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#1 Old 9th Jun 2023 at 11:16 PM Last edited by Starry-PhoenixSims : 10th Jun 2023 at 11:30 PM.
Default Stories Legacy Challenge
This is a legacy challenge I made by coming up with different story prompts for each generation. This has been done many times before but I wanted some of the stories to be told across multiple generations. Hope you enjoy.

No money cheats or exploits (freerealestate cheats etc)
Move onto the next gen when your goals are completed
The color assigned to each gen is your sim's favorite color
You don't have to strictly follow the traits or careers unless it specifically says
Have fun!

Gen 1: The Humble Founder (White)
Starting out in a new world, you don’t really have much to your name. Just a few simoleons and a dream. A dream to make as much money as you can so you can open your own bed & breakfast. You have no guidance or rules, you’re just following your gut instinct! Hopefully your choices will help the generations that come after you.
Career: Angler, Gardener (self employed)
Required Skills: Fishing or Gardening
Traits: Green Thumb/or Angler, Loves the Outdoors, Eco-Friendly, Lucky, Ambitious
LTW: Swimming in Cash
  • Sell fish, fruits/veggies, gems/rocks, etc to make money
  • Follow and fulfill your sim’s wishes as much as you can
  • Do not get married or have a kid until you reach level 5 of your career track
  • Earn at least 20,000 simoleans from your career (you can keep track of this in the careers tab)
  • Buy a lot and make it into a bed & breakfast

Gen 2: The Musical Muse (Pink)
You see how hard your parent worked to give you a good life, and frankly you just don’t want to do the same. Why work hard when you can have fun and party every night? The only thing you’ve ever taken seriously is your band. Maybe one day you’ll make it big.
Career: Band
Required Skills: Any musical instrument
Traits: Virtuoso, Party Animal, Night Owl, Couch Potato, Rebellious
LTW: One Sim band
  • Get a regular job and get fired from it
  • Start a band with 2-3 other sims
  • Live with your band mates (a grungy small living space, not living in luxury)
  • Throw parties once a week
  • When you reach level 5 of the Band career, you can move out on your own
  • Get married to a band mate and have as many kids as you want

Gen 3: The One with Nature (Green)
You’re a bit sick of all the partying and loud music your parents play. You’d much rather live in peace and quiet. You love spending time outdoors, especially with plants. If only there was a way to make plants into people...
Career: Scientist
Required Skills: Science, Gardening
Traits: Green Thumb, Commitment Issues, Genius, Loner, Loves the Outdoors
LTW: The Perfect Garden
  • Go to university and get a Science and Medicine degree
  • Reach top of Science career track
  • Have a garden with every type of plant in it
  • Grow a plant sim
  • Remain unmarried

Gen 4: The Book Worm (Brown)
Even though you love your parent, they kept you isolated from the rest of the world. All you ever wished for was to have friends as a kid. Instead, you would escape from your loneliness by reading books. Now that you're a young adult you just want to make up for lost time and connect with as many sims as you can. You hear meeting sims on the internet is the easiest way to do that. Maybe you can use your writing to connect with others online.
Career: Journalism, Author (self-employed)
Required Skills: Writing, Social Networking
Traits: Excitable, Easily Impressed, Bookworm, Computer Whiz
LTW: Professional Author or Blog Artist
  • Own every book available at the book store under the general tab
  • Make 3 friends through the Simfinder app
  • Have at least a three star blog
  • Write a Vaudeville book
  • Meet your spouse through online dating
  • Have at least 2 kids

Gen 5: The Renaissance Romantic (Yellow)
Expressing yourself creatively is your favorite past time. Whether it’s painting or photography, you love capturing the beauty of the world. The only other thing more beautiful than art is love, and you are obsessed with both. You truly are a romantic, and what better place to visit for art and love than France?
Career: Painter, Photographer (self-employed)
Required Skills: Painting, Photography
Traits: Artistic, Adventurous, Hopeless Romantic, Avant Garde, Photographer’s Eye
LTW: Visionary
  • Visit France and make art there
  • Fall in love with 3 French locals and eventually marry one of them (or all if you want!)
  • Complete two photo collections (You can find collections under the skills tab in the skill journal.)
  • Paint at least 30 paintings
  • Have an exhibit just for your sim's creations at the art gallery
  • Have twins or triplets and name them after great artists

Gen 6: The Charmed One (Purple)
The world of the occult has always been fascinating to you. The magic of spellcasting, the kinship of a coven, even the dark side of it all. You can’t help but be attracted to all things supernatural, even when it’s dangerous. Maybe your coven of witches can help you on the right path?
Career: Alchemy (self-employed), Fortune Teller
Required Skills: Alchemy, Spell Casting
Traits: Cat Lover, Supernatural Fan, Gatherer, Good or Evil
LTW: Alchemy Artisan, Master of Mysticism
  • Become a witch as soon as you’re a young adult
  • Befriend 2-3 other witches and move in with them (they are your coven)
  • Own a cat
  • Cast a toadification curse, haunting curse, and a love charm successfully
  • Make an enemy with a vampire, then fall in love with them
  • Have at least one vampire child
  • Choose between your vampire partner or your coven, (if you choose your partner, you cannot be friends with your coven. If you choose your coven you must leave your partner).

