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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 7th Jun 2009 at 12:24 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 7th Feb 2014 at 5:08 PM.
The Dice Challenge-Now in English!
Hello! Welcome to The Dice Challenge.

Dice Challenge is the challenge for you that have get stuck in your sims. You always do perfect sims, the kids always do the homework, have good job and further. It's boring and you just do the same all over!

But now it's over!
Let the Dice go over your sims life!

Observe that Dice Challenge is a Swedish challenge from the beginning (Started off LillWiken, and some other members). And that means that the originaly rules are in Swedish, but four you I've google translate it to English!
Observe: that google sometimes have cind off bad translations. If you have hard to understand, want to comment, ask or tell about your Dice Challenge, please post it here.

Tumblr: Springbunnysims
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#2 Old 7th Jun 2009 at 12:29 PM
Create a single adult sim in CAS.
And if you thought you had to choose quite freely, so you can forget it.
Even now it is time to pick up the dice. And do not escape again, for you will need many times during the game, almost all the time.

Turn the die to determine the sex of your startsim.
Odd Girl =
Even = guy

Turn the die to determine the color of your startsim.
1 = Light
2 = Normal
3 = mulatto
4 = Dark
5 = Custom (if you have no self, slam)
6 = Turn again

Turn the die to determine the shape of your sim.
Odd = Thick
Even = Narrow

Turn the die to determine the hair on your startsim.
1 = Blond
2 = Orange
3 = Brown
4 = Black
5 = Custom (if you have no self, slam)
6 = Turn again

Turn the die to determine if your sim must have a hat or not.
Odd = Hatt
Even = Not hat
(The determination of the other hair itself)

Turn the die to determine the eye color of your startsim.
1 = Light Blue
2 = Dark Blue
3 = Gray
4 = Green
5 = Brown
6 = Self (if you have no self, slam)

Turn the die to determine if your sim to have glasses or not.
Odd = Glasses
Even = Not glasses
(Decide yourself the glasses)

For a man:
Turn the die to determine if your sim must have ansiktshår or not.
Odd = Ansiktshår
Even = Not ansiktshår
(Decide yourself what type of ansiktshår)

For a woman:
Turn the die to determine if your sim must have makeup or not.
Odd = No makeup
Even = Make-up
(Decide yourself which make-up)

Other appoint choices: Select themselves (Or read voluntary code)

Turn the die to determine the ambition your sim will get.
1 = Success
2 = Knowledge
3 = Romance
4 = Family
5 = Popular
6 = Turn again

When you have to beat the die for which the sign your sim will get, is slightly different rules.
Instead of beat up a sign, if you take that up how many points you should put on their property.
Enter the first die on which bar you will begin to fill in.
1 = Proper / sloppy
2 = Shy / outreach
3 = Lat / Active
4 = Serious / playful
5 = sulky / Pleasant
6 = Turn again
Next, you should turn the dice to see how many points you put in each bar.

Example: First, turn a 5: a. This means you should start in the bar representing how morose or nice a Sim is.
Then you should switch to the point. Let's say you turn a 2: a. Then you 2 as points in the stack.
Then, switch on for the bar representing the proper or careless. Let's say you turn a 6: a. Then you 6 points in the stack. And then go.
At the end maybe there are no points left, if you have high numbers in the beginning. Then you leave blank. Similarly, if you have low numbers in the beginning, then you put the remaining points in the last column. Do you still have points left after having sat remaining in last place, you bring more balance in the bar you started in, and so on.

Turn the die to determine which letter the name of your startsim to start on.
The name of your startsim to start on one of the letters in the group representing the figure you have to die. Which of the four characters you choose.
1 = ABCD
2 = EFGH
3 = ijkl
4 = MNOP
5 = QRST
6 = UVYZ
Do the same with the last name.

Tumblr: Springbunnysims
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 7th Jun 2009 at 12:32 PM
Now you have made clear your startsim. It is time to move in to your site. As you thought you would choose. No, no, the dice to turn for that, too.
1 = (3x1) - (2x2) - (2x3)
2 = (3x2) - (2x4) - (3x3)
3 = (5x2) - (4x3) - (3x4)
4 = (5x3) - (3x5) - (4x4)
5 = (5x4) - (4x5) - (5x5)
6 = Turn on

After this turn with the dice again to determine which of the three options in the group to choose.
1 or 2 = Alt 1
3 or 4 = Alt 2
5 or 6 = Alt 3

Example. You hit first a 4: a. This means that you can come to live in any of the three options available after 4: an, ie. 5x3, 3x5 or 4x4.
Since the switch again, maybe you turn January 1: a. Then you take option 1 in the row, ie. in this case 5x3.
NOTE! No sim may under any circumstances, move out from the original site some time during the challenge. Exception for university swim (and possibly exfruar and ex-husband).

