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#1 Old 5th Sep 2015 at 4:05 PM Last edited by cespencer7 : 29th Oct 2016 at 7:44 PM.
Default The Elves are Coming
Elves Challenge - Edited 10/30/15
Your inhabitants wake one morning to rumors that elves are living nearby. Some say that the elves bring good luck, love and fortune to those they encounter. Others fear that the elves bring bad luck, illness, madness and death. This is where your challenge begins. How well your human inhabitants survive their encounters with elves depends on their luck, skill, fortune and friendships. Will the elves destroy humankind or will they fall in love with them? Will any pure-blooded elves exist after three generations of living among humans? Only fate will tell.

The purpose of this challenge is to bring a little mayhem into an existing legacy challenge that may be getting a little too predictable. I designed it as a plug-in challenge to be used during the Renaissance phase in my “Test of Time Challenge”. Adapt the challenge to fit into your game.

CHEATING – You need to be very comfortable using the awesome, but extremely dangerous boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat to spawn: Make Me Sick (MMS), Rodney’s Death Creator (RDC) and the Sims Modder (SM).

Create the Elves:
1. Some of the elves are said to bring good luck. Decide on a set of genetics for these elves so you can tell the difference between elves that bring good luck and those that bring bad luck. [Mine have an Enayla's custom skin the pale blue color of moonbeams, eyes like green grass and hair the color of wheat fields in the autumn. They might be mistaken for fairies. You can make yours any way you want.] Create one good luck elf family (adult male, adult female, one child)
2. Other elves bring bad luck or mischief. [I used Enayla's skin the color of rusty fall leaves. They could be mistaken for pixies. Pick your own custom genetics.] Create your bad luck elf family (adult male, adult female, one child)
3. For both elf families, use pointed ears or another identifiable genetic feature so you can quickly see the difference between the elves and the rest of your population.
4. Use whatever cheat you want to make your elves immortal. (Sims Modder has a Set Age Mod)

Build and Decorate the Elf Lots
1. The good luck elves live in an enchanted world filled with love. For the good luck elf family, create a lot that makes you think good luck. [Mine is bright, magical and beautiful. It includes flowering trees, water features, and gardens. The home has curves and delicate renaissance architectural features. It is decorated with musical instruments, a florist table and elements that make it a lot where I want to stay forever.] You can create whatever makes you think "good luck"!
2. For the bad luck elf family, create a lot that makes you feel a little cursed. [I made a wooded lot with twisting paths that created a mysterious and shadowy place that might be a little scary. I included a dark, deep fishing pond and a mysterious waterfall.] My bad luck elves are shy, so I tucked their home in the back of the lot. I decorated it in a way that is heavier, darker, and more medieval.] Feel free to make your lot anyway you want, just so long as it makes you think, "bad luck".
3. Place both lots on the edge of your neighborhood away from your other inhabitants. Make it hard for Sims to accidentally wander onto this lot.
4. To get enough money to buy the lot, create an empty lot. Move one elf family into this lot. Use the “motherlode” cheat repeatedly to get enough money to buy their elf lot. Return to neighborhood. Move family into family bin and then into their new elf lot. Repeat with the next elf family.

EDIT (9-5-15) Play your game as you usually do for one season (5 days or as long as you want), don't start the consequences of meeting elves yet, but also don't purposefully seek them out. If you have children going to school, they will likely bring an elf or two home with them. Encounters with elf children do not trigger the consequences chart. You can decide on your own if they cause a little mischief. These early encounters are what lead to the "rumors" of elves in your kingdom.

Elf Encounters
Good luck Elf or Friendly (50+/50+) Relationship with Bad Luck Elf
The older folks in town tell stories of some elves bringing blessings, love and peace to those they encounter in their travels. So, whenever one of your inhabitants meets a good luck elf (or a bad luck elf they befriended), roll a six-sided die to determine the consequence. Based on the number you roll, you will use the boolprop cheat to spawn one of the mods. (See notes following these charts for directions)

Die Roll
Male human, Male elf
1 - SM - Add Want Slot
2 - SM -Max Body Skill
3 - SM – Max Personality: Active
4 - SM – Max All Skills
5 - MMS – Make Me Immune
6 - SM – Relationship Other to Me Likes

Male human, female elf
1 - SM - Add Want Slot
2 - SM – Max Charisma Skill
3 - SM – Max Personality: Neat
4 - SM – Max All Skills
5 - SM – Relationship Other to Me Likes
6 - SM – Relationship Other to Me Loves

