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#1 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 7:28 PM
Default How can I test the work of clothing recolors?
I made some of my Skell (his TOU) blazer recolors. But how do I check which mesh files are using these colors? Removing/adding meshes, restarting the game and checking the colors is too long and tedious. Is there any program for this?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 29th Jun 2023 at 7:55 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 29th Jun 2023 at 8:06 PM.
First of all, you can check which ones you've got in your downloads folder, and compare to the ones on Skell's site. Often you can go by visuals alone, if you know the creator, age/gender/etc. of the outfits.

If you have SimPE installed, one sure way is to compare the Instance number of the CRES and SHPE to the 3DIR file. If these match (lines shown with colored arrows), the recolor and mesh belong together.

3DIR (recolor file) - the last 8 digit number for each one.

Cres/Shpe (mesh file) - tge 8 digit number, not the one in the parenthesis.
"Instance", and not "Instance (high)"

(old picture, ignore note at the bottom. It was originally for someone who needed help with a hair. The method also works if you want to find the mesh for a hair or accessory, though.

I think at least one of the newer programs made recently has a scanner that can find missing meshes/orphan items, but if there was I can't remember which one (could even be SimPE, there are a bunch of functions there I hardly ever use).
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