When you moved into your plot, you build and furnish the way you want.
(Or read during voluntary code)

Then it's time to die again.
Turn the die for your sim to obtain work
Odd = No
Even = Yes

Turn the die for the type of job your sim will get.
1 = Thief or slouch.
2 = Business or policy.
3 = Medicine or Science
4 = Military or law enforcement
5 = cooking or sports.
6 = Turn again

Your sim may not obtain work at once. Simmen must wait a number of days.
What determines how long he / she will have to wait? The die of course!
Switch to die and expect the number of days the dice eyes showing. (1-6)

Switch to the die to determine their Sims civil status.
1 or 2 = Living alone
3 or 4 = Marry
5 or 6 = Become cohabitee

If you beat 3-6 in the preceding, you should switch to sexual orientation as well.
Odd = marriage or cohabitation becomes with any of the other sex
Even = marriage or cohabitation is with one of the same sex

If you had such bad luck to die is decided that you would not work, and living alone, it is very easy, you risk a personal bankruptcy because you will not receive any money.
Then it is allowed to quickly find a best friend that you can move into. This must be the natural way, ie. you get to know a very good sim, you are best friends, you ask him to move in and he or she accepts.
This best friend is allowed to get a job so that the family may be an income. Switch to in the industry Simmen will work in.
However, it is still startsimmen to bring the family forward.
NOTE! To have a friend who moves in to work for one is only allowed for startsimmen.
Up the same for generation 2, to swim to live alone and do not work, then you get to live on their money they have saved up. Therefore, you may want to skimp a little on the money, so it has.

NOTE! Only townies / NPC 's are allowed to move in / get married in.

How many children will your sim have?
Switch to die and have as many children as dice eyes shows
(Best to write down so you do not forget because it is something you can not get at once.)
Note: Do you have up your sim to live alone and you'll adopt. Similarly, if you turn up your sim live in a homosexual relationship, or if you live in a relationship where the female Simmen is aging.
You live, however, in a heterosexual relationship where the female is Simmen adult adoptions are NOT allowed!
If your sim may be alienated children counted in the number of children you will get.

If you are going to adopt a child, you should look for what age the child should have.
1 or 2 = Infants
3 or 4 = Creep Children
5 or 6 = Children

If the next generation will be a baby, should I switch to determine its name, just as when you created startsimmen.
Use the same list.
When your simbarn starts school, you should look for if he or she should enter the private school or not.

Odd = Children should enter the private school
Even = Children should go in the municipal school

When Simmen becomes a teenager, one should naturally turn to determine its ambition and everything else that goes to switch to, just as you did with your startsim. You should also look for your sim to work (teenage career).
Odd = Work
Even = Not Working
Then use the list in the industry.

Only a Sim in the child band may include genes on.
Which of your children it will be understood to be determined by the dice kind.
Is a child is no problem.

If you have 2 children:
Odd numbers = the youngest child continues
Even = The oldest child continues

If you have 3 children:
1 or 2 = the youngest child continues
3 or 4 = Between The child continues
5 or 6 = The oldest child continues

If you have 4 children:
1 = The youngest child continues
2 = The second youngest child continues
3 = The second oldest child continues
4 = The oldest child continues
5 or 6 = Turn on

If you have 5 children:
1 = The youngest child continues
2 = The second youngest child continues
3 = Between The child continues
4 = The next oldest child continues
5 = The oldest child continues
6 = Turn on

6 children:
Goes without saying ...

Regardless of who it will be none of the other kids move out. They may not get any partner or any children. They may work, if the die says.

Since it is not permitted to move out swim from the land, it may be crowded after a while.
If you have full on your site and is about to have children, then you kill the oldest swimmer, thus the elderly.
If you have no old people, or if all are already dead, you kill the oldest children, teenagers.
Last in line is chosen adults to die, because there are those who have to pass the generations.
Arise situations other than these, you ask in the forum so make a special assessment of the situation.

