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#1 Old 7th Apr 2009 at 6:47 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 11th Feb 2014 at 4:12 PM.
Default Try To Survive Challenge
I had a dream about it and i thought it was cool.

1st build a mansion, and make it as old looking as you can and inhabit it with a family(however large you want it) then kill them off this way you have ghost floating around hehe( you don't have to do this step if you do not want too)

The creat a bunch of adults(6-8) and move them in. Typical horror movie plot.
Group of teens or young adults goes to party in a strange old house. they are pating and when it is time to leave, doors are locked. So they are trapped in the house and can't leave. If you do have ghosts, they will scare the sims. Goal is to have only 1sim survive this night mare.

You can:
Use whatever custom content you want.
Use move objects on to fix bugs
Use money cheat only once! this is when you move your sims in.

You can't:
Contact the outside world. If you run out of food get a new fridge. No phone or computers
Use insim to kill them. They must die pure accidents.
Can't repeat type of deaths. If one burned by fire cooking, the other must drown then, the other must get eaten by bugs and etc.
You must not help them in anyways to die. As in remove ladders lock them in the rooms and etc.


It is kind of cruel challenge I admit. I tried it. I had a gothic girl that survived she had aspiration failure though >_>

+10 for every time you manage to survive(ex. almost burned but run out of the room or something)
+5 for every friend you make
+5 for saving your friends( ex. estinguish fires)
+20 if you manage to save your friend from GR
+25 if through out the challenge specific sim didn't cause any accidents at all.

-10 if you lose a friend
-15 if a friend dies and you couldn't save them
-15 causing accidents
-20 if more then one sims die in the same accident

you lose all scores if all sims died.

I hope some one tries it. it will be a perfect challenge if you want to get rid of the oogly sims in your NH :D
Field Researcher
#2 Old 8th Apr 2009 at 9:14 AM
This is a really different challenge! Thank you! I will definitley try it, allow it might just be in a normal old house instead of a mansion because I'm to lazy
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 11th Apr 2009 at 6:48 AM
As long as it is old and has danger in it then go ahead.

I will redo this challange and see if I can get pictures.
Field Researcher
#4 Old 11th Apr 2009 at 6:50 AM
Wow, this actually seems fun. Although those sim ghosts do give me the frights I'll do it.
Test Subject
#5 Old 13th Apr 2009 at 5:12 PM
I've made the family and I'll start it in a little while, and the sim I've decided to try to keep alive looks pretty evil already!
#6 Old 13th Apr 2009 at 7:18 PM
Ooooh. I have to finish up some contests, but looky-looky here: the perfect challenge to get rid of all those fugly Sims Maxis threw my way in the orphanage challenge. Looks like the fugly college kids are going on Spring Break.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#7 Old 13th Apr 2009 at 7:57 PM
Sweet! Just post pictures guys! :D
Field Researcher
#8 Old 22nd Apr 2009 at 9:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Deatherella
Ooooh. I have to finish up some contests, but looky-looky here: the perfect challenge to get rid of all those fugly Sims Maxis threw my way in the orphanage challenge. Looks like the fugly college kids are going on Spring Break.

You know, Deatherella, I'm not usually a big fan of these type of Sim beauty remarks. Some folks tend to hold their Simmies to pretty stringent standards about what's pretty. At times seemingly tighter than real people are even held. But you are so right. This is a perfect challenge for getting rid of those "ugly" sims. Was one of the the first thoughts in my mind actually. "Oooooh, our shallow folks will love this." Bravura, Kyle, for this great brianstorm.
Field Researcher
#9 Old 24th Apr 2009 at 7:46 PM
Oooh this sounds interesting, I might try this challenge....
Test Subject
#10 Old 21st May 2009 at 3:08 PM
lol i'll try this as soon as I have enough 'leftover' sims. I'll be sure to post some pictures. Thanks for the idea.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 30th Jan 2010 at 8:55 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 10:26 PM.
Default The Haunted House Challenge
This is just a test of a challenge.
You move into a house over 80 years old. It's obviously creepy and big, and (possibly) has a Victorian theme to it. You buy this house from the whatever-you-call-those-people-who-sell-houses, and you notice them wiping their brow. You take a look at the house... and discover it is actually more modern than you thought. But when you take a look in the back there are tons of graves! You decide all the weird activity in the house is just a coincidence....

Start out by making random Sims, and killing them, boolprop-ing their deaths, however you want. I prefer boolprop-ing them, because you can choose from the different deaths. You can kill as many as you want, but kill AT LEAST nine. Killing 20 is recommended, if you want it harder, kill more.
After killing all those Sims, build a house. Make it eerie and big. If you have Nightlife, using the House of Fallen Trees works well with this challenge's theme. Then, make a Simself/Random Sim/Townie/WHOEVER. You could make a whole family for maximum effect, if you are a sadist.

