Tax-Free, Career-Based BaCC Ruleset *UPDATED 07/04/20*
06/19/20 UPDATE: Tweaked requirements for the Military Career and Military Boot Camp!
01/14/19 UPDATE:
LyleSnake made a very useful spreadsheet (Post #15 in this thread) to help us monitor our game progress. Thanks for the extra hand, Lyle!
01/14/19 UPDATE: Added a requirement for the Criminal Career!
01/19/19 UPDATE: Revised some rules to increase difficulty, hehe!
01/28/19 UPDATE: Added the option to create pets in CAS since there wasn't any before making it impossible to build a Pet Shop.
Hi. I'm not good with introductions so I'll get straight to it.
Since I find the rule of tax-paying in BaCC a real hassle than a challenge, and I don't use mods and could only download a few cc's, I decided to remove it and changed some rules to suit my game. I read a lot of BaCC rules (including the
original, and variants from
Keoni, and
Deedee to mention a few) to guide me through this revision process and my rules still follow the structure of creating a town from scratch. However, these rules are career-driven, barely requires population count and mods, doesn't require you to own a business, and most importantly, doesn't require you to pay taxes! At all! So if you're up for it, scroll down!
Warning: This challenge will take a lot of time and effort as it requires you more Sims to play to expand. The progression will be slow but it's rewarding to know you worked very hard for it.
The challenge begins once you've chosen a clean empty neighborhood. It may be lush, desert, dirt, concrete or a custom terrain for cc users. You may only decorate your hood with trees, beaches, birds, and rocks. Only until you're connected to all subhoods will all neighborhood decorations be unlocked.
Before playing, you must determine how many households you'll begin with. To do this, you roll a dice. Each number corresponds to the number of households you will make. (1-2: 2, 3-4: 3, 5-6: 4)
Now that you have your number of households, the next thing you must determine is the number of Sims for each household. You will call your first Sims your "settlers". To do this, you must roll the dice for every household you create. (1: 1, 2: 2, 3-4: 3, 5-6: 4) Each household should be composed of only adults and elders with sibling, married, or parent-child relationship and a maximum of 2 pets. No roommates allowed; you may only combine households in-game. There should only be one married couple and offspring should always have a set of parents. So for example, if you rolled 6, that gives you four Sims. You may have 4 siblings, 3 siblings where one of them is married, 2 elder siblings where one is married and has an adult child, or an elder couple with two adult children. If you rolled 4, you get three Sims. You may have 3 siblings, 2 siblings where one is married, and an elder couple with one adult child. If you rolled 2, you get two Sims. They may be siblings or a couple. And if you rolled 1, he's single. If it's still unclear to you, here's a guide. (SP: Spouse, SI: Sibling, PA: Parent, CH: Child)
1 Sim + Max. 2 Pets: Single
2 Sims + Max. 2 Pets: SI-SI / SP-SP
3 Sims + Max. 2 Pets: SI-SI-SI / SI-SISP-SP / PA-PA-CH
4 Sims + Max. 2 Pets: SI-SI-SI-SI / SI-SI-SISP-SP / SI-SIPA-PA-CH / PA-PA-CH-CH
You are free to choose your Sims' skin color, hair, clothes, and the rest. However, you're not free to choose their personality and aspirations. To determine their aspirations, roll the dice once. (1: Family, 2: Fortune, 3: Knowledge, 4: Popularity, 5: Romance, 6: Pleasure) To determine their personalities, roll the dice twice and get the sum. (2: Capricorn, 3: Aquarius, 4: Pisces, 5: Aries, 6: Taurus, 7: Gemini, 8: Cancer, 9: Virgo, 10: Libra, 11: Sagittarius) You may tweak their personality traits as long as it doesn't change the sign assigned to them.
Note that these rules should be applied every time you create a household.
Your settlers must build their house in an empty lot (beach lots are allowed) of any size. You may use build cheats! You have access to phone, water, and electricity. Unfortunately, fire, burglar alarms and water sprinklers are locked (See Town Expansion, Police Station) and phone services are very limited. (See Unlocking Services) You are not allowed to buy a new fridge after you've purchased your first one. You have to fish or grow your own garden to restock it (See Town Expansion, Grocery). Also, you may only use cars after you've built your town's first community lot. This includes the junk car.
Further in the game you will unlock establishments that will reward you with either a CAS household or a residential lot. (See Town Expansion) Keep in mind that a household will need a residential lot or apartment space to move in. This includes transferring. An available residential lot may be empty or an unoccupied house. A built house cannot be bulldozed but can be renovated. Also, an empty residential lot must remain empty until a family moves in it and build their own house. You may only move your family to a new place if they have lived in their current house for a minimum of 14 Sim days.