It is like if you give birth to many children than the die told you.
This can actually happen. Let's say you turn a 3, then you'll get 3 children.
First, obtain a child, then another one. When you become pregnant for the third time, you may have twins. Then it becomes a child too much. Then the oldest child to die when it becomes a teenager.

Cruel fate, but this is a tough challenge!

There is a special rule if your sim is romance-sim.
If you would turn up to be married, so it must do so, with appropriate partners under the list.
Once your sim has gained all her children with her partner, you get beat on their romance-sim should be different or not, because the romance-swim not thrive in permanent relationships.
Odd = Stay married
Even = Make the final

If you turn up your romance-sim should differ from its current partner, you get after the slam of civil status and children.
NOTE! A divorce of a romance-sim can only be done once, otherwise you can keep on how long any time and get married and have many children.

When an adult sim is aging, you should turn on the die for Simmen should retire or not.
Odd = Pension
Even = Continue to work (until death do you part)
(If aging has not reached the peak of his career, he or she retire in any case, if the die says so)

When a sim reaches the top of his career, you should turn the dice for your sim will get a new job or whether to continue working with the same career.
Odd = Replace career
Even = Continue in the same (until death do you part, or until retirement does)

When a chance card (one job-issue) comes up, it should be (of course) turn the die to which option to take.

1 or 2 = the right option
3 or 4 = My option
5 or 6 = The left option (Ignore)

Tumblr: Springbunnysims
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 7th Jun 2009 at 12:34 PM
Now to something that's real fun my friends:

Then a funny thing that REALLY makes it challenging.
You have to beat up the characteristics of your future (possible) partner should have, what to look for.
Enter the first category:
1 = Appearance
2 = First name
3 = surname
4 = Age
5 = Work
6 = Turn again

Then turn on specific options within the categories.

1 = Hat
2 = Oranget hair
3 = Long hair
4 = Dark skin color
5 = Large / thick lips
6 = Small / narrow eyes

Use the same list as when to determine the name of your swim.
You have to find a partner whose name starts on one of the letters in the category.

Use the same list as when to determine the name of your swim.
You have to find a partner whose surname begins on one of the letters in the category.

Odd = Adult
Even = Aging

1 = cleaning staff or bartender
2 = Nanny or insektsutrotare
3 = Letter Carriers or firefighter
4 = Police or matbud
5 = Mechanic or kinamatsbud
6 = gardener or pizzabud

You should also turn the die for how many generations your challenge will continue.
1 = Five generations
2 = Six generations
3 = Seven generations
4 = Eight generations
5 = Nine generations
6 = Ten generations

Tumblr: Springbunnysims
Forum Resident
#5 Old 13th Jun 2009 at 7:29 PM
This is very well thought out and interesting. I might something like this with Sims 3 as well.

I am fairly sure that ansiktshår in the first post is facial hair (stubble and/or beard).

Creep children is toddler. Simbarn is child. Simmen is Sims.

I think that insektsutrotare is the exterminator.
Matbud is the grocery deliverer.
Pizzabud is the pizza deliverer.
Kinamatsbud in Chinese food deliverer.

You did a great job translating all that.
Field Researcher
#6 Old 5th Jul 2009 at 10:05 PM Last edited by amyandmia : 5th Jul 2009 at 10:22 PM.
This sounds fun, yesterday i was thinking about this, i was going to roll a dice for the number of children and nothing else, but this is mnuch more interesting, i'm going to try it.
ok, i rolled the dice, for just about everything, i didn't know if i was suposed to wait or not but i have, a single, female sim, with skin2 and brown hair and light blue eyes, overweight, living on a 5x2 lot (i didn't know those existed) her name starts with MNO or P she is a family sim and she is to get a job in the Medicine or Science career in 3 days and retire when she is an elder

she is also going to have 6 kids (oh no) and somehow, i rolled, for the ages, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, the 4th shall be the heir and they will go to private school
Test Subject
#7 Old 15th Apr 2010 at 10:49 PM
This is so fun! My sim is a girl, narrow, blond, gray eyes, and has is a family sim. Her name is Opal Hale. She has already married a sim of the opposite sex, Craig Ray. He had to have the letters A,B,C or D for his first name.... They have to have 5 kids together and the second child is the heir. Sadly, she must continue working for the rest of her life in the medical career.
This is the first challenge that I think I'm going to actually finish.
#8 Old 24th Apr 2010 at 11:38 AM
I'm sooo trying is one !! thanx for shearing <3

All and all, no good.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 17th Aug 2011 at 6:54 PM
This is my challenge, and I cut of a little bit at the end. I dont actually STICK to challenges.



