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#1 Old 1st Jun 2014 at 2:41 PM Last edited by leefish : 2nd Feb 2016 at 11:05 AM.
Worst life ever Challenge
Your sim came from a line of poverty. the Parents are dead following a horrible car crash. there is no help for the family not even the spouses parents, they pretended he/she was never there.

there is no scoring for the challenge its more of a you have to do this or else this happens sort of thing

Fulfill 3 Fears a day, Failure to do so results in a death of your choice, one of the kids or one of the sims.
You must have 8 sims to the house. 2 adults and 6 kids (teen, child, or toddler)
they have to be poor. only one sim may work at a time, no other way of making money is allowed. no reaching tops of a sim career.
no pets. your sims barley have enough money to feed their kids.
No cheats.

Your challenge ends when the youngest kids have had at the least of 10 aspiration failures

Have fun and please post feedback, i'll fix anything needed.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Mad Poster
#2 Old 9th Jun 2014 at 10:54 PM
I guess this could be a challenge for someone without a lot of playing experience, but it's just normal play for ME. Three "fears" could be offset by fulfilling wants. It's like you want us to make them miserable, but not TOO much...?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#3 Old 18th Jan 2016 at 12:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
I guess this could be a challenge for someone without a lot of playing experience, but it's just normal play for ME. Three "fears" could be offset by fulfilling wants. It's like you want us to make them miserable, but not TOO much...?

I was thinking I would do it like this:try to never fulfill any wants,only fears,make them raise children from birth,make parents Family aspiration.They want to have a big family but are unable to find the time and energy to take care of the children.So no potty training,teaching to walk, buying anything not needed for survival. Make as many bad memories as possible, social worker, alien abductions, runaways, runaway pets, deaths, etc.Replace any lost family members with another birth. Also have to switch jobs so they never make much money. I think it would be fun, be creative with the bad memories If you pile on enough fears and failures and avoid as many positive oes it would be a fun challenge, and not normal play for me!Sort of the exact opposite, I must try this
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