The Rules
DO NOT make a Sim with Family Aspiration. They will FREAK if someone dies. Toddlers and Children get affected by this as well, so if you don't want to make them, that's okay.
TRY NOT to get pregnant. It's a pain in the neck to have babies in a freaking haunted house. They pee ALL the time. If you're so desperate, or have a Risky Woohoo hack, go ahead.
DO NOT delete or move the graves. It's the whole point of the game, to have ghosts.
DO NOT make a Knowledge Sim. They won't be scared AND seeing ghosts gives them a score advantage.

+1000 points for each Sim surviving at the end.
+100 points for each time your Sim(s) go into Platinum Aspiration.
+500 for each job advance
+500 for reaching LTW (another good reason not to have Family Sims!)
+50 for every time a Ghost scares your Sim and that Sim survives.
+1 for each ghost activity noticed by you, and for every Ghost sighting.
-1000 if you end the game with no Sims.
-100 every time your Sim(s) goes into Red or Deep Red.
-500 if you get fired.
-500 if a relative or best friend of yours dies in your house for ANY REASON.
-100 if a random townie/NPC or friend of yours dies in your house for ANY REASON.
-10 if you die besides Old Age or Fright.
-100 if you die of Fright.

Game ends if all the Sims die, or you reach elderhood.
#12 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 4:04 AM
Sounds like fun . . . and we all know how much I love killing fugly Maxis sims . . .

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Field Researcher
#13 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 4:07 PM
This sounds good....*Plans maxis townie mass murder operation*

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live." - Mark Twain
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 6:03 PM
I just HAD to make a challenge like this. I like mass murdering townies and Sims as well.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#15 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 6:05 PM
I made something very similar, it's called "try to survive challenge" no one ever attempted it even though they said they will
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 6:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by KyleTheArtist
I made something very similar, it's called "try to survive challenge" no one ever attempted it even though they said they will

Always seems to be the case.
#17 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 9:07 PM
Hmmm... I actually think I might try this.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#18 Old 1st Feb 2010 at 4:17 AM
Test Subject
#19 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 8:30 PM
I'll give this a try. But, I foresee on problem. What about knowledge sims? They won't be scared by ghosts, so you should ban them. I think I'll make a Couple. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I'm not scoring though. I'll just have fun.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 3rd Feb 2010 at 1:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Katika
I'll give this a try. But, I foresee on problem. What about knowledge sims? They won't be scared by ghosts, so you should ban them. I think I'll make a Couple. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I'm not scoring though. I'll just have fun.

Good point.

Call me Isobel

*hates recorders, no-touch-the-baby mommies, and lost dice"
#21 Old 3rd Feb 2010 at 2:00 AM
I have a n00b question. I haven't played this game long enough to have any human ghosts. I also haven't done my favourite scenario from TS1, which was to kill of sixteen or twenty-four sims on a lot in historical clothing, and then move in the groundskeeper and his little gothy daughter.

Anyways, what is it that the current family is going to have trouble surviving? Can ghosts kill them? Do they die of fright or is it something else?
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 4th Feb 2010 at 12:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SimMegaptera
I have a n00b question. I haven't played this game long enough to have any human ghosts. I also haven't done my favourite scenario from TS1, which was to kill of sixteen or twenty-four sims on a lot in historical clothing, and then move in the groundskeeper and his little gothy daughter.

Anyways, what is it that the current family is going to have trouble surviving? Can ghosts kill them? Do they die of fright or is it something else?

They die of if a ghost scares them, unless its a knowledge sim

Call me Isobel

*hates recorders, no-touch-the-baby mommies, and lost dice"
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 5th Feb 2010 at 6:28 AM
Not necessarily. It can happen, but it may not. One of my child Sims got scared by a ghost (of her mother, actually) and she lived.

Ask me about my Luigi Largo Sim.
I'll tell you about the Satanic snowman he made in college. And how he loves cleaning the toilet.
Here for WIN.
Field Researcher
#24 Old 5th Feb 2010 at 9:13 PM
Being a Knowledge sims doesn't make you less likely to die of fright. It just makes the scare a positive memory instead of a negative one.

When a sim gets scared there is an 8% hit to each of Hunger, Bladder, Energy, Hygiene and Comfort. After the scare, if 4 or more of the sim's motives (looking at all motives including Environment, Social and Fun) are below 30%, the sim dies. The only exception is children who still take the same motive hit but can't die of fright.

On my site I have dozens more Sims 2 mods. These mods come with no support so use them at your own risk.
#25 Old 5th Feb 2010 at 9:57 PM
Okay, so there's a chance that a ghost can kill them by scaring.

How do you make sure that a person on the lot sees a ghost? Buffy the dog was floating around the lot and I made several people go outside to where she was, but they didn't see her. Even though she was digging ghostly holes in the lawn. XD
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