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#1 Old 13th Dec 2006 at 5:29 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 5:38 PM.
Default The Bachelor Challenge: Asylum Varient
I was just going into an Asylum challenge when I thought up a little twist, tell me if you think it's a good idea:

The Bachelor/Bachelorette Challenge

Welcome to Cinderella Story- we place 7 girls and one man in a house. The man stands to inherit $100,000 simoleans IF he can complete his goal- his LTW. 7 women are thrown into abbject poverty alongside him, to win his heart without distracting him from his goal. Can they do it? The girl with the best relationship with our hero at the end gets to live with him as his lawfully wedded wife!

Played as the asylum challenge, but with these rules:

* You must start with one man and 7 women; the man will be your playable sim
* You must start with one double bed and 3 single beds
* You may add 1 hot tub to the plumbing section
* At the end of the asylum challenge, each girl gets a score. For every point of daily relationship score that the man feels towards the girl in question, add 1pt; for evrey point of lifetime score, add 2 points; negative scores = negative points. Then, do the same for each girl's feelings towards the man. In the case of a tie, well, stick them both in bikinis and make them mud wrestle.

(for a Bachelorette challenge, reverse the genders on rules above)
Field Researcher
#2 Old 20th Dec 2006 at 10:57 AM
LOL - I can see this going horribly wrong with a Romance Sim if their lifetime want is to WooHoo with x many sims!

May justy give it a try eventually though - too many challenges!
Original Poster
#3 Old 23rd Dec 2006 at 11:32 PM
My first attempt ended up with all but 1 girl dead. fire killed a good chunk, then 2 were scared to death (I think? Wasn't looking). So she won.

So I made her pregnant by him real quick, grew up their son, for round 2.
#4 Old 22nd Dec 2008 at 12:27 AM
This challenge for me went horrably wrong!
Four of my sim-ladies died from a fire (stupid oven-thing!) then my sim-Bachelor decided to get romantic with the rest of them. He got caught cheating, then two ladie-sims died from a fire (again!). He married the last sim-ladie and they had twins. Happy ending, no? no! the two patents died. one from a satelite, one from fright (so many ghosts!) so the twins where taken away...
#5 Old 30th Jan 2009 at 8:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nix-o-riely
This challenge for me went horrably wrong!
Four of my sim-ladies died from a fire (stupid oven-thing!) then my sim-Bachelor decided to get romantic with the rest of them. He got caught cheating, then two ladie-sims died from a fire (again!). He married the last sim-ladie and they had twins. Happy ending, no? no! the two patents died. one from a satelite, one from fright (so many ghosts!) so the twins where taken away...


I have only ever had one Sim die from satellite (without cheating). My Sim disappeared and it took me a few Sim hours to realise...there was a satellite outside! haha
Field Researcher
#6 Old 30th Jan 2009 at 9:55 AM
Wow, awesome challenge! I'm gonna go try it, and hopefully I'll get some pictures!
Field Researcher
#7 Old 31st Jan 2009 at 4:40 AM
Well, that was strange!
This challenge sounded fun to me, so I tried it. I had seven beautiful girls and a handsome guy. Everything was going ok. There had been lots of fainting and peeing, but apart from that OK. The guy was doing good with most of the girls too. Then Day 2. One girl died of starvation. I didn't mind because she wasn't my favourite girl, acctually my guy was just friends with her, nothing else. He was on about 4th job level, his life time want was to be a Proffesional Part guest. Then, the Day 3 disaster. Someone set fire to the kitchen burning everything. Luckily my guy and my fave girl were woohooing. Then they jumped out of bed and ran to the fire. Everyone left eventually died, and my guy was close to death. Challenge over, LOL!
So I decided not to waste the guy. I ressurected my fave wife (who happend to be having his baby) and now they are just like an average family in the neighbourhood. Except for the fact they had 6 graves in the backyard. And the kitchen was trashed.
It was a really fun challenge, and I can't wait to try it again!
Field Researcher
#8 Old 24th Aug 2018 at 1:55 AM Last edited by cespencer7 : 30th Aug 2018 at 12:16 PM.
Default Bachelor Challenge (getting ready)
I made a few revisions to the rules then built all my lots for the show. Based on what I found on Wikipedia, the actual show has a sort of routine of mixed group activities like cocktail parties, one-on-one dates, and group dates. Then the bachelor visits the homes of three ladies and then the last two visit his home. In addition to the mansion for the first week, I also built family homes for everyone and created a little backstory for the characters. (See the next post where I will attach photos of all the ladies and their families.)

I plan to balance some "God mode" activities each day with some "asylum" type let them do what they want for part of the day (see days list below).
I plan to hire a maid, butler, and gardener so no one should have to cook, clean or weed. After all the TV network can pay all the bills.

Day one - introductions, (everyday attire). Drag Brad to say hello to each lady, otherwise, everyone will be allowed to do what they want till bedtime.
Day two - In the morning, drag each lady to ask Brad if he likes what he sees. Then, let people wander the mansion on their own to see what happens until 5:00, when it is time for chess matches, rotating Brad to each chess table so all ladies have a chance to play with Brad.
Day three - Asylum type, do your own thing day, then at 5:00pm, drag everyone to the room with the music box and start the dance party (formal attire). By 9:00, everyone will meet in the main lobby for the elimination. (6 ladies left)
Day four - One on one play time in the morning with tickles and then around 5:00, small groups in the hot tub (bathing suits) for one hour each group or until the ladies leave on their own.
Day five - Asylum type, do your own thing day, then whole group play time in the pool (swimsuits) at 3:00. By 9:00, everyone will meet in the main lobby (formal attire) for the elimination. (5 ladies left)
Day six - Small group dates - group visit to the community park - (athletic attire). Evening movie night, no one forced to stay, so asylum evening till bedtime.
Day seven - During the day, in a private, quiet space, drag ladies to Brad to attempt flirting. Evening cocktail hour at the in house bar (formal attire) and then to the lobby at 9:00 for elimination (4 ladies left)
Day eight - Asylum daytime, then a group date (formal attire) to a dance club in downtown. Once at the club, start everyone dancing, then follow Brad's wishes and desires to see what happens. (no interaction with townies since it is a show night)
Day nine - during the day, drag Brad to each lady when she is somewhere on her own, to initiate kissing and other forms of affection. If she refuses, stop all efforts. At 9:00, meet in the lobby for elimination (3 ladies left)
Days ten to twelve - Brad takes turns moving out on his own with each lady to go and visit her family for two days (one night). Follow the wants and desires of Brad and the lady he is with to see what happens. How does Brad get along with the lady's family? (Repeat for each lady)
End of day twelve - everyone meets in the lobby in the morning to announce the final elimination. (2 ladies left)
Days thirteen to fourteen - Each lady moves out on her own with Brad to go and visit Brad's father Bud. Follow the wants and desires of Brad and the lady he is with to see what happens. How does each lady get along with Brad's dad? (Repeat for each lady)
End of day fourteen - everyone returns to the mansion for the final elimination and the wedding proposal.

