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#1 Old 11th Feb 2017 at 6:46 PM Last edited by Amura : 4th Jul 2017 at 6:33 AM.
The Alien Meeting Point Challenge
(This is my first challenge ever. Please discuss any point with me so we can learn together how to make it better! )


They come from a distant planet.
They meant to find a suitable world to settle and expand their civilization, but they found much more. They found us.
At first they were atonished. Earth had all that they needed, but they did not expect to also find an intelligent race which was also genetically compatible with theirs! What are the chances?

So they have sent a little group of their people to the Earth, and they have settled in a distant area so they can observe and get to know the local people.
Of course humans also want to know more about these green people from outer space, and some of them are brave enough to enter the alien settlement and work with them to create the first interestellar-mixed-race city in the history.

What will happen now is up to you! :D

About the challenge

This is a multi-generational challenge which is focused on genetics - what kind of population will you get after a few generations if you have a bunch of avaliable alien bachelors?
Also it might be economically challenging, depending on your own playing style.

Set up

This challenge requires a new neighbourhood and a set of alien townies. You may create your own using treeag's wonderful mod or any custom skin you like. (I shared mine as a default replacement in case you want to use them.)
It is allowed to also have human townies if you wish to do so.

There may be some houses or you may build them on the go, but there is one mandatory building: some sort of barracks (or another comunal house which fits your hood theme) which needs to have enough beds to accomodate the maximum number of playable Sims per household (8 in a vanilla game).
(I also shared my barracks in case you want to use it.)

University is a part of this challenge, but if you do not have the EP or don't want to use it feel free to make some changes in those stages which talk about it.

STAGE 1 - Barracks

Create a household with up to 6 adult human Sims. They may be related or not, but they must be single.
Move them into the barracks. If they don't have enough money to afford it, they may get a mortgage.

STAGE 2 - Birth

After some of your Sims have moved out they may decide to have children. This stage begins when the first hybrid* baby is born.
Pure human breeding is ok but won't get you into this stage, so try to get at least one mixed-race couple.

About hybridation:
Hybrids are those Sims who have at least one alien trait (skin, eyes) and at least one human ascendant.
  • Human + Alien -> Hybrid offspring
  • Hybrid + Alien -> Hybrid offspring
  • Human + Hybrid -> Chance of hybrid offspring (more info)

STAGE 3 - Learning

This stage begins when the first hybrid grows up into a teenager.

STAGE 4 - Next gen

This stage begins when a hybrid becomes a parent for the first time (no matter if the offspring looks alien or human).

STAGE 5 - Higher education

This stage begins when any Sim goes to college for the first time.

STAGE 6 - Graduation

This stage begins when any Sim is graduated and returns from college to the city.

STAGE 7 - Big city

This stage begins when a graduated becomes an elder.

STAGE 8 - Cultural heirloom

This stage begins when there is a family with universitary tradition (grandparent, parent and child go to college).


You may consider the challenge completed at any point after you reach stage 8.

+1 for each extra human CAS Sim added to the barracks
-5 for each extra alien townie added
+10 for every alien hybrid born
-100 every time your population goes down to NO hybrids
Mad Poster
#2 Old 13th Feb 2017 at 7:44 PM
Haven't read it fully, but it caught my eye. It sure sounds interesting. I'll check it out when I get time, and If I consider doing it.. I'll make a Let's Play out of it
Original Poster
#3 Old 13th Feb 2017 at 9:13 PM
Thank you Phoenix! I'm glad someone likes it
If you decide give it a try, feel free to discuss it here - and customize it to your liking.

I have shared my townie aliens as a default replacement and also the barracks which I built for this hood, so if anyone does not want to bother creating their own they can be downloaded here at MTS.

Also I have already started playing this challenge myself. I have six Sims, each with a different aspiration, living in the barracks.

Field Researcher
#4 Old 15th Feb 2017 at 8:07 PM
Count me in, people! I'm always looking for new ways to play and this sounds different enough from my current Kulo Seeri playstyle that it would keep me entertained

Home of my Kulo Seeri Test of Time and a lot of worldbuilder rambling. You have been warned.
Original Poster
#5 Old 16th Feb 2017 at 11:44 AM
Welcome aboard! ^o^
I've linked my uploads in case you want to use it. If you don't, I would love to see yours!

I've already played a full rotation myself (told the story here) and so far I have 1 point, hahaha.

RotationRotation scoreTOTAL SCORE
#1New Sim in the barracks: +11
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 19th Feb 2017 at 7:45 PM
Interesting challenge. I rarely play with aliens, vamps, witches etc. It's like apart of the game I don't touch but this seems interesting just for the genealogy and seeing how sims look after a few generations. curious.

I have a few questions. Hybrid - is that simply offspring from a human & alien or do they indeed have to look hybrid like have features of each species? I've never had my sims mate with alien so I don't know if there are variations of the species mixture. So I'm guessing if it's indeed a hybrid but looks human, their offspring would still be considered hybrid as well? Thanks.

