen Chef achievement. Parent can cook or gain cooking skill points
Working Parent - Teen Hard Worker achievement. Parent can get job
Creative Parent - Teen Wood Worker achievement. Parent can paint or gain creativity points.[/U]
Funny Parent - Teen Electric Engineer achievement. [I]Parent can do all fun activities.

Sexy Parent - Teen They achievement. Parent can gain Charisma points
Soccer Mom/Dad - Teen Overachiever. Parent can go to community/vacation lots and can do anything.

~The End~

The challenge ends when the catalog is restored and the depression is cured.

Thanks Very much to arathea for all the wonderful ideas!
#2 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 7:02 PM
Wow, this looks VERY interesting! I may give it a shot!
Thanks for making a great and enjoyable challenge!
I thiknk the hardest part of this challenge will be keeping the fun motives high...
Top Secret Researcher
#3 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 7:08 PM
Lew *points at rule about Hobbies section*

I don't give a f*ck, God sent me to piss the world off!
#4 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 8:15 PM
Yeah, I know. But some of the hobbies take away alot of your energy mater away... so you'd kind've have to keep a balance.
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#5 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 8:27 PM
There's some tips and tricks you can use. heh-heh. Did you figure out a solution for food?
#6 Old 2nd Nov 2009 at 10:18 PM Last edited by arathea : 3rd Nov 2009 at 8:40 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Katika
Did you figure out a solution for food?


How about gardening/fishing for money? Digging for treasure?

I'm sorry to say that, but since I found a way to deal with(out) the food it starts to be a bit boring. I follow a few routines (depending on the kid's age) so that they not starve to death and just wait 'till daddy is old enough to die of old age. You should add some more restrictions or goals to reach to keep it interesting.
Don't worry, the challenge is a great idea.
Field Researcher
#7 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 4:34 AM
what is the objective here? just to live using only those category items? there should be more of a goal i think.

"Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day - accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day." - Don Vito Corleone [Godfather]
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#8 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 8:28 PM
Any ideas for it then?
#9 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 9:17 PM
Maybe like this:

Because of the fire, the parent is depressive and not able to do anything useful. No cleaning, painting or whatever gives skill points or money. He/she does not much more than reading novels, relaxing on the couch or bed or looking at the sky (not the telescope) and only talks with the child.

When the child becomes a teen, it realizes what happend and wants to try all to bring the parent back to reality. The key is a restored catalog.
The kid starts to learn and works on it's skills. X points of a certain skill will restore a part of the catalog, like cooking = appliances, mechanic = electronics, charisma = party or cleaning = decorative. All skills maxed out will restore the rest of the catalog.
Every restored part of the catalog will give the parent more abilities, like decorating = cleaning the house and garden and reading skill books, party = socializing and using skill objects that raise the fun.
At one point you could open the community and/or vacation lots.

The challenge ends when the catalog is restored and the depression is cured.
You could add some extra goals, that the parent has to find a new spouse and/or that the child, when grown up, has to marry and has it's own child(ren).

I hope you like my ideas.
#10 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 9:50 PM
Wouldn't it be a good idea to add some type of penalty if the parent dies of anything other than old age? As the challenge stands now, I can play for seven sim days, just long enough for the child to grow up, and then kill off the parent while still following the rules to the letter. Now that I think about it, a penalty for the child being taken away by the social worker would be good, too.

Spoiler: This challenge really doesn't seem that hard, even considering that I don't have any EPs past OFB. It seems like a matter of getting free food from work and school, having my sims sleep in the cheap beds (motive decay slows while a sim is asleep), and keeping my sims meditating as soon as they are able to do so.
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#11 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 7:45 PM
My Final version is done and it's updated to be much more fun please look at it again.
#12 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 9:57 PM
I'm glad you liked my ideas.

Let's have a look... *evil grin*

- When the comfort section is unlocked from the beginning, what more items does Puberty and Wood Worker unlock?
- When the hobby section is unlocked from the beginning, what more workout machines does Rough Rider unlock?

- For those who have Seasons, is gardening/fishing allowed? If yes, from the beginning or will it be unlocked at one point?

- Is the parents ability to clean the house, do gardening and socializing with other sims than the child connected with Teen Overachiever or will other achievements unlock these activities before?

- Will lights be unlocked with electronics or must the family live in darkness until the end of the challenge?

I'll start this challenge tomorrow, good night! *zzzzzzz*
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#13 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 8:22 PM
I tried to make some improvements, not sure if it helps?
#14 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 10:53 PM Last edited by arathea : 10th Nov 2009 at 1:36 AM.
Wow, have you tried that? Without beds?

I found a solution for comfort, I found a solution for fun, but energy kills it.
The parent isn't the problem, he can pass out the whole day, but the child has to go to school, do the homework and must care for the food or the social worker is knocking at the door.
Maybe someone else finds a way to deal with the lack of energy, otherwise I would suggest to allow one bed, the cheapest single bed for both.

Edit 2:
Btw, what will unlock the hobby/creativity section?
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#15 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 12:51 AM
I know all the tricks, I made this challenge of course. Here's a spoiler...

You can satisfy hunger by having the child use the kid baking oven.
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#16 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 2:12 AM

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
#17 Old 11th Nov 2009 at 5:30 AM Last edited by arathea : 11th Nov 2009 at 1:19 PM.
As I said, I found a solution for food, but what are you doing to get enough energy?
Passing out at the floor will give about 25% energy with all other needs horrible falling and without mods you can't tell them to sleep on the floor. When they wake up, the child has enough energy to get the needs partially up, go to school - and passing out the moment coming back from school. When it wakes up there is enough time to take a bath, raise fun and social a little bit and bake enough for both (The parent needs some food, too, remember?). With passing out the child needs more food, too, because all needs are falling much faster than with sleeping in a bed.
So, what is your trick to get enough energy?

Ok, without beds - one day left until the child becomes a teen. A very poor childhood.

When will the creativity section be unlocked? We need mirrors and beds!

Edit 2:
The child grew up in deep red and I can't make any progress. In my opinion, everyone who can manage that the teen gets Bs, is having a job and has time to skill up - and this with only napping on a couch - is a genius. I can't do more than giving her Cs and let them stay alive - with frequent visits of the social bunny.
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