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#1 Old 3rd Apr 2023 at 3:35 PM
Default The last man on earth challenge Part 5
Hey, I'm finally back with the next part of the challenge! To play it, you unfortunately need the EP "Pets"

Here are parts 1 to 4 of the challenge, if you don't know what I'm talking/writing about:

This time, you don't need to prepare a new person, something else is happening!

- Phil adopts a female horse and names it "Cow", as he in reality finds a real cow
- Give Cow a makeover, and make it look as much like a cow as you can or want
- Also give Phil a little makeover, and make him have a little beard stubble

Now you move Cow to Melissa and Todds place, as she likes it better there:
- Eating cereal and other things that involve dairy or even cheese is now allowed
- Make Todd and Cow become friends

Change to play with Phil and Carol again:
- Phil is jealous of Todds popularity, so at night he leads Cow to his bar in town and comes home, leaving her there

Change to play with Todd and Melissa:
- Cow goes to a random grassy area in town
- Melissa searches the bar for Cow
- Todd finds Cow and leads her home!

Change to play with Phil and Carol:
- In the evening invite Melissa, Todd and Cow over
- Everyone eats cereal, even Todd (he pretended to be lactose intolerant...)
- Phil and Todd become good friends, as Todd told everyone, Phil has found Cow
- Let Cow move to Phil and Carols house again
- Carol and Cow also become friends
- Carol paints at least one more painting

The next part will be there soon with some fun new things happening, until then have fun playing!
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