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#1 Old 13th Feb 2018 at 9:17 PM
Default Looking for a decorator for two 10x10 shells:)
as I already said in the "matching builders and decorators thread" I am looking for a decorator(s) for these two houses:

If you decide to help me with those then this is where to post your progress pics

Here is the basic info copied from the main thread (where you can also download the shells) :
They are made for the "Pet Town project" so only the Pets expansion can be used. Both houses are on a 10x10 lot and feature the same floorplan just "mirror reversed". You can furnish them the same way or give each a different character I also wouldn't mind If you want to furnish just one of them. I already "furnished" a bathroom but that was just to show an example to where it could possibly be so If you want it somewhere else please feel free to move it elsewhere

It would be great to finish decorating before the end of this month because that is when the current "Pets theme" ends but it can also be done for a later date

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#2 Old 14th Feb 2018 at 11:30 PM
@orose ?

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#3 Old 15th Feb 2018 at 6:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
@orose ?

It is uncool to admit I might've squeaked a bit for joy? The semester just started again so I hadn't been following the boards as closely as I usually do, but yeah, I'm in. I'll start working on 'em today! :D
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#4 Old 16th Feb 2018 at 1:29 PM
Thank you very much I can't wait to see pictures!

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
#5 Old 20th Feb 2018 at 12:07 AM
So I have some screenshots of House A to show you where I've been going with it, and please feel free to veto anything that's not working for you, it's been a fun challenge so far, I'm not used to decorating without CC anymore so it's actually been really cool to work without it. Only thing that's been vexing for me is that I really love clutter, I like homes to look like somebody lives there and I don't think I've quite been able to achieve that just yet. For this house I went for an older look, so all the furnishings are meant to look elegant but old school, rich but hopefully not gaudy.

I did open up a copy of it and play test all the furniture and such, so those will likely stay where they are- I favor usability when placing items.

Also, can I just say how ridiculously gorgeous these are? I LOVE the way they look outside especially, and would quite frankly like to live in them myself though since that's not possible I'd settle for being able to create anything half as lovely looking. :D

Still pending:
- I am not sure about the color of those curtains and I may yet go back to the hunter green I had on them before. Also I have yet to add curtains for the upstairs. This isn't a bug, it's a feature in development
- Depending on whether you want item values deprecated or not, I have yet to go into the house in live mode and use debug enabler to adjust the heights for some of the clutter items I've placed (the bookshelf downstairs, which currently has flowers inside it instead of on top of it) and place a few more items in various areas.
- Adjusting a few items so as not to intersect furniture and/or curtains. It doesn't change anything but my OCD demands it, lol.
- Ceiling tiles? I'm half and half on whether it needs 'em.

For the other place I want to go for a modern look as a counterpoint to this, but absolutely feel free to veto anything and everything you don't like.

Anywho, here's some screenshots under the spoiler cut because my tinyfier apparently didn't resize them like it was supposed to:
#6 Old 20th Feb 2018 at 2:42 AM
Just lovely, orose! You're doing a great job! My only thought would be to switch the globe and the bookcase. (I have a thing about windows being blocked but that's just me so do whatever you feel is best.)
#7 Old 20th Feb 2018 at 6:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SimmyRN
Just lovely, orose! You're doing a great job! My only thought would be to switch the globe and the bookcase. (I have a thing about windows being blocked but that's just me so do whatever you feel is best.)

Thank you! You're so right- I've been lamenting not being able to use a shorter bookcase I wanted to that wouldn't block the window, lol. I think it ended up in that spot to avoid blocking the staircase, but I have an idea for how to get around that. :D
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#8 Old 20th Feb 2018 at 10:45 PM
Oh I adore your objects choices! I think the furniture fits very well and is really nicely distributed. I think you did a really great job with this tiny home and it's strange floorplan. Your furnishing kind of made it more "spacious" in my eyes. The only thing I am not 100% sure about is the painting of the dragon.
I actually don't mind the low bookcase partly blocking the window and I think that If you switched it with the globe it would be too close to the staircase (as you already said) which might not block it but it would look strange in my opinion. You can definitely move things with debug since I already used it on the lot. I am also definitely voting for painting the ceiling.
I think that you could work a bit more on the colours. For example the wood in general (especially in the kitchen) could be less red and more neutral, maybe more similiar to the wood of the windows. I like the purple curtains but I think the colour could be toned down quite a bit so that it would look "washed out" and used.