Bonus idea - Maybe take all the eliminated ladies and Brad back to the studio with Tom Burbank for a ladies tell all TV show....

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#9 Old 24th Aug 2018 at 2:10 AM Last edited by cespencer7 : 24th Aug 2018 at 4:57 PM.
Default Seven Ladies ready to begin the Bachelor show challenge.
Using the actual show for inspiration on who the ladies should be, I created my 7 ladies for the Bachelor challenge:
1) Kelly Dionas - mean and competitive, she might just give the competition some food poisoning
2) Molly McDermott - the good girl, she wants to start a family of her own
3) Doris Nerdus - very naive, raised by two reclusive librarian-type journalists, she doesn't know much about men
4) Tiffany Purdue - single mom, she is nervous about finding a man who is ready to be an instant daddy
5) Rachel Silverstone-Smith - rich girl who doesn't want to be on the show but dad is friend with the producer and it will be good for her blossoming movie career
6) Candy Stone - blonde, California beach baby, party girl, she's just looking for fun and not a marriage commitment
7) Moonbeam Trudell - eccentric but a lot of fun to be with if you don't mind the quirkiness

Their zodiac signs, likes, and dislikes were selected to try and match their backstories.

I will create a highlights post after each day or sooner if something really funny happens. I'm excited about this challenge and can't wait to see what happens!!!

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#10 Old 24th Aug 2018 at 4:57 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge Day One Overview - the ladies arrive
Kelly Dionas was the first to arrive. She and Brad met on the front steps as the TV crew zoomed in for the shot. They talked about sports and then Kelly went into the house to work out on the ballet bar. Brad joined her in the mansion's gym before heading to play chess.

Tiffany Purdue came into the house and joined Brad at the chess table. Immediately she began talking about love. He responded well and then changed the topic to stargazing and cooking. They talked and played chess for 3 hours.

Candy Stone was the next to arrive and she and Brad played baseball in the front yard for an hour. Then she just walked away to go play chess. Brad seemed stunned and he just stood in the front yard for an hour before going into the kitchen to cook grilled cheese sandwiches.

Doris Nerdus, the silly goose, went straight into the lobby library area and read the newspaper. Brad sat next to her, but she paid no attention to him. He yawned a few times and then went off to find something else to do.

Rachel Silverstone-Smith arrived just in time for the local 5:00 news team to film her arrival. She stood under the balloon archway and posed for the photo. Otherwise, she really paid no attention to Brad and just wandered into the house to use the toilet.

Moonbeam Trudell arrived very late. Brad met her in the driveway. She tried to give him a hug and he backed away. This didn't seem to faze her and soon they were hanging out (sitting) at the end of the driveway chatting about topics ranging from movies, music, fashion and food. Brad really seemed to enjoy their time as they talked for 3 hours - till 11:00pm - before they both headed off to bed.

Molly McDermott did not arrive until the next morning as her flight had been delayed. When she arrived there was no camera crew on the front lawn, so she went into the kitchen and joined everyone for breakfast. Some of the other ladies were still in their pajamas (or underwear). It was an interesting way to start since she did not get the usual one-on-one time. This didn't seem to hurt her chances as Brad liked how friendly she was with everyone else, but it made her nervous and she decided to do something drastic to get Brad's special attention (see upcoming Day 2 notes to find out what she did).

Rankings at the end of Day 1 from highest to lowest were:
1 - wacky, eccentric Moonbeam
2 - single mom looking for love, Tiffany
3- latecomer, Molly
4 - jealous already, Kelly
5 - nerdy Doris
6 - doesn't really care, Rachel
7 - party girl, Candy

Can't wait to see what Day 2 will bring as each lady asks Brad if he likes what he sees.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#11 Old 26th Aug 2018 at 12:22 AM Last edited by cespencer7 : 26th Aug 2018 at 1:07 AM.
Default Bachelor Challenge Day Two - Do You Like What You See?
So, here is a quick recap of Day 2.

The first lady to ask Brad if he liked what he saw was Molly. Having been the last to arrive with no chance for some one-on-one time, Molly went into Brad’s bedroom very early to chat. They sat on the bed and talked for about an hour. (After an hour, I closed the activity bubble so they could get out of bed.) Molly left and Brad headed toward the kitchen.

On his way to the kitchen, I dragged Kelly over to Brad and had her ask if he liked what he saw. Then I let things happen on their own. Brad was very interested and hearts were soon bubbling overhead. After some serious hugging and a few backrubs. Brad headed to use the toilet and the shower before heading back to the kitchen.

Soon, Brad was hungry and since the butler hadn’t arrived yet, Brad cooked some pancakes and since Moonbeam was nearby, she joined him for breakfast. After breakfast, I had her ask him if he liked what he saw. He didn’t really say anything good or bad. It seems like for now, they are just friends.

After breakfast, Brad headed into the art studio and Doris followed him. She really is kind of clueless. When she asked him if he liked what he saw, he didn’t really say much, so she just turned around and started painting with her back to him the whole time. For the full hour, they didn’t talk at all.