Female human, Male elf
1 - SM - Add Want Slot
2 - SM -Max Logic Skill
3 - SM – Max Personality: Play
4 - SM – Max All Skills
5 - SM – Relationship Other to Me Likes
6 - SM – Relationship Other to Me Loves

Female human, Female elf1 - SM - Add Want Slot
2 - SM – Max Creativity Skill
3 - SM – Max Personality: Nice
4 - SM – Max All Skills
5 - MMS – Make Me Immune
6 - SM – Relationship Other to Me Likes

Bad luck Elf or Negative Relationship with Good luck Elf
Bad luck elves are rumored to bring illness, misfortune and even death to those they encounter in their travels. Whenever one of your inhabitants meets a bad luck elf, (or a good luck elf with whom they have a negative relationship), pause the game and roll a die to determine the consequence. However, before your human loses any skill points, gets sick, or dies check their Fortune, Skills and Friendship levels to see if they can be saved. (Next section)

Die Roll
Male human, Male elf
1 - SM - Add Fear Slot
2 - SM – Min Body Skill
3 - SM – Min Personality: Active
4 - SM -Relationship Other to Me Dislikes
5 - SM -Relationship Other to Me Hates
6 - RDC - Death Lightning

Male human, female elf
1 - SM - Add Fear Slot
2 - Min Charisma Skill
3 - SM - Min Personality: Neat
4 - MMS Cold
5 - MMS Pneumonia
6 - SM -Relationship Other Me Dislikes

Female human, Male elf
1 - SM - Add Fear Slot
2 - SM – SM – Min Logic Skill
3 - SM – Min Personality: Playful
4 - MMS Pneumonia
5 - MMS Flu
6 - SM -Relationship Other Me Dislike

Female human, Female elf
1 - SM - Add Fear Slot
2 - SM - Min Creativity Skill
3 - SM – Min Personality: Nice
4 - SM -Relationship Other to Me Dislikes
5 - SM -Relationship Other to Me Hates
6 - RDC - Death Hail
(If a human and elf fight autonomously and human loses the fight, the human must die. Choose how.)

How to spawn the mods?
Simultaneously type Ctrl-Shift-C. This will open a text box on top of your screen. In this box, type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then hit enter. Now, select the Sim you want to mod and Shift-click on that Sim. Then select SPAWN and then pick one of the mods listed above (MMS, RDC, SM). Based on the results of the roll of the die you then mod your Sim by blessing, cursing or killing them.

How Fortune, Skill or Friendship May Alter the Consequences
Rich Sims
Whenever rich Sims meet an elf they can avoid the consequences, if they want to, by giving the elf a gift worth $5,000 or more.

Skillful Sims
Skillful Sims can use their talents to avoid the consequences of meeting an elf, if they want to do so. Skills cannot be used to avoid the consequences of meeting an elf if the elf and human have a negative relationship.
* Sims with 10 skill points in charisma can charm themselves out of any consequence.
* Sims with 10 skill points in creativity can find creative ways out of any consequence.
* Sims with 10 skill points in knowledge can think of a way out of any consequence.

If your Sims have a 50+/50+ relationship score with an elf, their consequences are always positive whether the elf is a good luck or bad luck elf. Whenever an elf shows up on a home lot, if they don’t autonomously interact with Sims, you can select the one with the strongest friendship relationship to initiate an interaction and risk the consequences.

Love and Romance
If an elf and a human fall in love due to their repeated interactions, they may decide to meet secretly (date) on a community lot. Their secret love can continue as long as no other elves discover them. If they are caught, there are two possibilities.
1. If the human is married, the elf must break-up with them. This will result in a negative relationship and future interactions should be considered bad or negative.
2. If the human is not married, the fates will need to be consulted through a roll of the die. An even number roll means the male needs to propose. An odd number roll means a break-up.

Elf Families
Elf-Elf Marriage and Families
Marriages between elves result in the building of a new elf home lot. The type of lot is determined by the male. If he is a bad luck elf, the couple will live on a dark, wooded lot with a wooded home tucked away on the back of the lot. If he is a good luck elf, their home will be more open, light and surrounded by ponds, gardens and flowering trees. Elf children are allowed to go to school with human children until they turn 18. On their 18th birthday, they become immortal and are expected to find a spouse. Elf teens are not allowed to study at the university.

