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#1 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 9:22 PM Last edited by siesieim1 : 6th Jul 2009 at 10:39 PM.
Default Kookville-a roleplay town
Okay,this is Kookville,a town that I made up.Here is the applacation for adults/young adults/teens:
Street name:

And for children/babies:
Street Name:
Mom&Dad names:

Please fill this form out.Don't tell me "Your not expirienced,because I used my sister's account in the past but now made my own.Thank you very much.

Town people:

Kookville Elementary (K-6)
Kookville Junior High (7-9)
Kookville High(10+)
Kookville College

Please suggest more jobs!

Kookville was founded by a man named James Kook.He decided to name Kooksville after hiself and he lives there now.He finnaly opened Kookville to the public 70 years ago.After 3 years running a virus broke out demolishing everyone in sight.Now they have cleaned everything up and re-opened it.Some people still believe James is alve,creating the virus again from some evil act of hatred.Now it's your family's fate and detirmination to find James or live your happy lives.What will you do? Follow James stories or live your normal,boring,everyday life?
#2 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 9:37 PM
Siesieim1 - it's always nice to see new ideas, but please do take time to check out the forums, get involved in a pre-existing RP, sketch out the interest for a new RP before launching one )))

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
#3 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 9:39 PM
Yes, quoted from the rules and guidelines thread stickied at the top of the forum:

3. People posting new "open" RPs need to have participated actively and successfully as players in existing open RPs.

If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets
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#4 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 9:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ghanima Atreides
Yes, quoted from the rules and guidelines thread stickied at the top of the forum:

3. People posting new "open" RPs need to have participated actively and successfully as players in existing open RPs.

Can you read what I said?? Please!!! I have been in role plays for 2 years!!! Just on my sister's account!!!!!! Oh my goodness,you people won't read first which isnt fair!
#5 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 9:56 PM
Could you log into your sister's account and verify that it was you all along before biting people's heads off?

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
#6 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:03 PM
I did read your comment, but saw no proof. Accounts aside, if I were you I'd take Alissa's advice and plan out your RP, with an actual plot that might inspire people to join it.

Also, please don't PM me throwing tantrums again. Thanks.

If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets
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#7 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alissa888
Could you log into your sister's account and verify that it was you all along before biting people's heads off?

I'm very sorry I snapped...It's the one week thingy.I think you know what I mean.If I be rude ignore me because I tend to be impatient/hot headed but I am really nice.The reason I made this account was because my sister accidentaly deleted the account,or lost the password or something.
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#8 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AtropaMandragora
Also, people here aren't mindreaders, so there's no way to know what your sister's account was, since you didn't bother mentioning it. Perhaps if you had given a name, people would've recognized you.

And really, biting people's heads off when they're trying to help, is a sure way to put them off from joining.

Thirdly, this doesn't seem to be a particularly fleshed out idea. What's the purpose? The plot? Something, anything for people to go on and become interested in joining?

The plot is that by people's actions drama,love,and hate will rise :] I just need people to join,and I actually believe you 3 are showing a weakness by ganging up on one person.I do request that they stop writing the almost same message for everyone's new idea's.It's making people feel discouraged.Please stop trying to conflict fights on my Kookville.I request you delete your replies.I want peace.
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#9 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AtropaMandragora
Also, people here aren't mindreaders, so there's no way to know what your sister's account was, since you didn't bother mentioning it. Perhaps if you had given a name, people would've recognized you.

And really, biting people's heads off when they're trying to help, is a sure way to put them off from joining.

Thirdly, this doesn't seem to be a particularly fleshed out idea. What's the purpose? The plot? Something, anything for people to go on and become interested in joining?

And also,I went through a very traumatizing expirience with a gun.I suggest you shouldnt have that picture as your icon.
#10 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by siesieim1
I'm very sorry I snapped...It's the one week thingy.I think you know what I mean.If I be rude ignore me because I tend to be impatient/hot headed but I am really nice.The reason I made this account was because my sister accidentaly deleted the account,or lost the password or something.

It's okay, I'm sure we've all been at the lost password stage at some point (accounts in MTS can't be deleted by anyone but the administrators and they do check before doing it ), so if you PM Delphy or HP, I'm sure they can help you rest the password and then you have your old account back

Also, as Atropa and Ghanima pointed out, if you are sticking with this RP, it would be best to figure out a story for it rather than leaving it quite so abstract

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#11 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alissa888
It's okay, I'm sure we've all been at the lost password stage at some point (accounts in MTS can't be deleted by anyone but the administrators and they do check before doing it ), so if you PM Delphy or HP, I'm sure they can help you rest the password and then you have your old account back

Also, as Atropa and Ghanima pointed out, if you are sticking with this RP, it would be best to figure out a story for it rather than leaving it quite so abstract

Yes,I'm writing it right now.But don't you think they shouldnt allow gun pictures as your icon.To be truthful my mother got shot when I was 8 and that conflicts with my memories and I feel a tad bit offended
#12 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:38 PM
Alright. Looking forward to that

As for the gun thing, I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, but you should know guns are also used in law enforcement and self-defence and the icon doesn't show anyone being shot; he could be aiming at a lock for all we know.
If it's still offensive, you could just not look at it

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#13 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AtropaMandragora
Firstly: Two words: "edit fuction".

Secondly: Are you for real? No, I will not change my icon because you have issues with it. Would you change your screen name? I have a hard time typing it.