Tiffany approached Brad in the hallway as he headed to use the toilet. His response was very negative and he told her that he did not feel any chemistry between them. She was upset so they didn’t talk much after that.

I don’t remember what happened when Rachel asked Brad if he liked what he saw, as a matter of fact, she might not have asked at all since she really doesn’t care what he thinks. After all, she doesn’t really want to be there and is only doing this because her father made her do it. (Sorry, don’t have any photo for Rachel’s interactions with Brad today)

Candy waited until the last minute to ask Brad if he liked what he saw. It was late and he was trimming some of the bushes in front of the house as a way to unwind after a busy day. When he didn’t really give her an answer, she told him that she loved him. This had made no difference to Brad and he just went back to trimming the bushes.

Rankings changed today after the interactions, Kelly moved to the top!
1 - Kelly
2 - Tiffany
3 - Molly
4 - Moonbeam
5 - Rachel
6 - Candy
7 - Doris

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#12 Old 26th Aug 2018 at 1:22 AM Last edited by cespencer7 : 26th Aug 2018 at 8:21 PM.
Default Day 3 Bachelor Challenge: Drama and the 1st Rose Ceremony
Day 3
Today we let our bachelor and the 7 ladies living in the TV show mansion do their own thing and the camera crew followed Brad as he explored his relationships.

First thing, the crew went to Brad’s bedroom and found Molly sleeping in his bed. Brad assured everyone that they fell asleep while talking late into the night and that no woohoo had taken place. (No rules were broken.) When Molly woke up, she was embarrassed to find their photo was being taken and she immediately left the room. Brad dressed and then headed to breakfast before wandering up to the third floor.

There he found Candy and told her that he thought that there might be some chemistry between them after all. Candy looked confused at first but then excitedly hugged and kissed Brad. Originally she told producers she just wanted to party and have fun, but now she told them she was in love!

Kelly overheard this and plotted to cause problems between Brad and Candy. Knowing Candy would see them, Kelly walked right up to Brad and started making out with him. This caused Candy to slap Brad and to call him a liar. As Candy and Brad fought, Kelly turned and walked away knowing that her plan had worked and Candy was likely to become the first lady to be sent home.

After his fight with Candy, Brad decided he should be honest with Moonbeam and tell her that he just wanted to be friends, best friends even, but that she was not a fancy enough person for him. Moonbeam took things very well and agreed that she also thought they were best friends. Secretly she hoped that he might one day want to marry his best friend, but outwardly she said it was fine with her.

The one lady that was a complete mystery to Brad was Rachel. She showed no real interest in him, never followed him around and never said she loved him. Brad thought she was beautiful and he told her so. Her total indifference made him want her even more. Unfortunately for Rachel, Kelly saw the whole thing. Will Rachel be Kelly’s next victim?

After their fight, Candy drank a whole bottle of wine by herself, so she arrived at the elimination party drunk. She kept arguing with Brad saying that he had lied to her when he said he loved her. This made Brad upset and he avoided her for the rest of the night.

The First Elimination Night

Tonight was the first formal cocktail party and almost everyone had a good time. Brad served as bartender for some of the night so he could watch each of the ladies as they danced and interacted with each other. In his mind, Molly and Rachel seemed to have the most fun.

At around 9:00, the producer of the show told everyone to go to the main library for the rose ceremony. Brad stood by the vase of roses (6 roses for the 6 ladies who would be staying). Brad thanked each of the ladies for being on the show and then began giving out roses. Here is the order in which the roses were given:
1 — Rachel — no one is sure how it happened, but she became his #1 pick at the end of day three.
2 — Kelly — I think we all saw that coming with the amount of kissing, back rubbing and hugging those two have been doing for the past two days.
3 — Molly — the quiet night of talking and then sleeping together (no woohoo remember, just sleeping), helped to move her up in Brad’s list of favorites.
4 — Moonbeam — he might not love her romantically, but he loves spending time with her.
5 — Tiffany — it may be that she is trying too hard, or maybe Brad isn’t ready to become a father, but she isn’t making a good impression on our bachelor.
6 — Doris — she remains clueless about what she needs to do to attract a man’s interest in her and she seems distracted by the library, art room and other beautiful things in the mansion.

So, yes, Candy was the first lady not to get a rose and to be eliminated from the bachelor show. Brad just didn't want to deal with the drama of someone who wasn't ready for him to like more than one lady at a time. She literally seemed shocked that she was the first to be leaving (I loved that she made a shocked expression on her own and I didn’t use any pose box to make the photo in the slideshow below)!

As the ladies were saying their goodbyes, Candy was overheard saying she thought the weird girl, Moonbeam would have been the first to be eliminated not her. After everyone said goodbye, Brad walked Candy out and said his personal goodbye as she climbed into the waiting taxi cab.

Then he turned and headed back toward the front door. There he found Molly coming back from taking the party garbage to the outside trash can. At that moment he realized how much he loved her and he told her so before taking her in his arms and kissing her deeply. Of course, the camera crew was there to capture everything on film, but the two of them didn’t even seem to notice anyone else was there. And so it seems that the day began and ended with Molly in Brad’s arms and luckily for Molly, Kelly knows nothing about this . . . yet.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#13 Old 26th Aug 2018 at 8:15 PM
Default Day Four Bachelor Challenge Gets Hot
The first photo in the slideshow below shows our remaining six contestants (to view the slideshow as larger photos, click on the first photo and use the arrows to move through the show)

Today the camera crew showed up nice and early (6:00 am) hoping to catch Brad and Molly together again, instead they found Molly cooking pancakes in the kitchen, and last they saw Brad he had been with Molly on the front lawn. So, they went to Brad’s room to see who Brad was with, but when they got there all they found was Doris sleeping alone on the couch. Without photos of Brad sleeping, I guess we won’t really know where Brad slept after the elimination rose ceremony. Doris told the camera crew that she had gone to Brad’s room to try and talk with him and fell asleep while she was waiting. When she woke up and realized it was morning, she was so sad. Doris hates that Brad and the other ladies in the house are ignoring her. She is so lonely.