Seeing the lot on your screenshots I can see I made some mistakes - not casting all windows the same colour or having the columns show through walls. I will definitely have to fix that before we upload. Sorry

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
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#9 Old 21st Feb 2018 at 7:32 AM
Very nice! I really like the bedroom, cozy and inviting.

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#10 Old 22nd Feb 2018 at 8:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Crowkeeper
Oh I adore your objects choices! I think the furniture fits very well and is really nicely distributed. I think you did a really great job with this tiny home and it's strange floorplan. Your furnishing kind of made it more "spacious" in my eyes. The only thing I am not 100% sure about is the painting of the dragon. ,
I actually don't mind the low bookcase partly blocking the window and I think that If you switched it with the globe it would be too close to the staircase (as you already said) which might not block it but it would look strange in my opinion. You can definitely move things with debug since I already used it on the lot. I am also definitely voting for painting the ceiling.
I think that you could work a bit more on the colours. For example the wood in general (especially in the kitchen) could be less red and more neutral, maybe more similiar to the wood of the windows. I like the purple curtains but I think the colour could be toned down quite a bit so that it would look "washed out" and used.

Seeing the lot on your screenshots I can see I made some mistakes - not casting all windows the same colour or having the columns show through walls. I will definitely have to fix that before we upload. Sorry

- I'm not sold on the dragon myself, I wanted a large painting to go there that was sort of old looking, and some of the other options weren't thrilling me, I tried again and used the large mission painting, I think it works better with the colors of the room, even if the theme is a little different.
- I've also done a bit of re-casting on the woods so they're less red and a little more complementary to what's around them..
- I made the curtains more drab just now and it makes a world of difference. Also I realized I didn't add any in the kitchen so I dropped a set in but they're not a dealbreaker
- No worries on the columns and casting, I didn't want to change much but they weren't too problematic. I went ahead and tweaked the casting to match on a couple of the windows.
- I swapped the locations on the bookshelf and chair etc. It doesn't block the stairs but I'm not certain- take a look and let me know what you think.

Here's a few pics from what I've been tweaking today. It's a distinct possibility that I've watched too much of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries during the last few weeks because I wasn't able to bring myself to get rid of the red upstairs xD I'm still working on the colors though..
#11 Old 22nd Feb 2018 at 9:43 PM
I love the red upstairs! The mission painting works better because it has the colors of the room but also complimentary colors which gives the eye a place to rest and makes it a focal point in the room. I feel like the downstairs is Dot, and the upstairs is Phryne.
#12 Old 22nd Feb 2018 at 9:49 PM Last edited by orose : 22nd Feb 2018 at 10:41 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by tunafishfish
I love the red upstairs! The mission painting works better because it has the colors of the room but also complimentary colors which gives the eye a place to rest and makes it a focal point in the room. I feel like the downstairs is Dot, and the upstairs is Phryne.

Okay not even gonna lie, you kinda made my day with that

edit: so, fun fact- the ceiling tiles that are categorized as such aren't from basegame or pets, lol. After more researching of old ceiling tiles than I would like to admit to, here's what I have.
#13 Old 23rd Feb 2018 at 2:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by orose
edit: so, fun fact- the ceiling tiles that are categorized as such aren't from basegame or pets, lol. After more researching of old ceiling tiles than I would like to admit to, here's what I have.

Great job! I never would have thought of using those patterns to make "pressed tin like" ceiling tiles. Looking forward to the finished projects!
#14 Old 25th Feb 2018 at 7:04 PM
@Crowkeeper Hey, I've got the A shell pretty much done and the B one I'm working on today. Would you like me to upload or PM to you?
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#15 Old 26th Feb 2018 at 7:28 PM
Thank you very much for your great work! The ceiling tiles are very pretty I really like how the pattern match the curtains and counters in the kitchen. I would be happy If you could PM the file to me so that I can fix the column problem before uploading it to the Pet town thread.

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
#16 Old 27th Feb 2018 at 3:52 AM Last edited by orose : 27th Feb 2018 at 4:05 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Crowkeeper
Thank you very much for your great work! The ceiling tiles are very pretty I really like how the pattern match the curtains and counters in the kitchen. I would be happy If you could PM the file to me so that I can fix the column problem before uploading it to the Pet town thread.

Okie doke, I'm sending both via PM now. I ended up going kinda classic for the second as well- the modern look just wasn't working for me. Here's screenies.
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