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#1 Old 2nd Dec 2023 at 3:10 AM
Red Square of Death - cheat/mod to complete objectives?
Hello! First post here, I looked around a bit for a solution but I couldn't find a clear answer.

In short - is there a way to either generate a new advisor, or use a mod/cheat to auto-complete a quest objective (not the quest in total) ?

I tried a mod and it bugged my game...the advisor is a red square, no name, no relations, can't be called or interacted with.
I've seen other people with this bug, but no solutions.

Considering the royal advisor is important in a number of quests, I don't think I can just play around it.

Thank you!
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Original Poster
#2 Old 10th Dec 2023 at 4:01 AM
UPDATE - Here's what I've tried, yet I haven't reached a solution :

- With TestingCheats enabled, I tried to change the relationship with the red square by shift-clicking the relationship bar.
- Then, if I interect with a sim, the relationship status updates - the relationship bar, which was previously white, is now red and kind off bugged. It's shifted out of the UI to the left.
- I do the same as the first step, then interact with a sim.
- The red square does not exist anymore, but the game hasn't generated a new advisor.
- Saving the game and reloading only brings back the square.

I've done these steps at the beggining of the "First Steps" quest, and sadly it only regenerates the red square when you send the letter for hire.

I recall now that I used DeeDawgs mod to modify the advisor in CAS, both I don't remember what happened that bugged it out.
At this point I'm playing this safe file out of spite.
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#3 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 4:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Choup
In short - is there a way to either generate a new advisor, or use a mod/cheat to auto-complete a quest objective (not the quest in total) ?

Hi! What a weird bug, I never had the red square of death D:

To auto-complete quest objectives you need to have the TestingCheats enabled and left-click (while pressing CTRL, I think) the little square of the objective.

You should kill your advisor if he's bugged though. Doing so would fail the quest but don't worry, you can do it again (it normally appears again in the quest selection screen but if not just use the console command "showallquests"). Look around this forum, I think there's a "murder" mod, or just make him selectable (shift-click in him while having testingcheats enabled) and empty his hunger bar.
You can kill pretty much all npcs of the game, I often do so if they have an appearance I don't like or just want to generate a new one (like with the guards, the servants or the foreign dignataries).

That is if you can find him, if you can't (he disappeared or something) I highly advise to abandon the quest and try again, or just make a new kingdom.
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