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#1 Old 2nd Jun 2024 at 9:02 AM
Default Would modding this be possible in TS2?
Hi MTS! I am still somewhat new at making objects for the game and I am hoping for any of you skilled modders to answer this: for those familiar with the game show Big Brother — during nomination episodes, keys are taken off a wall shelf then loaded into a large wheel device then sat on top of a lazy susan where one person (or Sim in this instance) pulls out a key of person then rotates the lazy susan near the person who’s name is on the key. This process is repeated one by one until there are no keys left in the box.

My question is, can this function be recreated in TS2 and if so could someone be willing to walk me through? (especially someone who is still kind of a noob) I seen the new ways modders have been reverse engineering the game as of recent and doing things previously seen as impossible on the games code. I am aware that you would have to animate different parts of the box (such as a key slot being turned) but I believe mechanics like routing and possibly BHAVs would have to come into play for this to work, which is something I know next to nothing about. This is both for a personal project I’ve been wanting to do for a good while and also an exercise in learning how TS2 works for me.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Videos showing off what I described:




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