Custom Skin.



Has Hat.

Grey Eyes.

No glasses.

Has makeup.


Proper/Sloppy bar:










First Letter First of name:


First Letter of second name:


Lot,Job and Family.

3x3 Lot.




3 days untill work.

Lives alone.


Children go to Normal school.

Teenagers Do not work.

Have 4 children.

Youngest Child continues.

Continues to work as Elder.

In Chance cards, always use the right option.

Other stuff.

This challenge with carry on for:



Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
-Margaret Mead
#10 Old 18th Aug 2011 at 12:31 AM
Interesting challenge. I am still unsure of how the dice-rolling works.

1 = (3x1) - (2x2) - (2x3)
2 = (3x2) - (2x4) - (3x3)
3 = (5x2) - (4x3) - (3x4)
4 = (5x3) - (3x5) - (4x4)
5 = (5x4) - (4x5) - (5x5)
6 = Turn on

What is that supposed to mean?
Field Researcher
#11 Old 18th Aug 2011 at 2:20 AM
I think that means which Lot size you are allowed to live in. Of course I assume (6 = Turn On) means if you roll the number 6, roll again.
So if you roll 1, you will live in a Lot which is either 3x1, 2x2 or 2x3. To determine which lot size you will live in roll again, if you roll 1/2 you live on a 3x1 lot, 3/4 = 2x2 lot and 5/6 = 2x3 lot.

This looks like so much fun!
Thanks Nors for translating, it's makes it easy to translate the translation!
For instance (if you have no self, slam) means if you have no custom content, roll again.

Oh Noes Not Another Blog! - where you can see my awful custom content and horrible attempts at challenges, storytelling and picture taking.
Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
#12 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 5:17 AM
I start with…
Skin-tone 3
Thin body shape
Brown hair color
Wearing a hat
Brown eye color
Wearing glasses
No makeup
Sloppy / Neat: 4
Shy / Outgoing: 4
Lazy / Active: 8
Serious / Playful: 3
Grouchy / Nice: 6
Sarah Elliot
Starting on a 4x3 Lot
Forever unemployed
Living alone (initially)
Attracted to males
5 kids with mate
Send kids to private school
Kids are allowed to work, when they grow older
Oldest child continues
Field Researcher
#13 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 7:21 AM
I decided it best to roll my stats now and make my Sim later.
So without further ado! My Sim shall be:

A Guy
With Custom Skin (I'll choose a nice orangey-yellow colour)
A Thin body
Black hair
No Hat
Dark Blue Eyes
Glasses (I'll choose a clearish set with little-no frames)
Facial Hair! (Give him stubble and a goatee)
Family Aspiration
Proper/Sloppy = 2
shy/Outgoing = 6
Lazy/Active = 6
Serious/Playful = 5
Grouchy/Nice = 6
First Name rolled 3 IJKL, I'll name him Loco
Second Name rolled 5 QRST, He's now Loco Train LOL
Then rolled a 4 and a 2
So Loco will live on a 5x3 lot
Yes he will work in a Science Career (took 3 rolls to stop rolling 6's!)
He has to wait 1 day to start work.
Cohabitation it is!
And interested in males it is!
Wooo adopting toddlers! Nooooo 6 of em... LOL
Children will all going to normal school too.
5th one will be heir.
Yay Loco gets retirement!

Loco's ideal partner:
A long haired person
Name starts with ABCD
Last name with MNOP
Whose job is either: Cleaning Staff or Bartender

Loco's legacy should last 5 generations.

YAY! I can't wait to get busy making Loco Train :D

Oh Noes Not Another Blog! - where you can see my awful custom content and horrible attempts at challenges, storytelling and picture taking.
Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 5:05 PM
Her name is Sandy Beaches [LOL!]

Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
-Margaret Mead
#15 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 5:41 PM
question about this challenge- what if the aliens intervene? I mean sometimes unplanned male pregnancies happen. XD should we roll to see whether or not we roll the dice to invoke the social worker. Odds- she comes Even - your stuck with it . XD

Disclaimer: I am just being a goof ball, please ignore me if offended.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 5:43 PM
LOL! Yeah, I think you get the grasp of the challenge. Thats just what it WOULD say if the challenge said anything about Aliens!

Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
-Margaret Mead
Test Subject
#17 Old 19th Aug 2011 at 7:52 PM
This looks so crazy, I have to try it! Now to go find a die....
Field Researcher
#18 Old 29th Aug 2011 at 11:37 AM
I got the chance to make Loco Train, who found himself a man, Dawson Steele (a bartender). These two were just made for each other, with 3 chemistry bolts! I was so happy when they hooked up naturally, it was even better that their relationship got to the point of moving in with only a few nudges from me. Easily the fastest match I have made so far and they are really cute together.

They are now happily sharing a big house together, there were some issues on whether or not they should share the same bedroom or not, I ended up giving them a bedroom each in the end (with an adjoining bathroom inbetween).

Dawson switched carerrs and now is a teacher, while Loco is still a lab rat (science career). Dawson's lifetime want is to be an Education Minister, he has a family aspiration with a secondary romance aspiration. Dawson hits on any man on the lot constantly in front of Loco, so they fight a lot and make up a lot! Dawson also loves all his kids, he's constanly playing with them and tucking them into sleep.

So far I haven't adopted them toddlers, because I've cheated! I wanted Loco's children to be actually blood related, so he has been popping out babies alien style which are genetically related (he's the mum and Dawson's the dad, thanks to some very handy cheats!) I feel a little regretful for the cheating but Loco's skin is really awesome (orange at top fading to purple feet), I really wanted to continue the skin through the family blood line.

Loco and Dawson are the proud Dad's of Heath Train, Cole Train, Steam Train and Crash Train. Steam is the only female so far, Heath, Cole and Crash are all boys. Loco is currently pregnant with twins (natural from the start). The fifth will be the heir, so I have to keep track of which twin is born first!

Happy simming everyone! I sure am having fun!

Oh Noes Not Another Blog! - where you can see my awful custom content and horrible attempts at challenges, storytelling and picture taking.
Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
Test Subject
#19 Old 30th Sep 2011 at 3:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by annoainthere
Loco is currently pregnant with twins (natural from the start). The fifth will be the heir, so I have to keep track of which twin is born first!

Haha, good luck! Twins are hard enough to keep track of, it being necessary should be interesting. Just adding my two cents, I'd recommend naming them very different names just in case, to avoid confusion if they're identical. o.o

ps, I have the same male pregnancy hack, I think. Was tempted to use it but there was nothing all that special about my starter sim so I don't think I will. He has orange skin as well, oddly enough! Not the same as you described though.
Field Researcher
#20 Old 2nd Oct 2011 at 5:05 AM Last edited by annoainthere : 8th Oct 2011 at 1:24 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by EquationHouse
Haha, good luck! Twins are hard enough to keep track of, it being necessary should be interesting. Just adding my two cents, I'd recommend naming them very different names just in case, to avoid confusion if they're identical. o.o

ps, I have the same male pregnancy hack, I think. Was tempted to use it but there was nothing all that special about my starter sim so I don't think I will. He has orange skin as well, oddly enough! Not the same as you described though.

I also have the trips&quads hack, for a challenge I'll raise triplets or quads. twins are easy in comparison. Unfortunately all the kids have the same orange skin as Loco, and their other dads brown hair. The main way to tell them apart is their hairstyle and clothes (I tend to colour code kids in large families).

ps. I enjoy the male pregnancy hack, it makes for more interesting gameplay. Loco wasn't particularly interesting, but after giving him an interesting background and mucking around with his features helped. I'm not sure where I found the skin, when I get home from holidays I'll see if I can find out.

{edit added 8/10/11}
Somehow holidays no longer feel long enough! Anyway I found the skin I've used on Loco, you can find it on parsimonious (they have some really nice colours there). http://parsimonious.org/fashion2/skintones/2.shtml the skin will be in the second row, end of the row (picture#3, 2nd pic down). It's an odd tone, must be why I like it so much!

Oh Noes Not Another Blog! - where you can see my awful custom content and horrible attempts at challenges, storytelling and picture taking.
Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
Field Researcher
#21 Old 13th Oct 2011 at 3:31 AM Last edited by annoainthere : 7th Nov 2011 at 7:51 AM.
An update to the story of Loco, finally the twins have been born! They are now toddlers, lucky they were a Girl/Boy combination. So our heir will be Peace, the first born girl twin! Her brother Soul is now the youngest of all six kids.

