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#1 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 8:08 PM
Losing Reality~ Fantasy rp~ Apps always open~ Roleplay starting

Ealier today i saw some amazing ideas for an rp and then posted i had a idea for an fantasy rp. So here i am, i wasnt lieing one bit. The theme came from a story idea for sims 2 about a monthes ago. I finished the first two chapters and the prolouge and was going to post it, but i never did because i went back and read it, and then began to judge myself, telling myself over and over " its silly nonsense" The story was to be called Looseing reality, about a girl who lost the only guy that she was in love with, and her twin sister taking her into a place where she beleieved was only in fairy tales, and in dreams. There, she finds her long lost love and then is thrown in a love triangle when she also falls in love with an elf. I decided to garbage it, the only thing i kept was the land. I tried to write diffrent stories with the same land and same story name, except i could never write it, i only got a theme. Right now, i have my best theme sitting in front of me, to tell all of you what it is, and see if i can pick up roleplayers, and maybe get a story from it that everyone could enjoy. Note: Check the screenshots attatched to this to see where races start. Also, get pics of char, sims or other pics will be fine. If sim, get remeber to get headshot, full body shot is optianal.
Note 2: also, if your a human or half elf, please post where you are starting with theese intials: EH (Elf/ halfling starting zone.) FAH (Fairy/ animal humanoid starting zone.) D (dwarf starting zone)
Looseing Reality: THEME:

Darkness began to rise. Wars began. Bloodshed, it was to much. The anicent darkness rose above all others. It called to all races, all peoples, telling them it was eternal light, that came to stop the fighting and the worthless bloodshed. The council of the races though told the peoples that not to beleieve this "Eternal light" because all it was, was pure darkness. But the people ignored the council, and exiled them to the farthest corner of Airidia. They watched as the world began to darken, and new, more lifetaking wars began. Soon, people fled to the council, and they began to build an army. The people that stayed behind, were now slaves of darkness, they were orcs, they were undead. The council had raised an army by now, and finally struck. 568 days of war passed, and the council and their army, was defeated. 1,000,000 warriors, men and woman, of the council went in, free as they could be, only 5,000 came out, still free. They fled, and built their own soicietes, and forgot the ancient darkness. until 250 years later, slowly, yet gradualy, people began to disappear. The darkness is stretching out its hand to take what is free into its hand, but where are the heroes to stop it. Its now up to the people, on how to reshape their world.

Character design (ur profile/Charcter):
-Elf (Lotr style)
-Animal Humanoid
-Half elf ( put in parthensis elf/ [whatever main race] next to half elf)
Sub-Races ( u can have muti sub-races) (optianal):
-Morpher (change into anything)