Gen 7: The Doctor of the Night (Red)
You’re not entirely a bad vampire. Sure, you are a doctor so you have access to as much plasma as you want, but that’s not the only reason you joined the medical career. You struggle with your moral compass. Maybe if more sims were vampires, they’d understand you. Turning the town is what feels right, but you know it’s wrong, so you try to make up for it by being the best doctor you can be.
Career: Medical
Required Skills: Logic
Traits: Brooding, Dislikes Children, No Sense of Humor, Workaholic
LTW: Turn the Town
  • Be a vampire
  • Reach the top of the Medical career
  • Turn at least five sims into vampires
  • Marry one of the sims you’ve turned
  • Only adopt kids and have bad relationships with all of them

Gen 8: The Simfather (Black)
You never had a good childhood, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to make a name for yourself. You saw what power was growing up and you wanted it for yourself. Becoming the head of your own crime family is where the real power lies. All you want is respect, and if anyone falls out of line they sleep with the fishes.
Career: Criminal
Required Skills: None
Traits: Hot Headed, Mean Spirited, Commitment Issues, Kleptomaniac, Schmoozer
LTW: Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
  • Reach top of Criminal Career
  • Have a house worth 50,000
  • Own at least one rabbit hole (this is your crime family’s secret headquarters)
  • Dress fancy and have your family dress fancy too
  • Marry but never be loyal to your spouse, have a bad relationship with them after the wedding
  • Make 5 enemies
  • Have as many kids as you want but don’t get along with your next heir

Gen 9: The Hero (Blue)
Growing up you loved befriending dogs of the neighborhood; you really admired their loyalty. You also had a childhood friend who you could always depend on. As far as you're concerned, they are your true family. Unlike your parents and siblings. You are nothing like them, in fact, you are the opposite. You have seen the bad things they’ve done and you are determined to bring them down, no matter how long it takes.
Career: Law Enforcement
Required Skills: Athletic, Martial Arts
Traits: Good, Dog Lover, Brave, Athletic, Disciplined
LTW: Forensics Specialist, International Super Spy
  • Have a horrible relationship with your parents and siblings
  • Own a dog and teach it every trick
  • Marry your childhood best friend and stay loyal to them for life
  • Reach the top of the Law Enforcment career track
  • Have great relationships with your kids
  • Save up enough money to buy the same rabbit hole as your parent (this is you putting them out of business for good)

Gen 10: The Family Chef (Orange)
With the town being saved from organized sim crime, now is the perfect time to raise a big family! You had a great relationship with your parents growing up, and now you want to make the family even bigger. You love everyone in your life and what better way to show it than to cook them a great meal for the holidays? Speaking of holidays, you are obsessed! Your house is always decked out for every season, and you attend every festival. You really are just a ball of fun.
Career: Culinary
Required Skills: Cooking
Traits: Excitable, Natural Cook, Childish, Nurturing, Family Oriented
LTW: Surrounded by Family
  • Marry another sim straight away
  • Have 5 kids
  • Send at least one kid to boarding school
  • Decorate your house for every season
  • Learn every recipe
  • Visit each festival and get at least 200 festival tickets
  • Have special family days every week (camping, beach day, picnics, movie night, game night, etc)

Gen 11: The Time Traveler (Gray)

The present just isn’t exciting to you anymore. It’s the same old song and dance. You want something new and exciting. Sims are just too judgmental in this time period. Always saying Simbots can’t love or feel. You want to see what life is like hundreds of years in the future, where sims are hopefully more open-minded.
Career: Bot Arena
Required Skills: Bot Building
Traits: Bot fan, Unstable, Never Nude, Eccentric
LTW: More than a Machine
  • Travel to the future
  • Meet your descendants and move in with them
  • When you save up enough money move out on your own
  • Build a plumbot
  • Have your plumbot become sentient
  • Fall in love with your plumbot and live happily with them until old age
  • (Optional- Create a family of plumbots)
This is the end of your legacies line.
Test Subject
#2 Old 18th Jun 2023 at 12:23 PM
This looks so fun!
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