So the happy family is now: Loco and Dawson Train, have six children, 4 boys, 2 girls.
Heath is now a Teen with the Romance Aspiration, he's having a lot of fun with ACR.... I may have to ground him.
Cole is only a day away from growing into a teen, he's very into sports and loves playing cops and robbers.
Steam is becoming a film buff, she loves watching movies. I swear I'll have to ban her from the TV soon.
Crash is the joker of the family, every time he gets the chance, he plays practical jokes on his siblings and Fathers.
Peace is the heir to the legacy, she's so cute at the moment, I hope her cuteness grows with her.
Soul is the youngest of the family, he loves bashing on the xylophone, I think he's going to grow up to be a musician.

I had hoped for some pictures, but I got way too much into the game play last night to take any. I shall try tonight though.
Happy Simming ^.^

Some pics for your viewing pleasure. All the kids are teens in them. Heath, Cole, Steam, Crash and Soul are all either moved out or now at Uni. Peace is playing her role as heir. I can't remember what she rolled, apart from needing to have 4 children and never marrying.

Oh Noes Not Another Blog! - where you can see my awful custom content and horrible attempts at challenges, storytelling and picture taking.
Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
Test Subject
#22 Old 16th Oct 2011 at 1:11 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 11th Feb 2014 at 8:39 PM.
Default Retranslated and slightly rehashed Dice Challenge
I am very fond of the Dice Challenge, as originally posted by Nors, but the poor translation (darn google) I imagine can be hard to interprate for some. I've had a go at translating the challenge myself. I have tried to stay as close as possible to the original thread, but have tweaked it slightly in places, so I hope no one minds!

For my version, I added letters to the naming alphabet, as I didn't like the idea of some being missing, and taken out the waiting to work rule. It can take a certain number of days to find the job you want anyway, unless you cheat, but by all means include it if you prefer. I will also be including more careers to choose from based on expansion packs that were obviously released later than when the challenge was first created. Anything else that's different has been changed by accident, so let me know if I messed up

I claim no credit whatsoever for the original challenge idea, that obviously goes to the original creators. I do claim credit for the expansion pack careers addition though! Also, a big thank you to Nors for bothering to google translate in the first place! Judging by the original thread, you made a lot of peeps, myself included, very happy

Create a single adult sim in CAS.
From here you will need a die. Keept it to hand throughout the challenge as you will need it for most aspects of gameplay. For now, you will use it to create the start sim.

Roll the die to determine the sex of your start sim.
Odd = Female
Even = Male

Roll the die to determine their skin colour.
1 = Light
2 = Normal
3 = Tan
4 = Dark
5 = Custom or roll again
6 = Roll again

Roll the die to determine their shape.
Odd = Unfit
Even = Normal

Roll the die to determine their hair colour.
1 = Blond
2 = Red
3 = Brown
4 = Black
5 = Custom or roll again
6 = Roll again

Roll the die to determine if your sim must have a hat or not.
Odd = Hat
Even = No hat
(Decide yourself the hair type)

Roll the die to determine their eye colour.
1 = Light Blue
2 = Dark Blue
3 = Gray
4 = Green
5 = Brown
6 = Custom or roll again

Roll the die to determine if your sim is to have glasses or not.
Odd = Yes
Even = No
(Decide yourself the glasses)

For a man:
Turn the die to determine if your sim must have facial hair or not.
Odd = Yes
Even = No
(Decide yourself what type of facial hair)

For a woman:
Turn the die to determine if your sim must have makeup or not.
Odd = No
Even = Yes
(Decide yourself which make-up)

Turn the die to determine the aspiration your sim will get.
1 = Fortune
2 = Knowledge
3 = Romance
4 = Family
5 = Popularity
6 = Pleasure or roll again

When you roll the die for which the starsign your sim will get, the rules are slightly different to most challenges.
Instead of rolling for a starsign, you will need to roll for how many points to add to each trait.
Roll the die for the bar you will add the trait to. Obviously, if you roll on the same trait twice then you will need to roll again.
1 = Neat / Sloppy
2 = Shy / Outgoing
3 = Lazy / Active
4 = Serious / Playful
5 = Grouchy/ Nice
6 = Roll again
Now you should roll for how many points to put in each bar.

