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Nearly alive
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#1 Old 4th Aug 2005 at 9:14 PM Last edited by tiggerypum : 11th Jul 2007 at 3:46 AM.
Default MICHE ANIM: Animation Editor help thread
As the original thread is getting so long, I`ve started this one so that if anyone has any problems running it or using it they can post them in here.
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 4th Aug 2005 at 9:37 PM
Except if you see at the end it says [04:31:05] System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: Axiom.Utility.Form1.root_ent.
So thanks, sorry if i posted so many times.
Nearly alive
Original Poster
#3 Old 4th Aug 2005 at 9:47 PM Last edited by Miche : 4th Aug 2005 at 9:52 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by simfantastic2
Except if you see at the end it says [04:31:05] System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: Axiom.Utility.Form1.root_ent.
So thanks, sorry if i posted so many times.

have you download version 0.1.4 and unzipped all the files in that to your folder. Edit: it sounds like you didn`t overwrite the old version of the AxiomEngine.dll with the new version from 0.1.4. You need to let it overwrite the old version.
Field Researcher
#4 Old 4th Aug 2005 at 10:27 PM
i re-downloaded version 0.1.4, i guess that was it! It worked thankyou! I thought this might had been the problem a while ago because before when i downloaded the upload and extracted it, it only asked me if i wanted to replace the .exe not that one file. So thankyou, my problem is solved! You are the best Miche.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 5th Aug 2005 at 9:15 AM
Hey there i got your Program its not openning more than 2 seconds.Any de why it wont Open ?? Hope i can get it working want to try it out realy bad

Thanks for being so SMART to had come up whti this !!!!!!!!!!
Nearly alive
Original Poster
#6 Old 5th Aug 2005 at 9:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DjRuss
Hey there i got your Program its not openning more than 2 seconds.Any de why it wont Open ?? Hope i can get it working want to try it out realy bad

Thanks for being so SMART to had come up whti this !!!!!!!!!!

Did you edit the engine config file, the most common reason for it not opening is that file not being edited correctly. If you are still having problems could you paste the contents of your "AxiomEngine.log" file to here and then I`ll have more of a idea what`s wrong.
Test Subject
#7 Old 5th Aug 2005 at 7:19 PM Last edited by mstram : 6th Aug 2005 at 4:23 AM.
Default Fix for the "program open and crash"
If you *have* fixed the "path" in your EngineConfig.xml, but the program still "opens and closes", check your AxiomEngine.log file.

If there is line like :
,,,: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: One or more of the types in the assembly unable to load."

..then ..

Here is the fix for the '3d version' crash, and will also
fix the SimPE 'geometric data' error :

The thread on the SimPE discussion board :

The file you need to download and install :


Lab Assistant
#8 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 10:10 PM
I tried to import a smd file body animation created by 3d studio max but the program crashed, here's the file created by Max (it's just a 4 frame animation of the "l_thigh0" bone).
Attached files:
File Type: zip  l_thigh0_rotation_anim.zip (2.2 KB, 172 downloads) - View custom content
Nearly alive
Original Poster
#9 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 10:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by skankyboy
I tried to import a smd file body animation created by 3d studio max but the program crashed, here's the file created by Max (it's just a 4 frame animation of the "l_thigh0" bone).

what program are you trying to import this into , the converter or the editor?
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 10:20 PM Last edited by skankyboy : 10th Aug 2005 at 10:24 PM.
Thx for the quick answer, I use the Animation Editor.

I just tried with the convertor but it's the same result but what value I must write in the "time" dialog ?
Nearly alive
Original Poster
#11 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 10:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by skankyboy
Thx for the quick answer, I use the Animation Editor

this won`t work in the editor, at the moment the editor is just for animations of objects and then only supports the movement and rotation of the whole object.

For animations of the sims, you need the converter. get the lastest version here.

even then there are a few problems with the smd file, It seems that 3ds max has renamed all of the bones by adding a "0" to the end of them.

so the bone called r_upperarm has been renamed r_upperarm0, this isn`t going to work as the converter matches up the bones with those needed in the anim file.

If there is no way to get 3ds max to stop adding these "0"'s I will look at a way of adding support for them in the converter.

Edit: the time needs to be the time you want the animation to play over but in milliseconds, so if you want the animation to last 5 seconds you enter 5000 in there.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 11:11 PM
I have some problems with the convertor.

I tried again with an animation of the right arm's bones (r_upperarm,r_bicep,r_forearm) but it doesn't work. I edited the smd file to remove the last 0 in name of each bone but it doesn't work too. I tried with both decimal character (point or comma) but it gave me the same error.

All my tries return me the same error : "Input string was not in a correct format".

