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#1 Old 16th Jul 2022 at 9:56 PM
Default Help! Milkshape help needed.
So I'm a beginner to Milkshape and whenever I open milkshape it's just the blue skeleton whenever I open it. I have a picture of how it looks on my Tumblr. I asked on there and no one answered so I'm hoping that someone on here can help me.

Here's the link to the post on Tumblr: (I have no clue how to upload photos on here lol, don't use MTS as much):

Thank you for reading. I'm really hoping to start making poses and animations for the Sims 2 soon. :D
Mad Poster
#2 Old 16th Jul 2022 at 11:00 PM
Are you trying to get rid of the skeleton, or do anything to the joints?

If you want a clean Milkshape window without anything, and without a skeleton, you need to do "file --> new". This is often important if you're starting a new project.

You can also turn off the skeleton in the Joints menu, by ticking a box - but it's still there, just hidden.

If you want the joints a bit bigger (can be useful for animation), or if you want to fix a large blue "line ball mess" that can sometimes happen, try this:
File --> Preferences --> Misc --> Joint size "0.010000" (if you want it smaller you can try "0.001000") --> OK

If you're trying to make animations for TS2 you'll want to use these bases: https://modthesims.info/t/239172
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#3 Old 16th Jul 2022 at 11:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Are you trying to get rid of the skeleton, or do anything to the joints?

If you want a clean Milkshape window without anything, and without a skeleton, you need to do "file --> new". This is often important if you're starting a new project.

You can also turn off the skeleton in the Joints menu, by ticking a box - but it's still there, just hidden.

If you want the joints a bit bigger (can be useful for animation), or if you want to fix a large blue "line ball mess" that can sometimes happen, try this:
File --> Preferences --> Misc --> Joint size "0.010000" (if you want it smaller you can try "0.001000") --> OK

If you're trying to make animations for TS2 you'll want to use these bases: https://modthesims.info/t/239172

When I opened the game, it was already empty. I just added the file many of the sims 2 tutorials on youtube said to add which is the, UT Female Skeleton. In the tutorials, there doesn't look like that. It's not just the blue lines, I'm confused about why it's doing that. I think I just used the wrong base. Thank you for being helpful :D
Mad Poster
#4 Old 17th Jul 2022 at 12:00 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 17th Jul 2022 at 12:11 AM.
I've got no clue which skeleton you've opened up in that picture over on your site, but I'm 100% certain it's not a TS2 one.

Make sure you're using a tutorial for making TS2 poses/animation, if that's what you want to make. Also make sure you're using TS2 animation bases/skeletons, or the animations won't work for the sims ingame. The method for making poses/animations for TS3 or TS4, or any other game won't work for TS2. You can use basic animation/posing principles, of course, but how to transfer the poses from Milkshape to ingame is a process you have to follow.


A couple Youtube variants:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkm4ImBIqAs (how to add more poses, although the one by Hermit-fox shows how, too)

And a list of stuff you might want to know before you start making poses (click the spoiler)

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#5 Old 17th Jul 2022 at 3:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I've got no clue which skeleton you've opened up in that picture over on your site, but I'm 100% certain it's not a TS2 one.

Make sure you're using a tutorial for making TS2 poses/animation, if that's what you want to make. Also make sure you're using TS2 animation bases/skeletons, or the animations won't work for the sims ingame. The method for making poses/animations for TS3 or TS4, or any other game won't work for TS2. You can use basic animation/posing principles, of course, but how to transfer the poses from Milkshape to ingame is a process you have to follow.


A couple Youtube variants:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkm4ImBIqAs (how to add more poses, although the one by Hermit-fox shows how, too)

And a list of stuff you might want to know before you start making poses (click the spoiler)

Thank you so much!
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