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#1 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 9:05 PM
Default 2 questions about Unleashed
1. Can my sims adopt/add stray pets to their family and if yes, how? And will the game generate new stray pets?

2. I sometimes get a little error message ingame in a jagged red bubble saying "missing animation" while the pet is hanging in mid-air. Do I have to reinstall everything (I hope not!) or is there a way to find out which animation is missing?
Test Subject
#2 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 10:45 PM
1) to my knowledge, yes, you can adopt strays. Just take care of them enough and and after certain time has passed + affection bar is high enough, a prompt to adopt will appear. However, if you neglect a pet, it can also go back to being a stray. Also, no, as far as I know, the game doe snot generate new strays.

2) what is the pet doing when you get that message? I think that that particular action might need reinstalling
Mad Poster
#3 Old 6th Jan 2014 at 2:58 AM
Usually when you get a missing animation message, or at least when I have in the past, it relates to something downloaded that included animations that somehow did not work in my game or I was missing part of them. If you haven't added any downloads, then yotafura might have it - you might need to reinstall. Otherwise, try undoing your downloads and see what happens. BTW - this topic is on the web in various places. I googled "Sims 1 missing animation" and found various forums where people had the same problem you did. There wasn't always a good answer, but it might help you to look at some of those forums. Let us know what the solution is when you find it in case anyone else has the same problem. Thanks!

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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#4 Old 6th Jan 2014 at 8:48 AM
Thanks. I tried to google it but it only gave me TS2 and TS3 forums and when I used negation to exclude those two games, the results didn't have to do anything with The Sims anymore. I don't have any downloads so it must have to do with the ep. But Unleashed is not my last ep so reinstalling might get complicated (I'm already happy that I got it to run on my old laptop as it wanted a certain installation order and I had to reinstall several times until it worked)
Mad Poster
#5 Old 6th Jan 2014 at 11:13 AM
Well, that would be a shame if you had to reinstall. I know how hard it can be to get the game up and running on newer computers. I think I remember that one or two times after a complete reinstall that I was still missing some content that should have been in one of the expansions. I was able to simply install that one disc, even though it was out of order, right on top of the existing game. The missing content was then in the game. If you try that, make sure you make a back-up copy of your game first and put it in a safe place.

Ugg! It's sooo annoying when you are looking for something related to one of the games and Google gives you endless results for all the others. I'm not sure how their filters work exactly, but I suspect that it's somewhat tailored to the user. I'll give you my results, maybe that will help. https://www.google.com/search?q=Sim..._sm=93&ie=UTF-8

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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