After breakfast, the producer suggested that everyone should take a swim in the pool since it was such a nice sunny day. After all, don’t TV show ratings go up when there are bathing suits on the show? It took some repeated encouragement to get everyone there, but eventually it happened and then Brad left.

Two very interesting things happened when Brad left the pool area to go take a bath. First, his new best friend Moonbeam asked him if it was true what the producer and camera crew were saying about Molly sleeping in his room. Brad reassured her that nothing happened. Moonbeam was still upset by what she saw as a breaking of the rules and vented her frustration to Kelly.

Oh no! Molly is now on Kelly’s list of people to get rid of quickly. Kelly also went into the bathroom to confirm that Molly had slept in Brad’s room. Brad told her that yes, Molly did, but it was not a big deal. He told Kelly that all was fair in love and war. It seemed he was hinting that he knew about her plot to get Candy eliminated.

Day 4’s group date was actually two smaller group dates in the house’s hot tub. Each group of 3 ladies spent an hour with Brad talking and visiting in the hot tub. Tiffany actually got naked when she got in the tub. She is working too hard to get Brad’s attention when it is obvious that there is no real chemistry between them. The conversations were pleasant, but nothing romantic happened while all the ladies were in the hot tub together. But, then after all the other ladies had gone to bed, Rachel came back and joined Brad in the hot tub (this was done autonomously, I didn’t drag her there). As she got in the hot tub, Brad leaned over and whispered in her ear. Unfortunately, the camera crew couldn’t hear what he said, but it was obviously something romantic as Rachel leaned in to cuddle with him.

Brad reached up and turned off the chandelier that was hanging above the hot tub, so camera crews were only able to get shadowy photos of what happened next. What we could see were heart bubbles flying above both of their heads, so let’s assume that they were falling in love. Given that Rachel’s heart bubble was pink and Brad’s was red, we can assume that he is more in love than she is. Is Rachel just acting out a part to win the competition, or is she really falling in love?

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#14 Old 27th Aug 2018 at 2:52 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge Day 5 - Things got HOTTER!
I don't know if anyone is reading these entries, but I am having so much fun in this challenge I just want to keep sharing. Click on the photo thumbnails below to see the full-screen slideshow that goes with the text

Day 5 had one of the most interesting starts so far. The camera crew was later than normal this morning, arriving around 9:00. They went to find Rachel to see how hot things might be after last night’s romance. Well, they found something hot alright. The kitchen was on fire and Rachel was using the fire extinguisher like a pro! Who knew the spoiled little rich girl was so capable?

Meanwhile, during the fire, Brad was giving Kelly a backrub up on the 3rd-floor deck and telling her how much he loved her. She was so happy to see that the chemistry between them was still so strong. She didn’t really love him, but she planned to use his love to win the competition and have access to the $100,000.

After breakfast, Tiffany found Doris crying alone in their bedroom. When she asked her what was wrong, Doris shared her feelings of loneliness. Tiffany suggested that the way to get Brad to pay attention was to do a makeover, and together they raided the closets of the other contestants to find an everyday outfit that would look good on Doris. Tiffany also changed Doris’ hairstyle, took off her eyeglasses and put on makeup. The transformation was amazing.

Later that afternoon after another day of swimming in the pool, Rachel shared with Kelly that she loved Brad and that she had no plans to be sent home. She whispered this to Kelly while Brad was reading in the library. Well, that was a mistake, because we all know what Kelly does to her competition.

And sure enough, right before the cocktail party, in front of Rachel, Kelly walked up to Brad and started making out with him. This made Rachel furious and she slapped Brad and told him that she never really loved him anyway! Brad got angry and told her that he didn’t love her either which, of course, was a lie. They actually really did love each other, but the way they got set up to meet each other on the show caused each to have doubts. Will this lead to Rachel's elimination later at the rose ceremony or will they make up at the party?

When Doris and Tiffany went upstairs to prepare for the cocktail party, Moonbeam made some of her own suggestions on what formal dress Doris should wear at the party. As Brad’s friend, she didn’t want to see him end up with Kelly or Rachel as she thought they were manipulative and scheming to win Brad. She could tell Doris really liked him; Doris just didn’t know how to get his attention. Unfortunately, Brad was still so distracted from his fight with Rachel, he didn't notice Doris' transformation. (Sorry, no actual cocktail party photos, since things were rather uneventful and everyone just danced)

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#15 Old 27th Aug 2018 at 3:00 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge - 2nd Elimination Rose Ceremony
At 9:00 everyone gathered in the main library lobby area for the rose ceremony. Brad seemed nervous and rather uncertain about what decision he was going to make but finally, he turned and handed his first rose to KELLY! Yes she, through her scheming ways, had risen to the top of the rankings. Here are the rankings for the 2nd elimination rose ceremony:

1 — Kelly
2 — Molly
3 — Moonbeam
4 — Tiffany
5 — Doris
6 — Rachel

Yes folks, Kelly’s plot to eliminate the lady she saw as her biggest competition worked. When Kelly caused the fight between Brad and Rachel, she planted seeds of doubt in Brad’s mind. These feelings of doubt were strong enough for him to decide to send Rachel home.

Once again, the rose ceremony made him think about his feelings, and again, he realized how much he loved Molly. After the ceremony, he told Molly again how he felt and begged her to come to his room. She said no because she knew the camera crew was stalking them. Disappointed by what he thought was a rejection, Brad turned to leave, and once again, Kelly was there to kiss him in front of the lady she saw as her new competition. She hoped she could cause another fight that would make Brad question another lady’s love for him.

