Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Missing some wallpapers [Solved]
Edit: I removed my Downloads and that fixed the issue, now just to find which piece of CC is causing it. I'll let you know^^
Editing one last time: My culprit was a file called MaxisWallHidersINsideWoodTrim.package, from this upload. I downloaded that the other day and I guess the explanations were a little too complicated for me, I didn't understand that the original walls would disappear from the game
I installed this maxis community lot from the bin, Doc Alan's Hangout, it came with AL.
It's this bar with a stage inside, and a hotdog food stand in the back.
My problem is, I can't select the grey wallpaper with brown wainscot using the eyedropper. And I can't find it anywhere in the catalogue either. I can see it on the wall there, but other than that it's not available anymore.
I remembered there was a similar wallpaper in a house from the bin, Friendly Firmament , which also came with the AL expansion.
I installed one copy of that lot in the neighbourhood, and I have the same issue: the same wallpaper, only blue, is visible on the walls, but it cannot be selected with the eyedropper, and it's nowhere in the catalogue
I removed all my custom wallpapers from the game in case one of them was overwriting those EAxis wallpapers, or something, but it didn't help.
Is this a known issue or did I somehow bork my AL install files ??
If it's something wrong in my game, does anyone know which install files I should restore from the disk?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Edit: Visited the "Friendly Firmament" lot again, it's not just those two wallpapers. The lilac one with the bunnies, in the children's room upstairs, is missing too, as well as the cream paint/paper with white wainscot, from the adjacent bathroom.
The other wallpapers on the lot work fine and can be selected with the eyedropper.
This is so weird!
I have the same issue but I don't have that package.
Quote: Originally posted by Lili975
Edit: I removed my Downloads and that fixed the issue, now just to find which piece of CC is causing it. I'll let you know^^
Editing one last time: My culprit was a file called MaxisWallHidersINsideWoodTrim.package, from this upload. I downloaded that the other day and I guess the explanations were a little too complicated for me, I didn't understand that the original walls would disappear from the game
I installed this maxis community lot from the bin, Doc Alan's Hangout, it came with AL.
It's this bar with a stage inside, and a hotdog food stand in the back.
My problem is, I can't select the grey wallpaper with brown wainscot using the eyedropper. And I can't find it anywhere in the catalogue either. I can see it on the wall there, but other than that it's not available anymore.
I remembered there was a similar wallpaper in a house from the bin, Friendly Firmament , which also came with the AL expansion.
I installed one copy of that lot in the neighbourhood, and I have the same issue: the same wallpaper, only blue, is visible on the walls, but it cannot be selected with the eyedropper, and it's nowhere in the catalogue
I removed all my custom wallpapers from the game in case one of them was overwriting those EAxis wallpapers, or something, but it didn't help.
Is this a known issue or did I somehow bork my AL install files ??
If it's something wrong in my game, does anyone know which install files I should restore from the disk?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Edit: Visited the "Friendly Firmament" lot again, it's not just those two wallpapers. The lilac one with the bunnies, in the children's room upstairs, is missing too, as well as the cream paint/paper with white wainscot, from the adjacent bathroom.
The other wallpapers on the lot work fine and can be selected with the eyedropper.
This is so weird!
Hi @DeePsGrrl This might help you to find out the cause, backup your game and first test with a fresh set of userdata to determine if it's a CC issue. Game Help:Game Problemwiki
I went through my Downloads folder so carefully and I did find some of those files. In the end I pulled the entire folder out and the files did not return. So maybe a house I downloaded?
I ended up uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. BOOM. They are back.
So now, cringe, I am reinstalling downloads and mods set by set, or one by one. Skipping all houses for now.
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Hi @DeePsGrrl This might help you to find out the cause, backup your game and first test with a fresh set of userdata to determine if it's a CC issue. Game Help:Game Problemwiki