*uses edit function*

Thirdly: Still didn't give a name.

Can you please stop being so rude? I am serious. And also,I have no need to give out my personal information to you,so you can stalk me or something.Your not my Mother,Father,or anything to me! To me your just another internet hater who can't seem to leave me alone when I request it
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#14 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alissa888
Alright. Looking forward to that

As for the gun thing, I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, but you should know guns are also used in law enforcement and self-defence and the icon doesn't show anyone being shot; he could be aiming at a lock for all we know.
If it's still offensive, you could just not look at it

Eh people are rude.I wish he'd stop already.
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#15 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AtropaMandragora
You requested nothing. You made a comment that called for an answer. You got one.

Furthermore, I didn't ask for your real name, obviously. As stated in my first post (now what was that you said about actually READING what people say?) what I asked for was your sister's screen name, because since you keep claiming you were RPing under it for two years, someone here ought to recognize it, and know who you are.

Look,I just want to be friends,so stop fighting with me.I've already made friends with the other person,but you can't seem to chill out
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#16 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 10:53 PM
Because you keep avoiding the question. Why should we believe you're not a newbie, when you're acting like one, and won't tell us under what screen name you used to roleplay?

Actually, I am stopping now. This is getting beyond ridiculous.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#17 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 11:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by siesieim1
Look,I just want to be friends,so stop fighting with me.I've already made friends with the other person,but you can't seem to chill out

It's really nice to hear you're making friends. However, no-one here is trying to fight you, or bully you or be wantonly hostile.
Atropa does raise a good point; we don't know what your past username was, and therefore we don't know whether you've actually RP'd here for the past two years. Added to that, you being new renders people somewhat apprehensive to joining your RP because they don't know how good a gamehost you'd be. Furthermore, the icons that people use here are according to the rules and if you find them offensive, either politely explain to the person, or just ignore it
In Atropa's case, I am inclined to say that images of guns are omnipresent and she's perfectly within her rights to have that icon.

Again, no-one is trying to be harsh, and so there's no need to be defensive

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
Top Secret Researcher
#18 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 11:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by siesieim1
Can you please stop being so rude? I am serious. And also,I have no need to give out my personal information to you,so you can stalk me or something.Your not my Mother,Father,or anything to me! To me your just another internet hater who can't seem to leave me alone when I request it

A user name is personal information? Personal information would be "Are you even old enough to be on this forum?" (Which I am going to assume you're just being, pardon the colloquialism, flakey, and not 10)

And also, the other posters in here have not been rude. No one {else} has directly insulted you, your supposed history and it's noteworthy lack of support, your sister, or your idea.

But if you want people to join your RP, then belittling the points that they make on why they are not going to is not going to convince them to do so. Is my (admittedly) vaguely condescending post convincing you to join my RP? No? Then why would your much more antagonistic posts convince anyone to join yours?

And seriously, a well fleshed out idea is required for a forum like this. If you look at the other active threads in this forum, they typically have four hundred to thousand word posts, and a reason for character conflicts to arise. In Sweet 16, there's inter-clique conflict, there's teenage hormonal behavior, and in VtM there's probably built in conflict already established by the setting. I wouldn't know.

The conflict you describe is... Actually, before I go on, mini rant: CONFLICT COMES BEFORE CHARACTERS! In this format, you need to put the conflict ABOVE the application process! Seriously, why did you hide it? </rant> Anyway, the conflict there is not detailed enough. So there's some viral and some fear of death. That's good. So... whadda you do about it? This isn't well fleshed out enough of a world to be free form, and you have not described the game if its not.

Lastly, it is not personal information to say what your previous user name was, and double posting. is. almost never nnescessary. seriously, it won't kill you to c/p and put things in quote bars manually.

Also, I believe that you were referring to Alissa in "making friends"? Friendship and a forum poster being rather patient and typically extremely nice are not interchangeable. Just because you haven't provoked her to the point of snappishness doesn't mean you two are freinds, if I speculate accurately. And really, if someone's icon is so mind bogglingly offensive to you that it makes you act like a ten year old, there's a button somewhere so you don't look at anyone's.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
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#19 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 11:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alissa888
It's really nice to hear you're making friends. However, no-one here is trying to fight you, or bully you or be wantonly hostile.
Atropa does raise a good point; we don't know what your past username was, and therefore we don't know whether you've actually RP'd here for the past two years. Added to that, you being new renders people somewhat apprehensive to joining your RP because they don't know how good a gamehost you'd be. Furthermore, the icons that people use here are according to the rules and if you find them offensive, either politely explain to the person, or just ignore it
In Atropa's case, I am inclined to say that images of guns are omnipresent and she's perfectly within her rights to have that icon.

Again, no-one is trying to be harsh, and so there's no need to be defensive

I fully understand.Also,I don't know if you got my Private Message but I asked if Josh Brennan had a partner
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#20 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 12:45 AM
Guys, if there is an issue on a thread, please report the thread and allow staff to handle it. This has gotten WAY out of hand with the name calling and such and could have been nipped in the bud had someone just reported the first post when they saw it was an issue.

You need to have successfully participated in existing roleplays -under the account you would like to host-. Duplicate accounts are not allowed and having multiple accounts can get -all- your accounts banned. Thread locked, as the original poster does not meet the requirements for hosting.

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