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#1 Old 22nd Dec 2008 at 4:51 AM Last edited by ah_clem : 22nd Dec 2008 at 11:53 PM.
Default Why no "building blocks"?
First, I want all to understand that I stand before you as someone whose technical acumen is trivial. Nevertheless I'd like to share something you may find interesting.

Frillen's nifty stackable boxes gave me an idea for a build-mode object that would be rather cool:

The Building Block- A solid 1 x 1 x four-click tall block with a one tile foot print.

It would work just like a 1 x 1 foundation square, meaning you can color the sides with wall textures, the top with floor textures and attach walls, fences or stairs to it and would also work like Frillen's boxes, being stackable and placable (not a word?) on the ground or on any kind of foundation.

I went looking for something like this and found some fake floor landing blocks that come pretty close to satisfying the requirements. Like a stage you can place them on the ground or on a foundation and wrap walls against them. However, they can't be stacked like Frillen's boxes. The other thing is it seems that because the blocks get their attributes from a window object they are not treated as "walkable" objects, hence you can't attach fences, stairs or floor tiles to them and sims can't really walk on them as you'll see. Nevertheless they are nearly the Holy Grail of stair-building, but...

Question: Does anyone know whether the "walkable" attributes of foundations can be applied to other objects and, if they can, how do you do it?

Thanks for your time, Clem


A stage placed 8 clicks off the ground provides a valid stair attachment surface. When the CFE cheat is used to place a wall against the stage its side fuses with the wall normally, but the edge of its floor surface is raised to the top of the wall.

What causes this behavior and can it be over-ridden?
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