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Original Poster
#1 Old 19th Jul 2024 at 11:50 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default Fast life mode or very fast mode does not work
Well, that doesn't work for me, I give it a try and it's slow, just like in life, (or almost), so I can't play, it takes a long time, I've reinstalled my graphics card drivers, but nothing, it can always play (although my computer is old ). What could have happened?... Could it be my PC or the game??.... thanks for the help
Mad Poster
#2 Old 20th Jul 2024 at 5:41 AM
1: Are you using the ingame buttons, or numbers on the keyboard? Have you tried both?

2: Does it kind of work, but appears "choppy" as if there are small time jumps, instead of being a smooth time transition?

3: Has it been like this since you installed, or have you been able to use the fast-forward function earlier (same install) but now it doesn't work?

4: Have you tried without CC/mods, just to rule out if there's anything in your downloads causing this? (make sure to backup your neighborhoods/game first).
Original Poster
#3 Old 21st Jul 2024 at 1:25 AM
Hello, thank you for answering so quickly, yesterday out of curiosity I went to another lot family and I was able to advance quickly without problems, and to your questions, of course I was always able to use the fast mode and very fast!... But it stopped doing it and it scared me ;( .a possible cause was that again I tried to put the butler mod (the one that says update4) and it gave me an error, the butler gets stuck and keeps spinning around, so I eliminated it with the insimenatator, (the eraser) and I think it was that's the problem, today I took this family and put it in the drawer, I put it back in the lot, I had to decorate everything again (I hate decorating...) and for now it works fine, so... is it possible that the quick mode will it be damaged by eliminating the butler when he was at stuck in that loop /jump?
Mad Poster
#4 Old 21st Jul 2024 at 6:00 AM
Some things will cause the fast forward mode to stop, like error popups, or most middle-screen popups like career chance cards. This is normal.

It sounds like the butler mod was causing problems, so unless you really want to keep it (which would mean you need to figure out what conflicts with it and then choose between those mods), it's probably best to remove the butler mod.

Fast forward mode wouldn't get permanently damaged from a conflicting mod, but there can still be problems using it until the conflict is resolved (removing one of the mods, or changing load order if this is an option).
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