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#1 Old 1st Dec 2015 at 8:04 PM Last edited by JadeThePlumbob : 2nd Dec 2015 at 10:51 PM.
Default The Runaway Teen Challenge (NO MODS NEEDED)
Runaway Teen Challenge = Requires The Sims 2 Basegame to play

Hello! This is my first challenge (I think) that has already been done before. It's The Runaway Teen challenge and it's awesome, but for The Sims 2 you kind of need the Gardening expansion pack for it to work properly, so I decided to make up my own similar rules and post them here (because I love sharing things with you guys).
So, without further ado, let's get started!

Tent (polycount of 3394)
No mods needed. Custom content is allowed.

You cannot talk to any YAs or older until you are a YA (or adult if you don't have the University expansion pack) yourself as they will report you. You may talk to Pets if you have the Pets expansion pack.
You cannot have a room (walls that connect to make shade and a roof covering the entire space) until you can afford one without the use of cheats.
You cannot age yourself up 1 day before the correct moment. You have to wait.
You cannot use any cheats unless specified.
You cannot look glamorous (if in doubt, take the hair pin out).
You cannot get on the school bus. Walk. If you do not have Apartment Life then you can take the school bus.

You can use the phone to A) call children and teenagers B) phone for taxi/transportation & C) order Chinese food and Pizza.
You can use vending machines if you have the Apartment Life expansion pack.
You can speak to underage sims otherwise you will get reported.
You can buy anything you like if you can afford it.
You can make money by painting and/or Gardening (if you have the Gardening expansion pack).
You can use teenage pregnancy mods...
You can go to school but you cannot advance to private school as this involves speaking to the headmaster.

Every time you go somewhere (another lot, not walk across your own) you must deduct $5 from your family funds by using this cheat: familyfunds [your last name] -5

If you're not sure you can or cannot do something, then ask.

First you must create a Sim (male or female) that is a teen and their parent (again, male or female) that you can kill off later. It doesn't matter what the adult parent looks like, but the teen will be the homeless one so I suggest she LOOKS the type.
Your (you are the teen) aspiration must be Pleasure/Family/Fortune (your choice - unless you don't have NL, in which case you'll have to choose Family or Fortune).
If you have the Pets expansion pack, she can have a dog. Bear in mind though, whenever the dog leaves the lot WITH YOU you have to deduct $5 for the dog too, so that's $10 if you're leaving the lot together (I don't have the Pets expansion pack but I'm assuming you can take them for walks).
TIP: The last time I tried to kill off one of my sims in a fire, they both died. Please be cautious and save your game beforehand if you're going to try killing the parent off this way.

I would personally reccommend drowning.

Once you have a lot (3x?) then you can build ANYTHING you like (as long as it isn't a room) with as much money as you want (you can use motherlode and familyfunds). If you have the skill then feel free to build a cave, for instance. No, really, you can build anything as long as it A) isn't a room & B) looks like a homeless person would live in it. Again, screenshots will be provided at some point.
You can choose not to go into build mode at all, but to have the campfire I think you have to.

To start with, open up the cheat box (Ctrl + C) and type in >> familyfunds [your last name] 100 << to deduct any money you might have still left over from building your "home".
Next you have to type in the cheat >> aging off << (you can type in >> aging on << once it's midnight).
So now you have to start trying to survive properly the next day! Good luck!

Name: Katherine Parkings
Age: Teen - Elder
Bio: Katherine got home one day to find her mother Anne fighting with her beloved father Richard over whether or not Katherine should be allowed a car quite yet. They were going on and on about how "their little girl" was "growing up so fast"... You know, it was one of those fights. In the end, let's just say there was a little... Um... Accident. She ended up with only 1 parent - her mother. She couldn't bare to live with what her mother had done, so she ran away from home, leaving a note explaining what SHE had done. That's how she's here now, homeless, begging for money in the streets.

So that's my sim - she's awesome!

Have fun guys and please rate this post, don't be afraid to comment and tell me if you're gonna try the challenge out and/or how it went for you! Thanks!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd Dec 2015 at 1:34 AM
"Unleashed" - do you mean the EP "Pets"? Can a pet be created in CAS? Can it have a job? Can the Sim adopt a stray?(although I've NEVER been able to adopt one!). I think creating a PAIR of dogs, having them both work, and selling puppies would make it too easy..oh, can't TALK to anyone, so couldn't SELL them. Unless a pet/pets could work, the expense of feeding them would be too hard. How about they could work, but have the SIM has to take care of them properly (training, etc)
I have the EP that allows WALKING to community lots...but my Simmy would NEVER do that - someone would report them! But I guess I would NOT have to deduct taxi-fare.
I have cheats that allow sleeping on community lots, and learning skills (which seems very realistic to ME). I would like to be able to study at the library, fish and nap at the park and get "fast food" (when nobody SHOULD be there! )
NOTE: I think that, without kids, no kids will show up at the house OR at a Community lot...yes? So without a pet, things will get pretty lonely!

MOST important -- what is the GOAL of this challenge?
By the way: what is the NORMAL number of days a Sim is a teen? I have a mod that makes it 7 days, but would make them live the default number.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 2nd Dec 2015 at 1:38 AM
I think it's 14 days. I'm not 100% sure because I have a mod which makes it 8 days.

Check out my ToT neighborhood Hoohoo. Last updated: February 2, 2020
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#4 Old 2nd Dec 2015 at 10:50 PM

Usually anything that isn't mentioned in the rules you can choose yourself.
With the whole Unleashed thing - I made a mistake. I meant the Gardening expansion pack! Sorry if that was confusing (it would be to me if I was you).
The goal of the challenge is to survive. Many people know this so I didn't think I'd have to include it, but you basically have to survive to an YA/A and also have a room (this makes it VERY easy as you may think, but I'll explain) -- the room must be 5x5 or bigger WITH a roof.
If I've missed anything don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks!
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