Classes (many as u want):
-Elementalist (elemental controler)
-Monk (preist/ess)
- Assassin
-Ritualist (controls spirits)
-Dervish (preist/ess that fights instead of healing)
-Paragon ( a type of commander)
-Druid (combined ranger with since if you look at it they are practacly the same!)
-anything except guns, chainsaws, drills, and flamethrowers.
you also post:
so there you have it, Sign up and join the rp if you want to!

~~~~~Character list~~~~~~~~~~
Andrea Fayth Feir'Dal/ faythfeather_andrea
Ophelia Alatáriel / littlesunshine123xx
Lilli / conectzeedots
Arethusa / SwirlyHill

TY for your time! :howdy:
faythfeather_ andrea.
#2 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 8:43 PM
Oh first to post i think. Can i join. One simple question im thinking about being an elf but are they small elves like santas or tall elves lotr style.
Just to help you, maybe u sud put up an application form with like the name age species headshot and stuff just a thought.
Original Poster
#3 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 8:45 PM
LOTR style elves., ty for reminding me to do that or i would have been in trouble! and yes, u are first so deffinatly!
#4 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 8:56 PM
Yeah was hoping that they wud be lotr style elves
#5 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 9:22 PM
I might enter *contemplates weather to enter or not*

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
#6 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 9:34 PM
((Do then we can rp together if u like.))
#7 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 9:37 PM
((ok littlesunshine123xx I'll go and whip up a new sim :D))

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Original Poster
#8 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 9:39 PM
brb starting character list on first post
#9 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 9:39 PM
((I will, It sounds like alot of fun :D))

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Original Poster
#10 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 9:43 PM
bah, next time i rp i need to fix the camrea, lol
#11 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:01 PM
I just noticed that your new to the site. Welcome
But I have to tell you something, do not double post. It's considered "spamming" and/or "bumping your thread."

If nobody has written either edit your last post, or delete it so you can write a new one. Trust me if you double post alot, you could get in trouble with the mods. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saving you from getting in trouble with a mod :D

Double Posting: Posting more then one post in a row. You should only have one post, and then somebody elses, never yours continually.

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Original Poster
#12 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:04 PM
kk ty for warning me, i got rid of double posts
#13 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:06 PM
Your welcome :D
I just hated seeing/letting somebody else get in trouble when I always used to get in trouble for double posting .lol.

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Original Poster
#14 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:07 PM
I see your point, if one of my friends did something like that id warn them
#15 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:11 PM
Character name: Ophelia Alatáriel
Age: 674
Race: Elf
Sub-Race: Fairy/Human
Class: Enchantress/Druid/Warrior
Bio: Ophelia mother was half human half fairy. She tempted Ophelia father into loving her with her magical fairy powers. When Ophelia was born her mother was murdered. It was believed that someone out there doesnt want races mixing together. Ophelia father is head of one of the elven councils. Lord Alatáriel is her father. Ophelia now wants to go out and fight as a warrior to find and murder the person who was to blame for her mothers death. Being an Lords father Ophelia is expected to stay with her people while her father goes to war. However Ophelia will stop at nothing to go to war and fight for her people and mother. Even if it is against her fathers will.

Click for pic
#16 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:26 PM
Can you change the title spelling to 'Losing Reality'?
Original Poster
#17 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:26 PM
lol now im mad at myself, i had a better picture for character
#18 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by faythfeather_andrea
lol now im mad at myself, i had a better picture for character

You can still change ur character pic only me and u are in the rp at the moment anyway.
#19 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 10:42 PM
Character name:Lilli
Age: 18
half elf (elf/human)
Sub-Race: Faerie/Human
Class: Druid, Enchantress
Bio: was born in the wake of a secret romance between her mother, an elf, and her father, a human. They met in the summertime while her mother was picking flowers. They met secretly for 3 years before having a hidden wedding in the forest of enchantment. was born 20 months later [elves have different gestation periods] and grew up in the care of her father after her elven grandfather banished her father for being with his only daughter. Her father keeps her in the house, as he does not want her to be kidnapped. His daughter is very physically appealing to the males in town, so he keeps in the house to avoid her being taken away like his wife. She has never met her mother, and has recently discovered her ancestry.
Original Poster
#20 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 11:00 PM
fixed it
#21 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 11:03 PM
Is my application okay?
Original Poster
#22 Old 5th Jan 2008 at 11:36 PM
Default Bumping down profile where all the others are so it makes some logical sense

Character name: Andrea Fayth Feir'Dal
Age: 426
Race: Elf
Sub-Race: Morpher, angel, human
Class: enchantress, warrior, druid
Bio: Once a proper elven girl, Andrea's life was sent spinning with her unexpected family's death at 14. When her home exploded, leaveing Andrea trapped under a table for 5 days, orcs nearly mistook her for a afternoon snack. She quickly grabbed her father's sword after they moved the table off of her, and sent them to their graves without even realizeing what she was doing. Andrea has learned alot in her 426 years, but she still strives to destroy the darkness that killed her parents and siblings.

Minus the fracken lightsaber though!!
Original Poster
#23 Old 13th Jan 2008 at 7:01 PM
Okay, since we haven't gotten anyone else, I'm thinking about starting, people can join at any time though!
#24 Old 13th Jan 2008 at 7:03 PM
still here.
Original Poster
#25 Old 13th Jan 2008 at 7:24 PM
Okay, I don't know about sunshine, maybe I should send her a privite message

Shes full on private messages, she needs to clear it out before I can send her a privite message saying we're starting!

Okay, I got through to her.

cool shes still in! anytime when your all ready we'll start!

Were starting now:
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