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#1 Old 19th May 2015 at 6:56 PM
Default Deal Challenge
I try to make a version for Sims 4, see any mistake? Feel free to let me know.

Story: [Insert teenage girl sim's name] had always been a good girl. Great grades, no enemies and well behaved friends before meeting [Insert friend's name], they were a troubled child, enjoying pulling pranks and doing their homework late. [Insert teenage girl sim] had her friend over; her friend had told her about a old house that used to be owned to a man. The man had been a lawyer, he had been hired by a poor family to help with the murder of their daughter. Being cold hearted to the parents of a child because they didn't pay enough in his mind he made no effort; the killer walked out free. The ghost of the child became so angry she turned him into a monster, haunting him until he killed himself. [Insert friend's name] forced her to come with her to see the house. Going inside it looked very elegant with some sighs of life. [Insert friend name] teased [Insert teenage girl sim's name] for being scared, her friend walks off to explore as the girl views all the art in the house. Suddenly, the friend screamed, the girl raced to her seeing a ghost girl grabbing her friend. She ran and hides in the bathroom only to see something terrifying. The monster in the story, she shudders trying to run but the monster did not allow her to escape. He made her a deal, too scared to think she agrees. It had been years since he saw a woman, he requested her one night. She walks with him, and in the morning she awoke to him already buttoning up his everyday attire. As one would think he would make her breakfast or even fall in love he did neither. Ordering her to leave forcing her to get dressed, she wasn't even able to see if her friend was alright. Two months later she found she was with child.

Characters: You only need three characters, if desired you can have side characters that are always fun. The female sim’s family (Only allowed to have two siblings.) needs at least one parent. If you want to reenacting the story will lead to having to make the friend and the ghost girl. You will need the monster (Even if it's a short time), he must look terrifying or at the least strange. The girl needs to be a teenager, this means you'll need mods.


~Girl cannot have the traits any family traits. Her lifetime goal needs to be something other than family.

~Girl cannot have any traits dealing with family.

~Monster needs the trait of snob, evil, materialist

~The girl needs to be ACTUALLY pregnant.

~The monster needs to be a young adult, adult or elder. Ever seen a teen lawyer?

~Child needs to just be one, no twins please.

~Child needs the traits of evil, self-assured

~The monster has to move out after she is pregnant.

~Using the money cheat give him a large house and make sure the parents hate each other

The child: The child can look just like their mother or their father. Do not edit in CAS unless you are changing traits/attire. They need to be a bully growing up to be a terrible person.

Childhood: They have childhood goals.

~Be enemies with everyone in the family but their mother. (Anuts, uncles, grandparents, siblings, etc)

~Each boyfriend/girlfriend their mother gets, they need to do something bad to them. Mods- anyone?

~Get terrible grades (To not loose your child to terrible grades please get the mod)

~At least one babysitter hates them.

Teenager: They gotta have goals too.

~Level three on Mischief skill

~Still terrible grades.

~To each lover their mother gets, they must beat them up then do one prank on them.

~Prank each family member other than mother.

~Enemies with any other siblings and needs to do one bad thing to them each day.

~Never does homework

~Once a week go out after curfew

~Get a three girlfriends, make them hits and runs or just cheat.

Adulthood: More goals.

~Kills one person in family

~Gets Criminal Career/Be a bad cop

~As a cop, always let the bad guy go, put innocent people in jail, let criminals out of cells, etc

~One wife, one girlfriend

~Few bastard children.

~Abusive to family

~Attack real father once

~End goal: When the Sim has gotten ten in criminal career or has gotten ten in cop career as a bad copper.
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