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Field Researcher
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#1 Old 8th Aug 2005 at 11:16 AM
Default Direct Game Load ?
there is a way to load directly a Neighborhood or a Loot ?
i ask that 'cause that will speed up the object testing..
is a bit boring to open and close the game everytime :-\

maybe some command line command :confused:
Forum Resident
#2 Old 8th Aug 2005 at 3:01 PM
in program files/ea games/the sims 2 university/tsdata/sys is a file named casie.ini that lists some command line arguments like what you described. I'll put it at the bottem of this post in case you don't have university but if you don't I don't know if it will work. As a matter of fact, I don't know if it will work at all since I've never tried it.

; Casie.ini
; Instructions - this file should be placed in the same directory as your EXE, and should be named Casie.ini.
; To activate a section in this file, specify -iniContext:packed or -iniContext:unpacked;snifftest;...

; ***********
; CommandLine
; ***********
; This section allows you to specify addition command line options. Note - no quotes are necessary on the latter half of the command line, unless a particular
; option requires is. (e.g. -loadLot:"N001;Jake's Place")


Append= -w -loadNeighborhood:N007 -GZDebuglevel:1 -objecterror:delete -startUnpaused -quietCrash -noVisitors -noNPCs; -noStupidIFFUnlocking -RunScript:%GameDataDir%SimScript/Monkey/snifftest/snifftest.txt

Append= -gzdebuglevel:1

; ***********
; Directories
; ***********
; This section allows you to override data directories
; GameDataDir points to data directory location up to and including TSData/, or the directory that contains the Res, Sys, and other
; ViewerDataDir points to data directory location up to and including ContentViewer/Res/.
; AppDir (optional) points to an alternate app directory for deriving other directories.



Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Aug 2005 at 3:11 PM Last edited by Max3D : 8th Aug 2005 at 3:30 PM.
here, where i build all my stuff.. i'ven't uni.. so
thnx to post it.. and thnx for the reply


****** edit *******
damn non way

but i've found the EA animation :D
.. so if u replace it with an empty txt file u will skip the boring video :P

the animation is placed in
E:\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Locale\Italian\Movies
where Italian is your language ^^
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