Elf-Human Marriage and Families
Marriages between elves and humans are very rare. This is due to the elves’ immortality and the heart-break that comes from living long after their loved one is dead.
1. If a male elf marries a human, she must move to his home and cut herself off from her human family. Her elf husband will remain immortal. He may not marry again after her death.
2. If a female elf marries a human, she must move to his home and sever all ties with her elf kin. This decision will result in a loss of her immortality and she will eventually die. If she outlives her husband, she may not remarry.

Human-Elf Children
Children born from a human and elf relationship may be an elf (immortal) or a human (mortal). This is determined by the children’s ears (or other defining genetic feature) and the race of their elf parent. (Their skin, eye or hair color does not affect their mortality)

* A child, with a bad luck elf father and human mother, born with pointed ears becomes a bad luck elf.
* A child, with a human father and bad luck elf mother, born with pointed ears becomes a bad luck elf. When they are old enough to go to school, they must leave their human home and move back to the bad luck elf lot to live with their grandparents.

* A child, with a good luck elf father and human mother, born with pointed ears becomes a good luck elf.
* A child, with a human father and good luck elf mother, born with pointed ears becomes a good luck elf. When they are old enough to go to school, they must leave their human home and move back to the good luck elf lot to live with their grandparents.

* A child born with human ears is a mortal human. If they are living on an elf lot, when they are old enough to go to school, they must leave their elf home and move back to their human grandparents' lot.

The End
At the end of three generations in this mini-challenge, see how many pure-blooded elves remain, how many mixed elf-human marriages you have, and if any of their off-spring became elves.
How many of your humans died because they stumbled across a bad luck elf or an angry good luck elf?
I am a little curious myself to see how much elf blood gets mixed into my existing Test of Time families.

If you decide to take this challenge, let me know how it goes and if you have any suggestions on how to make it better. If you want a pdf of this challenge, stop by my newest website in the test of time challenge at https://sites.google.com/site/renaissancetestoftime/ . I loaded a pdf version on my Google Drive and loaded it to the site, so let me know if you can access it.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 5th Sep 2015 at 10:49 PM Last edited by cespencer7 : 31st Oct 2015 at 6:08 PM.
Started my own preparations for playing the challenge and wanted to share some photos. Please share your own photos and storylines. I can't wait to be inspired.

The good luck elves will live on the bright white Rivendell lot . This lot was built by Zarathustra and you can find it here on the modthesims site. I made a few edits, like replacing the arches with doors and windows so I could play it all four seasons. I also revised the kitchen and a few of the bedrooms so I could build a nursery and kids rooms.

I built the bad luck elves lot with lots of trees so it would seem remote. I also built a community lot so that the humans who eventually fall in love with elves would have a place to meet secretly. (Don't tell their parents.)

All three lots were placed on the very edge of my existing test the time challenge neighborhood so only the most adventurous will find them. My German and English sims will most likely meet them first as they are closest. (Sort of fits in with the elven myths, hmm, interesting.)

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
Mad Poster
#3 Old 25th Sep 2015 at 7:55 PM
Sounds charming...but really hard set up!
#4 Old 25th Sep 2015 at 8:19 PM
Oh I have ideas...me elves shall be in Desiderata Valley!

What constitutes as dark skin? The African American skins or...

Also I use those cheats allllllll the time lol

"Oh look, my grandchild is now an elder. They grow up so fast. Gee, I wonder when I'll finally graduate college." Sims 2
Mad Poster
#5 Old 2nd Oct 2015 at 3:55 PM
IMO, dark "human" skin (and I have some really dark CC!) is just for dwarves. If a light elf is really pale white, a dark one should be...deep blue {avatar skin, which I have}.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#7 Old 31st Oct 2015 at 4:36 AM Last edited by cespencer7 : 31st Oct 2015 at 6:10 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
IMO, dark "human" skin (and I have some really dark CC!) is just for dwarves. If a light elf is really pale white, a dark one should be...deep blue {avatar skin, which I have}.

I love the idea of the dark blue for the bad luck (previously I called these dark) elves. It broadens the idea of how to tell the good luck and bad luck elves apart. Based on everyone's comments, I made some changes to the first post. The general rules are the same, I just relabeled the elves "good luck" and "bad luck" elves rather than light and dark. I apologize to anyone whom I may have offended earlier by my descriptions. Thanks for teaching me to be more sensitive.

I couldn't stay away from my Sims, they help my creative side come out! Taking a break from my RV life to take care of family issues, so Sims helps me to unwind. Let me know what you are up to with your Sims so I can check it out!
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