To unlock phone services, your household must have a phone. You may use the phone for social interactions and social services. However, some services require establishments (See Town Expansion) or people to function. The list below shows the locked services.
Bartender - Requires a bar (community lot).
Chinese Food Delivery - Requires a diner.
College - Requires University. (See Connecting to Subhoods, University) Only Sims with funds less than $5000 may apply for scholarship.
Emergency (Firefighter and Police) - Requires a police station.
Grocery Delivery - Requires a grocery.
Headmaster - Requires a public library.
Home Business - Requires City Hall.
Matchmaking Service - Requires atleast one Sim working under the Paranormal Career. Unavailability of the requirement disables the service.
Nanny - Requires a day care.
Obedience Trainer - Requires a pet shop.
Pet Adoption Service - Requires a pet shop.
Pizza Delivery - Requires a diner.
Real Estate - Requires City Hall.
Taxi - Requires atleast one community lot.
Vacation - Requires atleast one vacation destination. (See Connecting to Subhoods, Vacation)
To grow your town, you must have community lots. And to have community lots, you must find the right Sims who mastered their career to help you. But since you only have your settlers to begin with, you will not find these Sims-- you will make them. Here's the list of careers you can pursue to unlock establishments and expand your town:
Architecture - Open to your settlers and Art and Mathematics graduates only. Only one City Planner (Rank 10) allowed at a time.*
Artist - Open to Sims with max Arts and Crafts hobby only.
Athletic - Open to Sims with max Fitness or Sports hobby only.
Business - Open to all.
Criminal - Open to Sims with 3 bars or less in the Nice Personality Trait and Sims with household funds less than $1000 only.
Culinary - Open to Sims with max Cuisine hobby only.
Education - Open to your settlers and all college graduates only. Only one Education Minister (Rank10) allowed at a time.*
Entertainment - Open to Sims with max Film and Literature hobby only.
Gamer - Open to Sims with max Games hobby only.
Intelligence - Open to Psychology and Political Science graduates only.
Journalism - Open to Art and Philosophy graduates only.
Law - Open to your settlers and Political Science graduates only. Only one The Law (Rank 10) allowed at a time.*
Law Enforcement - Open to Psychology graduates only. Only one Captain Hero (Rank 10) allowed a time.*
Medicine - Open to Biology and Physics graduates only. Only one Chief of Staff (Rank 10) allowed at a time.*
Military - Open to settlers and Sims who are willing to leave their current household, change their hairstyle, and train in the Military Boot Camp until they're promoted to Commander (Rank 8). Once promoted to Commander, they must leave the camp immediately. If a Sim is demoted while in the camp, he is then evicted and is banned from entering the Military within 14 Sim days. Only one General (Rank 10) at a time.*
Hairstyles Allowed for Women:
1. Getfabulous
2. Lowbun
3. Ponytailhigh
4. Shortslick
Hairstyles Allowed for Men:
1. Bald
2. Cornrows
3. Crewcut
4. Shortcombed
Music - Open to Sims with max Music or Dance hobby only.
Natural Science - Open to Biology graduates only.
Oceanography - Open to Sims with Gold Fishing Badge only. Only one Hand of Poseidon (Rank 10) allowed at a time.*
Paranormal - Open to all. Only two Cult Leaders (Rank 10) allowed at a time.
Politics - Open to your settlers and graduates of Political Science and Economics only. Only one Mayor (Rank 10) allowed at a time.*
Science - Open to Physics and Mathematics graduates only.
Security (Pets) - Open to pets and requires a Sim at Law Enforcement Rank 5 within the neighborhood.
Service (Pets) - Open to pets and requires a Nurse Sim (Medicine Rank 3) within the neighborhood.
Show Business - Open to Drama and Literature graduates only.
Show Business (Pets) - Open to pets and requires a Cartoon Voice Sim (Show Business Rank 5) within the neighborhood.
Slacker - Open to all.
* If another Sim accidentally tops the career, you must roll the dice once to seal their fate. 1-3: The challenger replaces the former Sim and the former Sim must quit immediately. 4-6: The former Sim retains his job and the challenger must quit immediately. Tough luck, so be watchful!
Tip: Make sure you have at least one settler in the Architecture, Education, Law, and Politics career for a quick start.
Now that you've pursued your chosen career, it's time to expand your town and build community lots. To build community lots, you must first have a City Planner. The City Planner enables you to build establishments. He, however, does not unlock any establishment. If your City Planner quits or dies, your ability to build is once again disabled. The list below shows the establishments you can build.