I noticed that bone's hierarchy is different between the original no-animated smd file and the animated one (just the bone's number). Heres are the original and the animated smd file (with 0 removed) so I'm not sure of my original smd file (I don't know if this is the good bones configuration).
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Orginial_and_Animated_Smds.zip (64.8 KB, 132 downloads) - View custom content
Nearly alive
Original Poster
#13 Old 10th Aug 2005 at 11:32 PM Last edited by Miche : 10th Aug 2005 at 11:52 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by skankyboy
I have some problems with the convertor.

I tried again with an animation of the right arm's bones (r_upperarm,r_bicep,r_forearm) but it doesn't work. I edited the smd file to remove the last 0 in name of each bone but it doesn't work too. I tried with both decimal character (point or comma) but it gave me the same error.

All my tries return me the same error : "Input string was not in a correct format".

I noticed that bone's hierarchy is different between the original no-animated smd file and the animated one (just the bone's number). Heres are the original and the animated smd file (with 0 removed) so I'm not sure of my original smd file (I don't know if this is the good bones configuration).

I`ll take a look, but I`ve noticed something else with the last smd file you posted, not only had 3ds max added the "0"`s, it had also added a extra bone to the end of the file called "smdimport". Why it had decided that the body needed to grow a new bone , I don`t know.

The new version of the converter would be able to deal with it if that hadn`t have taken the total number of bones above 65, in the current version there can only be a maximum of 65 bones in a smd file that it reads.

Have a look in the options when importing and exporting smd files to see if you can stop this extra bone being created (and the "0"`s being added), I know XSI softimage`s mod tool gives a number of options of how to deal with the importing and exporting so 3ds max might be the same.

edit: it doesn`t matter about the order of the bones, all the 3d programs seem to have there own way of rearranging the bones, and the converter deals with any order.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 1:26 AM
Thank you but unfortunately there is no option in the smd exporter for Max (Only the "reference or animation" choice), I finally found the problem, I removed all "extra" space of my file to do something like the sommersault file, I removed the extra bone too and it works.
Field Researcher
#15 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 8:11 AM Last edited by Max3D : 11th Aug 2005 at 8:42 AM.
hallo there..

to import / export smd in max i use
cannonfodder plugins.. i think that's the official one


the realy problem in max is the mesh size :omg:
it should be scaled at leat about 100 times
but scaling bones and mesh isn't a good idea 'cause we can move/changethe rotation point.

i've tried to import the file "bodyoriginalredone.smd" in milkshape, but it say
"This model contains vertex weights. Milkshape 3D doesn't support vertex weights and as imported just one bone per vertex"
and then it crash :disgust:

i've alos tryed to import in 3DS the Skanky's boy smd
i've scaled the bones from 1.0 to 0.1 and that's what i've got


the bone size seems correct now but there is something wrong :umm:

Lab Assistant
#16 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 2:53 PM Last edited by skankyboy : 11th Aug 2005 at 4:24 PM.
Max3D , I have the same problem. The problem is that the smd importer for Max (I use cannonfodder plugins too) create a "standart" position for bones who have no child. So all your weird bones are bones who have no child. I'll try to modify that to add extra bone in each end of hierarchy.

EDIT: Here is the new smd file with extra bone added. You just have to import file in max then delete all the "null" bones (28 in total).
Don't forget when you export your animation (with max) to remove extra space created in the smd file and the extra bone information (bone65) in each frame.

So Miche I want to know if you could do something for Max user cause SMD create by MeshTool doesn't create hierarchy and bones position are all relative to the same bone who is at position 0,0,0 and the SMD file created by MS3D is not readable by Max.
I created a php script (sorry I don't work with better program language) who recreate the bone hierarchy, the bone placement and add extra bone but it will be better if the MeshTool do this on his own.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  bodywithbonefixed.zip (64.0 KB, 107 downloads) - View custom content
Nearly alive
Original Poster
#17 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 4:53 PM Last edited by Miche : 11th Aug 2005 at 4:55 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by skankyboy
Max3D , I have the same problem. The problem is that the smd importer for Max (I use cannonfodder plugins too) create a "standart" position for bones who have no child. So all your weird bones are bones who have no child. I'll try to modify that to add extra bone in each end of hierarchy.

EDIT: Here is the new smd file with extra bone added. You just have to import file in max then delete all the "null" bones (28 in total).
Don't forget when you export your animation (with max) to remove extra space created in the smd file and the extra bone information (bone65) in each frame.