It didn’t work the way Kelly thought it would. Molly didn’t scream at Brad or slap him or tell him she didn’t love him. Instead, she went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. There she sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Brad was so shocked by this that he followed her into the kitchen and immediately began apologizing for his behavior with Kelly. Unfortunately, he may have apologized too soon, as Molly just kept on crying. She wasn’t ready to forgive and forget. She said she needed time to think about things.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#16 Old 27th Aug 2018 at 3:22 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge Days 6 and 7 - Fighting Gets Worse, Then Peaceful Park Time
Day 6
Five ladies remain at the start of Day 6. Today was supposed to be an outing to the local park but it was raining, so instead the producers told everyone to just hang out around the house. On his way to breakfast, Brad found Doris working out in the mansion’s gym. Immediately he noticed the makeover and realized what a beautiful lady she was. He went into the gym, locked the door so none of the other ladies would find them and began telling Doris how beautiful she was. One thing led to another and soon he was telling her that he loved her. Their kissing was tender and romantic.

Doris was delighted and after their romantic time in the gym, she went into Brad’s room to secretly write in her diary about her love for Brad and how he said he loved her. She couldn’t believe it was really happening to her and that maybe her dreams were coming true.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty uneventful as the ladies played chess, watched TV, played musical instruments, read books and just did whatever made them happy. Brad took a long nap on one of the lounge chairs by the pool.

That evening Kelly decided to reinforce her position as number 1 and invited Brad to spend some quality time in the hot tub. Things got steamy and Kelly was confident that she had Brad exactly where she wanted him. Kelly knew there was no one to get in her way to winning, especially after she caused the fight with Brad and Molly. Or at least, that’s what she thought till she went up to get ready for bed.

As she changed into her pajamas, Kelly noticed Doris’ diary sitting on the dresser. She read the last entry expecting to see something about the library books but instead she found the entry about Brad’s profession of love. Kelly was furious and she went around the house looking for Doris. Finally, she found her outside staring at the stars. Kelly confronted Doris expecting her to crawl back into her old nerdy self. But Doris was a new lady and she stood up for herself. Soon the two of them were pushing, poking and punching each other. The other ladies ran out to see the fight. They all cheered when Doris won the fight and Kelly went off to lick her wounds.

Day 7
The next morning, Kelly found Brad and Doris eating breakfast together in their pajamas. Had they spent the night together? Kelly confronted Brad and he confessed that he loved Doris.

Kelly lost all control and began poking Brad in the chest telling him that he would pay for his unfaithfulness to her. Her anger was actually so frightening and aggressive that the camera crew almost stepped in to break up the fight for fear she would actually hurt Brad. Luckily, Kelly noticed the camera crew, turned and stormed off.

It seemed obvious to the producers that it was time to get everyone out of the house so tempers could cool down. Since the weather was nice they headed to Fernwood Forest Park for some fun and games. Fernwood Forest must have been a magical place today because immediately the ladies ran off in all directions to explore the park. Each found something they enjoyed: fishing, basketball, singing, cooking, log rolling, hot springs, a waterfall, and a hammock to play on. There was even an outdoor wedding chapel which each hoped they would be using soon to marry Brad. By the end of the day, everyone was very happy.

It was during their day in the park that Brad realized he had fallen in love with his best friend, Moonbeam. When they got back to the house, he followed her into the bathroom, locked the door so they wouldn’t be interrupted and told her that he loved her. She told him she loved him, too. So by the end of day 7, the only woman he loves who he hasn’t fought with is Moonbeam. Maybe she will be the winner or will Kelly try and ruin things between these two?

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#17 Old 27th Aug 2018 at 6:10 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge Day 8 - Making Up After a Fight
Today the producers told Brad that he should try and repair his relationships with all of the ladies by spending some quality one-on-one time with each. They suggested that he continue to lock the doors like he had the night before so the fighting might stop for a bit. After all, tonight would be the rose ceremony and the third elimination and there weren’t even four ladies left who liked him enough that they might accept a rose if he offered it to them.

The first lady he went to find was Doris. He met her where they first fell in love, the gym. He told her he had been a fool and he begged for her forgiveness. Doris caressed his face and said she forgave him. Brad attempted a gentle kiss and she responded well. After some time kissing, it seemed that they were back to being in love with each other.

Kelly saw the two of them leaving the gym and noticed Brad give Doris a kiss (peck) on her check. This time instead of attacking Brad, Kelly attacked Doris. She poked her in the chest and shoved her. Doris started crying and Moonbeam heard it. She ran out of the music room to see what was going on. Soon Doris and Kelly were rolling around on the library lobby floor. This time Kelly won the fight and Doris went away to lick her wounds.

While the fight downstairs was going on, Brad went up to his room to change and found Molly waiting for him. He locked the doors when she asked if they could talk, well we all know how their talking goes. Unfortunately, the camera crew had been downstairs filming the fight, so by the time they realized where Brad went, the doors were locked. So, the camera crew had to film Brad and Molly’s one-on-one time through the windows. It was obvious to everyone that Molly had forgiven Brad and that they too were back in love.

When Tiffany saw Molly leaving Brad’s room, she decided it was time for her to make her own big move. As she came into Brad’s room the camera crew followed her and this time SHE locked the door. She didn’t even pretend she was there to talk and she obviously didn’t care if the camera crew was there. At first, Brad seemed a little confused and he responded indifferently. However, after an hour of some seriously intense kissing, they were BFF and he was professing his love for Tiffany. Confident that she would get offered a rose at the elimination ceremony, Tiffany left to go take a nap.

Later that afternoon, Moonbeam followed Brad to the bathroom again and reaffirmed that she really loved him. (These two are so funny about their meetings in bathrooms!) Brad responded so well that his heart went from pink to red. Now that their affection for each other was 100/100, their chemistry was 3 lightning bolts and they were BFF, Brad was beginning to imagine that he could marry his best friend, Moonbeam.

Confident that at least four of the ladies were ready to accept a rose, the producers suggested that everyone spend the rest of the late afternoon watching movies until the cocktail party. At that point in the day, it looked like Kelly was going to be the lady going home since she and Brad hadn’t made up since her big fight with him yesterday. It also looked like Doris might become her victim of choice for later that night (given how much the two of them have been fighting). So, everyone was expecting the cocktail party to be filled with excitement. I wonder what will happen?

