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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 4th Feb 2005 at 1:22 PM
Include vertex normals
I'm trying to learn something about 3D and I'm studying an useful guide.

So.. I modified a hair mesh and I searched to use Sim 2 Mesh Tool to import it. When I load my 3d file, ia appears this message:
"OBJ file doesn't include vertex normals! You must have these included".

Can you please tell me what I have to do? I've searched in this site and in the net but I found nothing.

Nearly alive
#2 Old 4th Feb 2005 at 2:41 PM
Sorry but you couldn`t of looked very hard, as this question is included in our FAQ which is the first post on every page in our
Mesh tool help and FAQ thread:

as it says there , the way you get your 3d program to export the normals is different for every 3d editing program, so we can`t help you other than say read the manual, or some tutorials for the 3d program you are using.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 4th Feb 2005 at 2:57 PM
Thank you very much
Test Subject
#4 Old 4th Feb 2005 at 5:38 PM
This is probably the answer, from this forum:
Drat... the format of 3DS .obj files is completely different from that of Anim8or .obj files... (we're talking blew up in my face when I tried to load anim8or obj!).

Hmmm... I had originally been planning on pointing out that .obj files have the normals already calculated in them... and that the face definition is in the form
f point1/tex1/normal1 point2/tex2/normal2 point3/tex3/normal3 etc...

But your ninja.obj doesn't contain a single vn and defines faces with

f point1/tex1 point2/tex3 point3/tex3...

(I'm guessing 3DS doesn't save them because it prefers to calculate them on the fly...).

Since that's the case, there is probably no way to "tell" 3DS Max to include the vertex normals without using an external program or converter of some form. Personally I have been using Milkshape to do both import and export both before and after work in 3DS Max, although one of the other converters would probably work just fine as well. (See this thread for further discussion of converters.)

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 6th Feb 2005 at 9:31 PM
Thank you very very much yggdrasil! :D
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