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#1 Old 26th Aug 2022 at 8:38 PM
Default Sims 3 Pose Player Babies Glitch
So I'm having an issue with posing my babies, I've used this mod for years now and never had any issues with posing any other age category before. Now that I found some baby poses I wanted to try and pose my babies with their moms. I got most of the poses off MTS as I do for all of my other poses. However, when I clicked on the pose I wanted them to use, rather than posing their neck and jaw just extended out weirdly. I opened a different save and tried it on a different baby and even tried the baby pose on a toddler. The pose worked on the toddler, although it brings them quite high in the air so I use OMSP to bring them to the right height but It's just the babies that won't pose. It's not the end of the world but I really want to get some cute pictures for thumbnails. I'll include a picture of the glitch in this post.
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#2 Old 1st Sep 2022 at 12:54 PM
Are you sure they're specifically for babies? Because There are quite a few poses out there that say something along the lines of "baby poses" but they actually use toddlers that look more like babies (so, tons of CC and making them generally smaller) instead.
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