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#18 Old 27th Aug 2018 at 6:17 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge - The Surprise Third Elimination
Everyone expected Kelly to set up Doris at the cocktail party tonight, so it came as a complete surprise when she set up Moonbeam. As Moonbeam and Brad were dancing, Kelly walked up and goosed Brad and said something like, thanks for today. Well, Moonbeam completely lost it. She told Brad that she had been so happy when they were just BFF and that he ruined it all by telling her that he loved her if he didn’t mean it. She said she never wanted to see him again and ran out of the room.

Unfortunately, Brad was unable to follow her because at that moment, Kelly started dancing with him and then the producers were telling them it was time to go to the rose ceremony. During the ceremony, Moonbeam acted completely indifferent to the outcome. As a matter of fact, she sat and read the newspaper while Brad stood and waited. This made Brad so angry that it affected his decision that night; a decision he will likely regret later. Eventually, Moonbeam put the paper away and the ceremony started. Here is how things went:

1 - Molly was the first to get a rose with 100/100, BFF status and 3 lightning bolts of chemistry.

2 — Tiffany (surprise) with 100/100, BFF status and 2 lightning bolts of chemistry.

3 — Doris was next with 98/100. There is no real chemistry between these two, but Brad is still mad at Kelly.

4 — Kelly was last with 92/82 and 3 lightning bolts (these two always had strong chemistry)

[I must admit, I am a little sad to see Moonbeam go. I liked her eccentric nature and hoped to see Brad interact with her witch sister when it was time for the family home visits. I want to see Kelly leave next but we will see what Brad wants]

So, yes, Moonbeam was the one to leave. Everyone, except Brad, said their goodbyes. Kelly was upset with Brad that she got the last rose and Molly was upset that Brad was sending Moonbeam home instead of Kelly since Kelly obviously was the one causing all the trouble. After saying goodbye to the ladies, Moonbeam walked out to the waiting taxicab alone. Suddenly Brad realized what he had done and he ran out to say goodbye and to apologize but he was too late.

Molly followed him and gave him a big hug. She said she was sorry about tonight and suggested that they stay outside and talk (yes, just talk). They lay in the grass and looked at the stars. They really didn’t talk about anything important, just the stars and how beautiful the night was. It helped Brad to feel better. After a few hours of stargazing, Brad headed up to bed and Molly went to clean up the evening’s dishes before heading to sleep in the bedroom with Doris and Tiffany. No one really wanted to sleep in the same room as Kelly.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#19 Old 30th Aug 2018 at 1:57 AM
Default Bachelor Challenge Days 9-12 One-on-One Dates to Beach
Yes, we are down to the final four and Brad asked that he be allowed to take each lady on a private one-on-one date to a community lot so he could get to know them better without upsetting the other ladies and getting into fights all day. The producers agreed and the lovely Polynesian Beach Club was selected especially for the dates. The site of an ancient Tiki Temple, the club has a restaurant, pool, dance club, massage table, fire dancer, campfire and lots of other things needed for a romantic date. These dates should help Brad narrow down to the final three. (See photos below)

Day 9
His first date was with the lowest scoring lady, Kelly. Kelly was so nervous about the date, that she actually tried to relax on Brad's bed while he slept. Ironically, as soon as he woke up, she got up and went to workout in the gym, then took a shower. They didn't get to the beach until 1:30. Once there, Kelly headed straight down into the ocean for a swim and Brad joined her. Then they sat and talked and looked out at the waves and watched the fire dancer. When it started to rain (due to wicked witch curse), Kelly went to the dance club and Brad followed her again. They danced for hours and around 10:00 pm Kelly asked for a slow song. Brad didn't seem to get it that she wanted to be romantic and he just kept doing his pop-rock sort of swaying by himself dance. Despite this, both Kelly and Brad felt that they had a dream date and it looked likely that Kelly would be one of the three finalists.

Day 10
Things didn't start off well for Doris and her date. As they were getting into the car, Kelly showed up and kissed Brad and thanked him for their date. She also gave him a full dozen red roses. Doris was furious and she didn't talk to Brad the whole time they drove to the beach. When they got there, Doris headed straight to the bar, where she poured out her sad story to the bartender. Brad thought it best to let Doris cool off, so he headed to the hot springs for a soak. The peace and quiet were nice after the morning's drama. Eventually, Brad headed to the bar and asked Doris to join him for dinner. She agreed. During dinner, she mentioned that she just wanted to be friends and that the whole bachelor TV show was too painful for her. Brad said he understood and the couple agreed to keep it a secret until the rose ceremony after the last lady's date. Then the couple headed home early.

Day 11
Today was Tiffany's turn to go to the beach and she was excited. As soon as they arrived, she ran over to the huge Tiki Temple and started talking about how much her son Billy would love it. She and Brad threw coins into the fountain as an offering and Brad got a little palm tree memento as a souvenir. Then they headed to the restaurant. Tiffany decided to stop at the bar for a drink, so Brad took this time to answer nature's call (toilet). The dinner was not really very romantic, as Tiffany talked about the upcoming winter weather and other pretty impersonal topics. By 6:00 pm each agreed that it was a nice date (not a dream date, but nice). They stopped by the photo booth to take a romantic photo, before heading home to get a good night's sleep.

Day 12
The last date was with Molly. The date started off amazingly with the couple kissing, laughing, tickling and joking with each other as soon as they got out of the car. They were both starving, so they headed straight to the restaurant. The lighting was low, the food delicious, the sound of the waves romantic and overall it seemed perfect. The couple toasted to their future then held hands and eventually made out on the outdoor deck of the restaurant. After dinner, they headed downstairs to the dance club where they ended their dancing with a nice romantic slow dance. Since the night was going so well, Brad suggested they go and watch the fire dancer. As the moon was rising out of the ocean, Brad gently kissed Molly and told her that she truly was the only woman he loved. It was around midnight when the couple stopped to take photos in the photo booth. Then they headed home to sneak up to bed.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#20 Old 30th Aug 2018 at 12:07 PM Last edited by cespencer7 : 30th Aug 2018 at 12:16 PM. Reason: grammar
Default Bachelor Challenge Day 13 The Final Three are Given Roses
Today Brad had to decide which of the ladies would be the final three. As you might remember, he and Doris already talked during their date and agreed she would be the one. They also agreed not to say anything to the other ladies. (So, Brad could change his mind still) The day started at breakfast with everyone together. Brad said he loved all of them and that this experience was a difficult one. He apologized if he hurt any of their feelings and hoped they could all be friends when the show was over. The ladies didn't say anything in response, just all looked a little nervous. No one fought, they just all wandered off after breakfast to do their own thing.