So for example, your first roll is a 5. This means that you should start in the bar representing how grouchy or nice a Sim is. Next you roll a 2, meaning that you would add 2 points to the grouchy/nice bar.
It is possible that there will be no points left by the time you have finished. If this isn't the case, then you can use up the remaining points by adding more balance to the bars (so if you rolled 1 for shy/outgoing and 6 for serious/playful, then you can add more points to the shy/outgoing bar. Also, if you run out of points before you have finished then the remaining traits need to be left blank.

Now roll the die to determine which letter of the alphabet your sims name starts with. Each group of letters corresponds to one number on the die. For example, if you roll 4 then your sims name must start with either M,N,O or P.
1 = ABCD
2 = EFGH
3 = IJKL
4 = MNOP
Do the same with the last name.

Now that you have created your start sim, it is time to move them onto a lot. Even now you will need to roll the die to determine the size of the lot that your sim will be allowed to move in to.
1 = (3x1) - (2x2) - (2x3)
2 = (3x2) - (2x4) - (3x3)
3 = (5x2) - (4x3) - (3x4)
4 = (5x3) - (3x5) - (4x4)
5 = (5x4) - (4x5) - (5x5)
6 = Roll again

After this, roll the dice again to determine which of the three options in the group to choose.
1 or 2 = Alt 1
3 or 4 = Alt 2
5 or 6 = Alt 3

For example, if you roll 4 then you will be able to move into either 5x3, 3x5 or 4x4 lots. After rolling again you end up with a 1 then this counts as alt 1, which in the case would be 5x3.
NOTE! No sim may under any circumstances may move out from the original site during the course of the challenge. The only exeptions to this rule are ex-spouses and sims moving to college. The latter must return to the original lot upon graduating or dropping out. Once moved onto the lot, you can build and furnish as you please.

It's time to roll that die again, this time to to see if your start sim can work or not.
Odd = No
Even = Yes

Roll the die for the type of job your sim will get.
1 = Criminal or Slacker.
2 = Business or Politics.
3 = Medicine or Science
4 = Military or Law Enforcement
5 = Culinary or Athletic
6 = Roll again

These are obviously only the base game careers. Variations for Seasons and Freetime expansions are below. Note that I haven't included the University careers, as these are only available to adults who have graduated from uni on certain majors. To choose your career, just use the lists and instructions below depending on which expansion/expansions you have. Please let me know if I missed any careers out!

Roll the die. Odd numbers for list one and evens for list two.

Odd number - List 1
Use base game list above.

Even number - List 2
1-2 Journalism - Adventurer
3-4 Education - Law
5 -6 Music - Gamer

Roll the die. Odd numbers for list one and evens for list two.

Odd number - List 1
Use base game list above.

Even number - List 2
1-2 Entertainment - Dance
3-4 Architecture - Oceanography
5-6 Intelligence or custom (or just intelligence if you have no custom careers)

Both Seasons and Freetime
Roll the die. Odd numbers for list one and evens for list two.

Odd number - List 1
Use base game list above.

Even number - List 2
1 Law - Intelligence
2 Music - Dance
3 Oceanography - Adventurer
4 Journalism - Education
5 Gamer and Entertainment
6 Architecture or custom (or just architecture if you have no custom careers)

Now roll the die to determine your sims civil status.
1 or 2 = Living alone
3 or 4 = Marry
5 or 6 = Become cohabitee

If you roll 3-6 then you will need to roll again to determine the gender of your sims partner. Being a cohabitee doesn't necessarily mean having a romantic relationship, but it will help later on.
Odd = Marriage or cohabitation becomes with any of the opposite sex
Even = Marriage or cohabitation is with one of the same sex

If you had such bad luck as to roll for not working and living alone then there is a chance that you will become bankcrupt because you will not receive any money.
If this happens then you can quickly find a best friend to move in. This must be the natural way, ie. you get to know a sim, become friends and then best friends. You can then ask them to move in.
This best friend is allowed to get a job so that the family may earn income. Roll the die for this sims career. Only the start sim has this option and only the start sim can continue the family line.
NOTE! Only townies / NPC 's are allowed to move in / get married in.

How many children will your sim have?
Roll the die again to see how many children your start sim can have/adopt (best to write down so you do not forget, because it is something you can not get at once.) You may only adopt if you sim is living alone, in a homosexual relationship or is to old to have more children naturally. You may NOT adopt under any other circumstances other than those listed. Alien babies count toward this total only if they are born to the heir/founder.

