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#1 Old 3rd Apr 2013 at 11:56 PM Last edited by Wicked_poppies : 4th Apr 2013 at 1:13 PM.
Default Harry Potter Project
Hello all! I used to be a creator on this site for the Sims 2, but real life got in the way at some point. However, at one point I had planned to release an entire set of just about every character from the HP books. This would have resulted in 16 uploads, most with 2 or more Sims in each set. It was my passion for Harry Potter that drove me to this labor of love, but as you can see if you visit my profile, I only ever uploaded the first set. The tragic part about this is that I had the project 85% of the way completed, with finished Sims and upload titles, and even the text to go in the body of the post. Right now, I have 32 Sims sitting abandoned in my project folder, each at a different level of completion. While I still love HP, and I still love the Sims, I no longer have the Sims 2 installed on my computer. So this leads me to the reason I'm here....... I would like to pass my work on to another sim creator with a similar passion for both the Sims and HP. My goal would be to pass the project on to someone who would take it and change what they wanted, finish what was unfinished, and upload it here to share. Whoever took the project could change what I've already done however they wanted. While a lot of the Sims are close to completion, there is still a lot of work to be done. I myself have created a lot of custom recolor's for the project, as well as sculpting my interpretation of the characters and outfitting them in the most HP authentic CC I could find......
Basically, I hate to lose something I once worked so hard on and almost finished. If you where to finish and share them, I would want nothing more than an acknowledgment in the text of the upload. In doing this, I am not trying to skirt the upload policy here and share my sims. These sims are not completed, and I only wish to give them to someone who wishes to polish my rough-drafts the way they see fit. If this sounds like you, please send me a PM. However, please do not be offended If I decide to give the project to someone other than you. I want to give this to the person who will give it the best hope of being shared with others, and therefore I will only give them to one person of my choosing.
If I am breaking any sight rules by posting this, I apologize, as that was not my intention.

I don't take requests. :-)

"You with this lovely baby blue/green huge eyes and this evil touch...couldn't be more adorable" - My Vera
Test Subject
#2 Old 24th Jun 2015 at 1:52 AM
Default Tons more HP sims for Sims 3 here https://harrypottersims.wordpress.com
Tons more HP sims for Sims 3 here https://harrypottersims.wordpress.com
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