During her time at the mansion, Tiffany discovered a love for music. Being a poor single mom who was raised by a single mom, Tiffany had little money extra money for music lessons and she had no piano at home. So, her first exposure to music, art, and other cultural experiences had been while living at the mansion. On this last day at the mansion, she spent the day playing the piano and saying her goodbye to what had been her home for almost two weeks. Then she went to get dressed for the final elimination.

Kelly went to the gym to do some ballet and then focused her attention on getting beautiful for the final elimination. She knew that her strongest weapon in this competition had been her beauty and her strong chemistry with Brad. She also knew that she had gotten the last rose in the last ceremony so she was nervous.

Molly went up to the third floor to review the photos of their times together. She was so thankful for the experiences, both the good and the bad, at the mansion because they helped her to meet Brad. Based on their date, she was confident that she would get a rose and that Brad would be coming home to meet her family.

Brad also reviewed his own mementos from his dates with the four ladies. He had a nice card from Tiffany and the little palm tree souvenir. He had photos with Tiffany and Molly and two sets of red roses from his dream dates with Kelly and Molly. The camera crew zoomed in on these while the producer did a voice-over saying “Whom will Brad choose?”

For the last time, the contestants and Brad gathered in the lobby library area for the rose ceremony. After once again thanking everyone, he gave his first rose to Molly. The second rose went to Kelly. At that moment, Doris said aloud how glad she was that she had made three good friends at the mansion. She told Brad, Molly, and Tiffany that she hoped that after they left the mansion they could all continue to be friends. She hates Kelly and hopes she never sees her again. The three friends reassured her they would and then Brad gave the final rose to . . . Tiffany.

With the rose ceremony complete, the ladies packed their bags and went home. Brad spent the last hour walking around the mansion saying his own goodbyes to the place that had been his home for two weeks. Then, he packed his bags and headed out for his first home visit to Kelly’s house.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#21 Old 31st Aug 2018 at 3:24 PM Last edited by cespencer7 : 31st Aug 2018 at 3:25 PM. Reason: grammar
Default Bachelor Challenge - Home Visit to Kelly's
Being the one with the lowest score, Kelly was the first to host Brad at her home. When Brad arrived no one ran out to meet him, so he just knocked on the front door and entered on his own. Mom, Deidre, was painting. Dad, Philip, was reading the paper. Kelly was playing the piano. At first, he wandered around looking at the artwork that was hanging on the walls.

Finally, everyone said hello and they headed down to dinner. Immediately, Kelly’s mom mentioned that she could see on the show that the two had strong chemistry but she wondered if they were also friends. Kelly got very defensive and answered immediately "of course, just because they had strong chemistry didn't mean they weren't friends". Brad just kept eating his food and he didn’t respond to the question at all.

This made Kelly’s dad furious and he punched Brad in the face when Brad got up to leave the table. Brad was stunned, but he didn’t punch Philip back he just went to go and watch some TV. (Really, Philip did this all on his own; this wasn’t something I set up) Then Philip and Deidre headed to bed. Kelly joined Brad on the couch and turned off the TV (I think she wanted to be romantic). Brad turned the TV back on; Kelly turned it off; Brad turned it back on. This happened a few more times before Brad got up and went into the bedroom. Not really sure why this happened, maybe Brad was angry?

The next morning, Philip and Deidre discussed their concerns that Brad and Kelly did not seem to be friends and they questioned Brad’s motives for keeping Kelly on the show as long as he had. During the visit, they would look for opportunities to ask Brad about this. In the meantime, Kelly had gone to the guest room to talk to Brad about what had happened the night before. She told him that she thinks about him all the time and that she believed they had strong chemistry and were meant to be together. Then they kissed and made out for about an hour.

Since they were a little late for breakfast, the couple went outside to eat brunch by the pool. Brad said he was sorry that he hadn’t answered her mother’s question the night before, he had been a little shocked by her question. He said that he hoped they could be friends, no matter what happened on the Bachelor TV show. Over the next two days, the couple swam in the pool and watched movies together. Kelly’s parents never asked Brad about his intentions again as it appeared that Brad and Kelly were in fact friends. At the end of the visit, Brad thanked Kelly and her parents and then he and Kelly kissed goodbye.

What no one knew was that secretly Kelly was afraid to get engaged to Brad. She loved their chemistry and wanted to be with him, but she did not want to get married.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#22 Old 31st Aug 2018 at 3:41 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge Home Visit at Tiffany's
Brad arrived on Saturday night around midnight due to his flight being delayed. Tiffany ran out to meet him and to welcome him to her home. It may have been because it was late or Brad was tired, but there was no kiss of greeting, just a nice hug, and a chat.

Immediately Tiffany asked if he would like to sleep with her. Poor Tiffany, sometimes she just pushed too hard. Brad said that he would actually like something to eat as he was starving. The one thing you gotta love about Tiffany is that she never got upset with Brad when things didn’t go her way. She always rolled with the punches. So, instead of getting upset by this rejection, Tiffany just made the man some food.

In the morning, Brad met Tiffany’s son, Billy. Billy really liked Brad and Brad enjoyed playing games with the little boy. This made Tiffany very happy. She always worried about how Brad would do with her son. She could never marry someone who wasn’t willing to be a good father to Billy.