It must be CAS that get added to the barracks? Can't just use the tombstone to add new adult human sims? Since I find that a time save and also I like the true randomness of it.
Original Poster
#7 Old 19th Feb 2017 at 8:59 PM Last edited by Amura : 20th Feb 2017 at 10:43 AM.
Glad you find interesting, Satrina :D
I hope you decide to join

When I said "hybrid" I meant a Sim who is very obviously a descendant from an alien. For example because they have alien skin or alien eyes - or some other very noticeable feature, for example if all your aliens are noseless anyone who is noseless as a result will be known to be an hybrid in your town.

The way TS2 genetics work, both alien skin and alien eyes are dominant. So direct offspring from human and alien will ALWAYS look alien.
But they have recessive human genes, and they may pass them onto their offspring - or not.

And, no, it does not have to be CAS. You may add new adult human Sims however you prefer.

Btw I've just finished the second rotation and I'm onto stage 2 :D
Story told here and here, in case anyone wants to read it.
Test Subject
#8 Old 24th Feb 2017 at 11:16 PM
This looks pretty fun! Think im gonna have to give this one a go :D
Original Poster
#9 Old 25th Feb 2017 at 12:21 PM
Welcome aboard!
(Yay! People are joining!! ^o^)

I'm looking forward reading your stories and seeing your pictures <3
Test Subject
#10 Old 1st Mar 2017 at 3:37 PM
Default It's pretty fun so far!
So I spent ages setting up my neighbourhood and making it perfect, got this challenge going now! You can find my stories here.

My writing is a bit awful, but it's really quite an interesting little challenge.
Original Poster
#11 Old 1st Mar 2017 at 5:32 PM
Your stories are great!!
Wow, you even have had deaths, I mean, it's such an exciting new hood :o

PS: Your writing is not awful at all, English is not my mother language and I understood it all perfectly.
PS2: I'm following your blog now <3
Top Secret Researcher
#12 Old 1st Mar 2017 at 9:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lerlila
So I spent ages setting up my neighbourhood and making it perfect, got this challenge going now! You can find my stories here.

My writing is a bit awful, but it's really quite an interesting little challenge.

I enjoyed reading that and love the humour. Your English is great. I'll be following it too.
Original Poster
#13 Old 5th Mar 2017 at 8:58 PM
And I've finished another rotation. In my case it's all about passion, and marriages, and lots of children, and jealousy, and the first divorce. Narrated here.

In fact I think there is too much happening in each single rotation, it's hard to keep track of it, so I'm gonna play shorter rotations from now on.

#14 Old 9th Mar 2017 at 8:26 AM
Now,, this looks interesting. I actually spent about a week setting up a neighborhood for this challenge (the Hood Building Group's Sedona, FWIW). I did have a couple questions, though:
  • Are we allowed to use modded objects, like Mog Hudson's Job Seeking Noticeboard? I already got my starters jobs via computer & newspaper, but this could be useful going forward.
  • What are the rules on job offers from networking? I just started actually playing the other day, and on the first day, an alien townie offered one of my Sims a job. I lucked out because said job was in the Science career (Project Leader), but what about offers in careers that aren't "available" yet?
Also, just FYI, the Paranormal and Natural Scientist careers require a college degree by default. (The artist and Show Business careers do as well, but there'll be grads by the time they're available.)

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

-- https://bash.org/?40502
Original Poster
#15 Old 9th Mar 2017 at 10:24 AM Last edited by Amura : 9th Mar 2017 at 1:32 PM.
Modded objects are allowed.
The purpose of this challenge is more a "genetical experiment on alien hybridation" so anything else which affects to other aspects of the game is fine - play as you please.
I don't use that kind of modded objects because it would make it easier for my Sims. I also use my custom higher bills, no20khandout, etc. But if you are not so cruel and would like their lives to be a bit more pleasant, that's completely up to you!

Any job offered by someone else (networking) is fine, even if it's not on the "avaliable" section. Imho those are "special jobs" which may not be offered in the newspaper because of their rarity, but maybe someone in this young hood might be making a living out of them.
(I think I wrote it in the rules, maybe I should word it differently.)

I think you're right about the degree *facepalm* When I wrote the rules I thought of careers that would make sense in the development of the town, didn't check requeriments.
I use this mod myself so in my case the paranormal career is avaliable, while others are not...
I guess I'm keeping it as it is, and every player can customize it as it fits them better.

Also my now shorter rotation was narrated here. 2 more hybrid babies! :lovestruc
#16 Old 10th Mar 2017 at 5:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Amura
Modded objects are allowed.
The purpose of this challenge is more a "genetical experiment on alien hybridation" so anything else which affects to other aspects of the game is fine - play as you please.
I don't use that kind of modded objects because it would make it easier for my Sims. I also use my custom higher bills, no20khandout, etc. But if you are not so cruel and would like their lives to be a bit more pleasant, that's completely up to you!
Okay. At least I have some insurance against an uncooperative RNG ( WARNING: TV Tropes ). FWIW, I'm not a cruel master to my Sims, but I do want to make them earn their happiness (at least what part isn't RNG-based). For example, in a couple discarded takes now, I've had a couple Sims fired via chance card, and the only reason I didn't keep those takes was because the game crashed.