Art Gallery - Requires an Art Critic (Artist Rank 7) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Apartment Lots - You may build one apartment for every fourth household in your neighborhood. Maximum of four rent spaces only per apartment.
Bar - Requires a Master of Ceremonies (Entertainment Rank 8). Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot and access to bartender service. This lot can be purchased.
Book Shop - Requires a Sim to sell a novel worth atleast $2000 and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Cemetery - Requires three graves in the neighborhood. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
City Hall - Requires a Mayor (Politics Rank 10) and The Law (Law Rank 10) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Clothing Shop - Requires a Sim with Gold Sewing Badge. You may build one clothing shop for every two Sims with Gold Sewing Badge. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Coffee Shop - Requires an Executive Chef (Culinary Rank 8) and a grocery. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Community Garden/Park - Requires Rogue Botanist (Natural Science Rank 6) and a flower shop and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Day Care - Requires a household composed of atleast four non-adults (babies to teens) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot and access to nanny service. This lot cannot be purchased.
Diner - Requires a Waitress (Culinary Rank 5) and a grocery. You may build one diner for every two Waiters. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot and access to food delivery service. This lot can be purchased.
Flower Shop - Requires a Sim with Gold Flower Arranging Badge. You may build one flower shop for every two Sims with Silver Flower Arranging Badge. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Grocery - Requires a Sim with Gold Gardening or Fishing Badge and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot, access to grocery delivery service and a new fridge. This lot can be purchased.
Gym - Requires Coach (Athletic Rank 9) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Hotel - Requires access to atleast one vacation destination. (See Connecting to Subhoods, Vacation) You may build a hotel for every eighth household in your neighborhood. This lot can be purchased.
Hospital - Requires a Chief of Staff (Medicine Rank 10) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
House of Worship - Requires a Cult Leader (Paranormal Rank 10). You may build two different House of Worship's. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lots. This lot cannot be purchased.
Internet Cafe - Requires a Game Designer (Gamer Rank 10) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Mall - Requires connection to Downtown and Bluewater Village and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Military Boot Camp (A Dormitory) - Requires a General (Military Rank 10) and a science observatory and should only be built once. Only Sims who signed up for Military career are allowed to live in the camp. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Movie House - Requires Broadway Star (Show Business Rank 7) and should only be built once. Unlocking this earns you one CAS household and one residential lot and access to pet services. This lot cannot be purchased.
Pet Shop - Requires atleast eight pets (cats and dogs) in the neighborhood and should only be built once. Unlocking this earns you one CAS household and one residential lot and access to pet services. This lot cannot be purchased.
Police Station - Requires a Police Chief (Law Enforcement Rank 9) and a Head of SCIA (Intelligence Rank 10) and should only be built once. Only Sims employed under Politics, Law, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence may visit this lot. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household, one residential lot, fire and burglar alarms, and access to emergency services. This lot cannot be purchased.
Public Beach - Requires a Marine Biologist (Oceanography Rank 6) and should only be built once. Unlocking this earns you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Public Library - Requires a High School Principal (Education Rank 7) and a book shop and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot and access to private school. This lot cannot be purchased.
Recording Studio - Requires Studio Musician (Music Rank 7) and should only be built once. Unlocking this earns you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Restaurant - Requires a Restaurateur (Culinary Rank 9) and a diner. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Salon - Requires a Sim with Gold Cosmetology Badge. You may build a salon for every two Sims with Silver Cosmetology Badge. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
Science Observatory - Requires a Top Secret Researcher (Science Rank 8) and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Secret Hideout - Requires a Criminal Mastermind (Criminal Rank 10) and should only be built once. Only Sims employed under the Criminal career may visit this lot. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Town Plaza - Requires 20 residents (pets are not counted) and the City Hall and should only be built once. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household and one residential lot. This lot cannot be purchased.
Toy Shop - Requires a Sim with Gold Toy Making Badge. You may build one toy shop for every two Sims with Silver Toy Making Badge. Unlocking this grants you one CAS household or one residential lot. This lot can be purchased.
To connect to subhoods, you must have the requirements of the following:
Bluewater Village - Requires two Business Tycoons (Business Rank 10), City Hall, and 30 residents in the neighborhood.
Downtown — Requires one bar, one diner, one movie house, one apartment, City Hall, and 30 residents in the neighborhood.
University - Requires public library and City Hall.
Vacation - Requires one salon, one public beach, one restaurant, City Hall and 30 residents in the neighborhood.
And that's it! I hope you find these rules fun and challenging! Thanks!