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#1 Old 11th Sep 2023 at 11:31 AM Last edited by |usagi : 10th Jan 2024 at 4:15 PM.
Default Co-dominant Legacy Challenge
Summary: You start off with your founder who has recessive genes. Your goal is to have their genetics dominant when reaching 10 generations.

Edit: Changed the heirs spouse rule to make the challenge more challenging.


• Create your female founder and their partner. Your founder must have recessive hair and eye color, and their partner must have dominant hair and eye color. (Recessive hair colors you can choose: Blonde/red. Eye color: Green, Light blue, Grey. Dominant hair colors you can choose: Black/Brown. Eye color: Black, Brown, Dark blue.)

• The founder's partner must have the dominant hair and eye colors.

• Move the couple to a legacy matching house.

• Have up to 3 children.

Who is the heir?
Now that you have 3 different children, you have to pick one child to be the heir to continue the legacy.
You have to choose the child who has the founder's hair color or eye color.
If all the children have the dominant genes of the father, here you will have to make the difficult decision and choose the child that you see fit to take the place of the heir.
• The Turn On and Offs of the heir and future heirs have to be randomized.

The future spouse of the heir:
The heir can only date the sims they have chemistry with, and have at least 2 lighting bolts together.

• You are not allowed to force the heir relationship with a desired sim if they are not getting along. E.G. Having bad conversations because of different interests.

Number of children per generation rules:

• First generation - 3
• Second generation - 2
• Third generation - 2
• Fourth generation - 2
• Fifth generation - 3
• Sixth generation - 2
• Seventh generation - 1
• Eighth generation - 2
• Ninth generation - 1
• Tenth generation - 1

Reaching the tenth generation:

When reaching the last generation round, this is when the founder genes have to be the dominant in the family.
In which generation did the founder's genetics become dominant? It's going to be a surprise, isn't it?
If you are going to try this challenge, please share pictures of what your legacy looks like.
Thank you!
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