So Miche I want to know if you could do something for Max user cause SMD create by MeshTool doesn't create hierarchy and bones position are all relative to the same bone who is at position 0,0,0 and the SMD file created by MS3D is not readable by Max.
I created a php script (sorry I don't work with better program language) who recreate the bone hierarchy, the bone placement and add extra bone but it will be better if the MeshTool do this on his own.

The smd files produced by milkshape don`t work with 3ds max? I`m not sure what I`ll be able to do then as milkshape creates the same format as mesh tool creates. Unlike obj files really smd files are quite standard (other than rearranging the bones, or adding new bones etc like 3d max, but the actual format is standard. ) Also by looking at those smd files that you uploaded, apart from the extra bones and name changes there doesn`t seem to be any difference (I will need to check this again as I did have trouble loading one of those smd files into Milkshape).

I need to look into other formats though, as XSI`s mod tool creates some weird smd files when exporting animations (in that only bothers to add the bone information to a frame if that bone moves in that frame), which the converter doesn`t handle.

Anyway I`ll continue to look into all this.

As a temporary fix to get a body mesh with the skeleton into 3ds, couldn`t you convert the file (smd reference ) into a .X file and load this into 3ds max and then animate it and export it as a smd file (or if really needed as a .x and then use either milkshape or fragmotion or some other program to convert the .x file back into a smd file) I know this is far from ideal but it`s just a thought for now.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 10:37 PM Last edited by skankyboy : 11th Aug 2005 at 10:48 PM.
I found the problem, Max don't import properly smd files if the decimal character in the file is not the same as your OS (in configuration panel).

EDIT: It works only for bones, the vertices (so the faces) informations are not imported.
Max3D if you want to try create animation for the moment, rotation's axis are inverted with smd file created by max.
Field Researcher
#19 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 10:43 PM
i'm using the dot (.) as decimal .. in max and in the system..
i think ^^
i'll check when i'm at work (tomorrow)

nice to see that u are working on 3dsmax too SkankyBoy..
i'm not a master in the bones setup, more easy is to animate it when the ik is done
but looks u know that better than me .. i'm a modeller at the end :P
Field Researcher
#20 Old 12th Aug 2005 at 9:09 AM
i've found something intresting
this guy make a 3DSmax exporter for milkshape
there is also a sourcecode.... so.. maybe usefull


The plugin exports the following:

- Bones (converted to joints)
- Biped objects
- Keyframed animation
- Geometric objects
- Smoothing groups
- Texture coordinates
- Physique modifier
- Skin modifier (not totally tested)
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 12th Aug 2005 at 4:39 PM Last edited by WildTeamwin : 12th Aug 2005 at 4:43 PM.
What is the procedure to import the smd files into Fragmotion?
Test Subject
#22 Old 13th Aug 2005 at 12:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by WildTeamwin
What is the procedure to import the smd files into Fragmotion?

Lab Assistant
#23 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 3:52 AM
I saw your post in other animation thread, and I could say that you can create animation with 3dsmax. (but you must extract the mesh structure with the mesh tool and modify it). At the moment there is a problem with the rotation axis.
Here it is :
I created an animation with 3dsMax then export it in smd, then if I load it in MilkShape animation looks good but in game the rotation axis are inverted. So it'll be probably possible to create animation with max if this problem is fixed.

I ask to Miche in the other post here to see what is the problem but I get no answer.
#24 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 6:02 AM Last edited by phat_man55 : 14th Aug 2005 at 6:06 AM.
sorry for the incopitence but i have a question how u get the animation into SimPE i used your hat thingy and for some odd reason (probably my stupidity) i dont know how, or where to put it in. im new at this so please understand.

also i cant get the new version to load, i tried to read the thingy, but all i understood was that it couldnt find the right files.

here it is
[11:03:34] *********Axiom 3D Engine Log *************
Copyright © 2003 Axiom Game Engine Project Team.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0
.Net Framework: 1.1.4322.573

[11:03:34] *-*-* Axiom Intializing
[11:03:34] System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: One or more of the types in the assembly unable to load.
at System.Reflection.Module.GetTypesInternal(StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at Axiom.Core.PlatformManager..ctor()
at Axiom.Core.Root..ctor(String configFileName, String logFileName)
at Axiom.Utility.TechDemo.Setup()
at Axiom.Utility.TechDemo.Start()

ps, also something to help out the tread, you should tell people to delete the post once the question is answered, this may help you cut down on searching for questions. good questions or commonly asked ones should be moved to a new thread called FAQ or something. it may help a bit
#25 Old 14th Aug 2005 at 6:11 AM
oooooo!!!! i think i found the problem. i looked up those file names, and i dont have them. would that be a problem ?

any cance that i could get them from u?

maybe i could try reinstalling it first, then i post back
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