After breakfast, Tiffany’s mom, Leslie, asked Brad what he planned to do about a job when this experience was all over. Brad shared that he was interested in pursuing a job in politics. He felt that he had a lot to offer to the community and that he could help to make things better. He knew it didn’t make a lot of money at first, but he would continue to work hard at advancing his career until he became a senator. Leslie was impressed by this and soon she and Brad were friends. During the rest of that day, the little family played games together and had a very good time.

During the last day of the visit, Brad, Tiffany, and Leslie spent the day at the family’s neighborhood pool while Billy was at school. While Brad swam, Tiffany and her mother discussed the visit. Tiffany was so excited that her mom and Brad had become good friends.

Leslie said she thought Brad was an amazing young man but she wondered with his plans to become a politician if he was ready to become an instant father and if he would want more children. Tiffany was thoughtful for a moment but said that she was sure he was and that during her visit to Brad’s house she would ask him. That is how confident she was that she would be one of the final two ladies on the Bachelor TV show.

When Billy got home, Brad helped him with his homework. Then the family had dinner. Brad realized he had a great time during his visit to Tiffany’s home. He also realized that he and Billy had become best friends.

Then it was time for Brad to leave. As he was saying his goodbyes, Billy asked Tiffany if she and Brad were going to get married. This shocked Brad and he suddenly realized that if he didn’t marry Tiffany, it wouldn’t just break her heart but also those of her son, Billy and her mother, Leslie. Suddenly this whole TV show thing got serious.

Tiffany handled the question like a complete champion. She told Billy that she didn’t know, but wasn’t Billy glad that he had a new friend named Brad. Billy smiled and said yes. Then Leslie said her goodbye to Brad and took Billy up to bed so Brad and Tiffany could have a moment alone. Tiffany hugged Brad and said she did really hope that he and Billy would remain friends no matter what decision he made regarding marriage. Billy could use a good man in his life. Brad promised he would and then left to go to his last home visit with Molly's family.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 31st Aug 2018 at 3:44 PM
I tried this one last week as an asylum edition. The most important thing I learned, do not keep the bigger households in if you have ACR or put everyone on the pill. Otherwise, you will have many pregnancies, and babies added to the mix and that will be a nightmare. All my sims, except the evil wench who started fights with everyone and the kids, died. Hunger, fright from the first ghosts. I turned the asylum into an orphanage because the evil wench wasn't the mother of any of them.

Check out my ToT neighborhood Hoohoo. Last updated: February 2, 2020
Family Trees
Field Researcher
#24 Old 2nd Sep 2018 at 11:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lisrouge
I tried this one last week as an asylum edition. The most important thing I learned, do not keep the bigger households in if you have ACR or put everyone on the pill. Otherwise, you will have many pregnancies, and babies added to the mix and that will be a nightmare. All my sims, except the evil wench who started fights with everyone and the kids, died. Hunger, fright from the first ghosts. I turned the asylum into an orphanage because the evil wench wasn't the mother of any of them.

Lisrouge - LOL, what is it about the evil ones that help them survive? The poor orphans!

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
#25 Old 2nd Sep 2018 at 11:39 PM
Default Bachelor Challenge - Home Visit to Molly's
Brad was really late arriving at Molly’s family vineyard (3:00 am) because he got lost. Molly ran out to meet him and greeted him with a big kiss and a hug. She said she was so glad he came and she couldn’t wait to introduce him to her family at breakfast. Molly apologized that the family didn’t have a guest bedroom for him so he would be sleeping in her room in the second twin bed. Brad said that was fine and they headed up to their bedroom where they talked till they fell asleep.

The next morning, Brad met Kelly’s father, Seamus; her mother, Katie; her brother, Michael; her sister-in-law, Bridget; and her niece, Lizzie. During breakfast, it was obvious that everyone wanted to be friends and the conversation was interesting and funny. Brad shared how much he loved Molly. Bridget joked that what he really loved was that Molly was such a great cook. Michael laughed so hard when Bridget said this that coffee came out his nose (Bridget burns everything).

After breakfast, Molly’s dad took Molly and Brad in the living room for a serious conversation. He asked if the couple planned to marry and have children. Seamus said he loved being a grandfather and would love to have more. Molly just smiled and Brad said that while he couldn’t promise they would get married, he promised to treat Molly with respect while he was in Seamus’ home. Seamus said he was satisfied with that answer.

Suddenly a thunderstorm rolled in and Molly asked Brad to help her to get the grapes off the vines. So, in the rain, Brad and Molly ran out to harvest the grapes.

Then Molly showed Brad how they stomped the grapes before putting them into casks to make wine. Brad was just thinking at that moment how much he loved Molly and what a wonderful wife and mother she would make. Molly caught him looking at her in that dreamy way and laughed. She told him to wait there while she ran up to shower and change.

When she came back, she said she wanted to show him where they stored the wine casks in the shed in the backyard, but we all know she was looking for a place to have some private time with Brad away from the camera crew. Then they had dinner with the family and watched a TV movie before heading to bed.

Later that night while Molly’s brother was looking at stars through the family’s telescope, he was abducted by aliens (Yes, folks, during Brad’s visit, this really happened! I just had to keep it in the story of this challenge.)

The next morning, Brad was up early making breakfast for the family. Michael loaned him some farmer overalls so Brad wouldn’t ruin his good clothes when he worked around the vineyard. Brad was really loving life at the vineyard and was imagining what it would be like to marry Molly and live with her family.

At breakfast, Michael told everyone about being captured by aliens. This worried Brad and he suggested to Seamus that they should call a medical professional. Seamus said it wasn’t necessary as these things happened all the time.

After breakfast, Brad and Lizzie went outside and played with her fairy dollhouse. Molly saw Brad playing with her niece and thought what a good father he would be someday. She hoped he would invite her to meet his dad and one day they might get married and have children of their own.

Soon it was time to leave. Brad and Molly sat on the front porch to say their goodbyes. Brad reassured Molly she would be one of the two finalists and even whispered she might be “the one”. Molly cried because she hated to see him leave, and after a tender kiss, Brad drove home.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
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