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#1 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 2:12 AM
Default Chivalry is Alive!
Anyone else notice small chivalrous acts with some of their male sims? This doesn't apply to all of my male sims, just two. Whenever they are entering a room at the same time as their wives, lady friends, or daughters, they allow the women to go in first. This happens even when the women are way behind them.

It's the normal path thing, in which they both pause, tap their foot, then he waits while she walks past and enters the room. It NEVER fails with these two male sims. Loves it.
#2 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 2:16 AM
Well, I've noticed it with my gay males (I only play gay male sims). The one that initiates things, like inviting someone in or to play a game, or to woohoo, will allow the other person to go first, then follow behind.
Field Researcher
#3 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 2:42 AM
Lawd, I was wondering if I was just SEEING things!! LMAO!

My Sim, Lynn, had invited her Boss, Emma, over to her house. They're friends and she wanted to chat with her. So when Emma arrives, Lynn invited her inside to meet her charismatic new husband, Kevin. Well, while all 3 of them are standing there chatting together. I noticed that Lynn wants to go sit on the sofa for some TV, so she turns and starts walking towards the sofa, but Kevin is ALSO going towards the sofa to sit down. It's only a loveseat. But, INSTEAD - He backs up and allows Lynn and Emma to sit down on the sofa!! I mean he's standing right there by the sofa, and backs up to allow them to sit down. Amazing. They start watching a romantic movie, and the tv action Kevin had in his queue, dropped!

Before now, I have not said anything about this because I couldn't believe what I saw! Not sure if I really saw it like I thought...but I DID. I was like who's gonna believe this, you know?! LOL!!

It's a neighborhood legacy
#4 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 3:11 AM
This "chivalric" behavior combined with the lady Sims being forced into maternity leave, with no option for the fathers to stay home instead, makes me truly believe that someone at EA is longing for the return of the 1950's.

Count no Sim lucky until he is dead.
#5 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 3:18 AM
I think the chivalry type behavior is sweet, especially beings it's not limited to male-female relationships.

blugenjutsu: Thanks for letting us know.
#6 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 4:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sookielee
I think the chivalry type behavior is sweet, especially beings it's not limited to male-female relationships.

...But I'll give a shiny penny to someone who shows me a female Sim opening a door or giving her seat up to a male.

(My Mama taught me to open doors for people and give up my seat to those in need, even though I lack a Y chromosome.)

Count no Sim lucky until he is dead.
Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 5:08 AM
Aww, this sounds cute! I haven't paid attention to this in my game, but I'll see if it happens the next time I play. Does anyone know what happens when it's two female sims? Wives, girlfriends, friends, mother and daughter, do they just both try to barge through the door and wait until a male sim? LOL

CleoTheMuse, I think the chivalry is mignon but the forced maternity leave is a bit too "women only take care of the household, men only take care of the money" mentality. Now how will my Ambitious gal feel when she can't go to work while her Loner, Family-Orientated husband can't use his guitar for income anymore?
Forum Resident
#8 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 5:08 AM
My female always lets her boyfriend in the house first. I'd like to think she wears the pants in the relationship.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 17th Jun 2009 at 7:46 AM
I think the sims 3 has a base in the 1950's . . . Just a thought. But wouldnt suprise me lol. I mean, the Mobile phone thing and the really modern technology doesnt really fit, but, its a prequel and its the sims world. Anything can i happen i guess. lol.
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