If you are going to adopt a child, you should roll the die to see what age you can choose.
1 or 2 = Babies
3 or 4 = Toddlers
5 or 6 = Children

Babies should be named using the same procedure as the start sim and using the same list.

When your child/children start school, you should look for if he or she should enter the private school or not.

Odd = Children should enter the private school
Even = Children should go in the public school

You can also decide at this point if they will wear glasses or not. This will be done by using the die of course!

When the next generation become teenagers, you will need to use the same procedure as the start sim to determine their aspiration and working status. You will also need to use the die to decide if they will wear make-up (girls) or have facial hair (boys).

Only biological children of your start sim can become heirs. Which of your children it will be will again be determined by the die. If you only have one child, then you won't need to roll, otherwise:

If you have 2 children:
Odd = The youngest child continues
Even = The oldest child continues

If you have 3 children:
1 or 2 = The youngest child continues
3 or 4 = The middle child continues
5 or 6 = The oldest child continues

If you have 4 children:
1 = The youngest child continues
2 = The second youngest child continues
3 = The second oldest child continues
4 = The oldest child continues
5 or 6 = Roll again

If you have 5 children:
1 = The youngest child continues
2 = The second youngest child continues
3 = The middle child continues
4 = The second oldest child continues
5 = The oldest child continues
6 = Roll again

6 children:
Goes without saying ...

Regardless of who it will be, none of the other kids can move out or have partners/children. They may still work, if you already rolled for them to do so.

Since it is not permitted to move out sims from the original lot, the you may find that the place gets pretty crowded after a while.
If your lot becomes full then you will have to start killing off the oldest sims on the lot to make room. This will usually mean your elders, but it you have no elders then you will need to start killing the oldest adults or teens. This of course doesn't include your heir but may include your start sim, seeing as they should no longer needed by this point anyway.

It is possible that you may end up having a child to many. For example, you rolled for three children and then have twins in the third pregnancy then you will have one child too many. like if you give birth to many children than the die told you. If this happens, then the oldest child no longer counts in the total and must be killed off as soon as they become a teen. It's cruel but this is a tough challenge!

There is a special rule if your start sim/heir is a romance sim!
If you rolled to be married then once your sim has gained all their children with their partner, then you get roll the die for whether the couple stay married or not.
Odd = Stay married
Even = Break up

If your sims break up, then you can reroll for their civil status.
NOTE! A divorce of a romance sims can only be done once!

When a sim becomes and elder, you should roll the die to if your sim retires or not.
Odd = Retire
Even = Keep working until death

When a sim reaches the top of their career, you should turn the dice for your sim will get a new job or whether to continue working with the same career.
Odd = Replace career
Even = Continue in the same (until death do you part, or until retirement does)

When a chance card comes up, you should (wait for it) roll the die to see which option to take.
1 or 2 = The right option
3 or 4 = The middle option
5 or 6 = The left option (Ignore)
Field Researcher
#23 Old 5th Nov 2011 at 5:38 AM
i did this....i got a hat and glasses, alone and can never marry or have a job but can adopt one kid....lol...was quite fun
#24 Old 5th Nov 2011 at 11:45 AM
this looks AWESOME to try!!! just one question...I was thinking of starting this in a fresh subhood of my main hood, would marrying off the extra kids (non heirs) from this family to any of my main sims count against the rules? I really need some new DNA (townies are driving me mental!)
Field Researcher
#25 Old 7th Nov 2011 at 1:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sweetbaby160
this looks AWESOME to try!!! just one question...I was thinking of starting this in a fresh subhood of my main hood, would marrying off the extra kids (non heirs) from this family to any of my main sims count against the rules? I really need some new DNA (townies are driving me mental!)

From what I understand, the rules state nothing about what happens to the non-heir children, so you should be able to do whatever you want with the children that are non-heir.

I was stuck on a full household on the first generation (Founder, Partner, 6 children). So to allow the Heir to continue on I moved out all the siblings so the Heir could get started on a family sooner. I used the siblings and continued the challenge through them as well. It's actually quite fun this way, and you get multiple challenges with different families.

Oh Noes Not Another Blog! - where you can see my awful custom content and horrible attempts at challenges, storytelling and picture taking.
Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
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