Quote: Originally posted by Amura
Any job offered by someone else (networking) is fine, even if it's not on the "avaliable" section. Imho those are "special jobs" which may not be offered in the newspaper because of their rarity, but maybe someone in this young hood might be making a living out of them.
(I think I wrote it in the rules, maybe I should word it differently.)
Taking a second look, yeah, you did. I'm just a forgetful idiot.

Quote: Originally posted by Amura
I think you're right about the degree *facepalm* When I wrote the rules I thought of careers that would make sense in the development of the town, didn't check requeriments.
I use this mod myself so in my case the paranormal career is avaliable, while others are not...
I guess I'm keeping it as it is, and every player can customize it as it fits them better.
Don't worry, just wanted to point out a potential pitfall in the rules-as-written.

Anyway, I'm nearing the end of Week 1 on my run of this. Don't expect much in the way of pictures or storytelling from me, though, because I'm pretty bad at both.

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

-- https://bash.org/?40502
Original Poster
#17 Old 12th Mar 2017 at 1:09 PM Last edited by Amura : 15th Apr 2017 at 9:11 PM.
Hahaha, I do prefer making things hard for them. Because I'm too controlling, and if everything is easy they would all be extremely rich and extremely happy and extremely platinum-mode-all-the-time. And that's too boring.

We all have different play styles and I think all them are fine, so I hope anyone playing this challenge feels like customizing whatever does not suit them

Btw last rotation were narrated here and here.
Original Poster
#18 Old 22nd Apr 2017 at 9:07 PM
What's going on? Are you still having fun with this little challenge? I do hope so

Just wanted to mention that I'm now part of the What's going on in your game? social group, and that I have created a thread where I'll keep track of my hood and the score. You can read it here if you are curious
Field Researcher
#19 Old 15th Jun 2017 at 10:41 AM
Just to say I'll be restarting this challenge soon! It will be a while before it's set up but I am getting back into playing challenges, so don't let this thread fizzle out

Home of my Kulo Seeri Test of Time and a lot of worldbuilder rambling. You have been warned.
Original Poster
#20 Old 19th Jun 2017 at 10:57 AM
I'm looking forward seeing your new hood!

I keep telling the story of my hood in the thread I linked above - I guess it leaves this thread a bit empty but it's also tidier, isn't it? And that way I don't talk to myself haha.
Right now I'm on stage 5, and the student in college is doing very well so far - I hope he graduates soon and get into stage 6
Original Poster
#21 Old 29th Jul 2017 at 7:09 PM
Well, I'm finally about to enter stage 6 :D
(You may read my story here btw.)

How are you doing guys? Are you having fun?
#22 Old 31st Jul 2017 at 1:32 AM
This reminds me, I need to get back to this. Just had to rebuild the 'hood I'm using -- again -- because of a truly terribad misreading of the rules. Doesn't help that I've been distracted by my acquisitions from the latest Steam sale: Stardew Valley, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, Chip's Challenge 2 (which reminds me that I need to get back to 1 too, frickin' Blobnet)....

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

-- https://bash.org/?40502
Original Poster
#23 Old 31st Jul 2017 at 9:25 AM
Oh, what happened that would be so terrible?
I would say that tweaking it to your taste or understanding is fine, I mean, if you liked what you build and the idea you used... why not play it anyway? Even if it does not fit the rules.
I'm all for customizing :D
#24 Old 1st Aug 2017 at 6:42 AM
Basically, I was a forgetful idiot again, and added Downtown to the 'hood during the setup phase. I feel like making extensive use of one of these. Thankfully, I did have an earlier backup, from before adding any subhoods (including the stealth subhoods), and I have all the Sims I (currently) plan to add saved in Body Shop, so I at least had a foundation for the rebuild.

Admittedly, that was only about half the reason I canned the run I had going. The other half was plain ol' boredom. I just ran into the problem of maintaining interest in the thing (essentially, my progress seemed to slow to a trickle), and was considering restarting anyway. The Downtown "oops" merely simplified the internal debate.

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

-- https://bash.org/?40502
Mad Poster
#25 Old 2nd Aug 2017 at 12:56 AM Last edited by grammapat : 2nd Aug 2017 at 1:04 AM. Reason: PS
So it's only the TOWNEES who are alien? I could do that, as any hood I start will not have townies - I would have to MAKE them all. And the people in the house are all "human"? Guess I've been playing your idea - only backwards; I create various aliens and have them breed with humans (generated on community lots).
And I have some "alien" jobs, like "Tourist" & "Invader", which is fun. Seems like finding the required job via paper or computer could take too long.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
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