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#1 Old 23rd Aug 2018 at 8:54 AM
Default The Nomad Life Playstyle
The Nomad Life Playstyle
Inspired and heavily added to from the Oregon Trail Challenge on MTS2. I have changed it to ‘playstyle’ rather than an actual challenge as the original did not call for point systems (I hate point systems myself, so it woutnge-y'.

You and your family are traveling by wagon around the rough and tumble undiscovered country. But there are obstacles along the way!

You should have a brand new neighborhood for this, though you could have it as a subhood if you want.
If it is a separate neighborhood, make a 5x6 lot. This is the Fort. This is where all nomads begin. Otherwise, they can begin in whichever neighborhood you desire. There should still be an outpost though.
Whether you have separate neighborhood or subs, you must have at the very least, two hoods. One is the Trail Hood. It is nothing but wilderness. The other is the Goal Hood. This is where your Sims are trying to go.
It would be helpful to draw a map of your hood. Then go about designing the flow of the trail. Designate a Start (where the Fort will be if not a sub hood) and designate where the end is.

Start as one of the following:

Start as a warrior: you gain a two point boost to body starting out. You can reroll once per check of any Raid or fighting check.
Start as farmer: have 2 fridges instead of one and 1 free grocery fill per season.
Start as a carpenter: start with two points to mechanical skill. Can also ignore 5-6 of Wagon check.
Start as a navigator: have two points to logic skill. Can roll a second time for Lost check and pick the better roll.

Create up to three families in CAS. This is your starting family. Roll die for number of Sims. Assign a number to each one as you’re going to need a designation for them when you do event rolls using number generator on random.org, or use their list randomizer and input the Sims names. Either way, they should be designated.
Every season you earn one more CAS family. Every family that reaches the End earns you one more CAS family.

Choose which season you want to start in.
Every season, your family must move to a new lot. Use the familyfunds cheat to keep their money the same as it was before. Move all their furniture with them. Be sure to make exact copies of their wagon-homes. (wagon homes are built using parsiminous objects).

If you have the custom residential and community lot sizes, more power to you.
Build a wagon home (or the needed amount for your party) on the smallest lot possible that can hold all the needed wagons for your group. Each single adult or each couple should have their own wagon home. Wagon homes cannot exceed 2 stories.
You may have it however you like, but afterwards, you must reduce your family funds to 1000, unless you are a banker.
You can have one fridge (unless you're a farmer), and you can have any bed that you can afford, after changing your funds.
You cannot have phones. You cannot use services. You cannot have any jobs. You can only make money buy selling stuff you make but these have rules. You cannot have electronics. You cannot have electric lighting. You cannot have modern appliances.

Building the Trail
Fill the trail with as many community lots as you desire. Decorate the rest of the hood. The following lots may be placed:
Hunting grounds with hunting spawners and water fetching.
Fishing ponds/lakes/rivers.
Plants to harvest
Hot tubs, preferably ones that look like hot springs or the actual BV hot springs.
Scary adventure stuff, like BV lava or just decorate to look like a scary ruins or something.
Gaveyards. Should be kept small. When a Sim dies, move their gravestone to the closest graveyard lot. There should be several scattered throughout the hood.

Special Lots
Outposts: tiny lots with a bin of groceries, a clothing rack, a mirror, a tub, and something fun like a chess table (still no electronics allowed). When you stop by an outpost, you are allowed to stay there no more than three days. At this time, you may shop, sell items, stock up on food, and repair your house.
Medicine Man: create a doctor sim. He should live in a tiny hut that is very humble. He can be a supernatural if you like and can be adult or elder. He should have the Grandma’s Comfort Soup reward as well as any potions you have downloaded (such as the ones from parsiminous). If a group stops near his home, they can stay for one day and purchase the soup/potions from him.
Oasis: a little paradise spot with food, water for bathing, and comfortable places to sleep. Use CC to make it all look natural, or just hide the objects around (like the grocery/register or a kitchenette for the food).
Secret Hallow: These wild places are more mystical and ethereal. Maybe an elusive supernatural lives there. Perhaps there are abandoned ruins. You can also mess around with other CC like Tree of Life or Re-Nu-Yu Orb or Wishing Well.
Raider Camp: these wild people are true scum. They could all be criminals or just have no nice points. Either way, stopping near their lot means trouble.

If you don’t have the mods, you can still have the hunting grounds. Simply build a wild looking park. Have a grocery store bin/fridge and a cash register hidden on the lot (make sure your sim can get to it though). When they have successfully “hunted”, they can buy food to fill their fridge.

On the Trail

Every Monday and Thursday, you must move your little wagon camp lot a few squares closer to your goal along the road. Roll the die to see how many squares you move.
Different scenario outcomes may affect how many squares you move and in what way.

Standard Scenarios

Sickness: Every 5 days, roll to see who gets struck with sickness. Then roll a 1-6 on that Sim. If they get evens, they are unaffected. If they roll an odd number, they are now sick. Use a hack/mod to make them sick. You can cure them whenever you want but they must spend at least one full day sick. This is just to make it a little more realistic-ish.
Lost: Every Monday and Thursday when you roll to move the group, roll a lost check. Evens, you lose the trail. Roll a dice and move the lot that many number of spaces away from the End in any direction you choose.
Wagon Trouble: Once a season, make a maintenance check. 1-2: the horses are exhausted. You only advance half the squares of each roll of that week. 3-4: your wagon is busted. You cannot move for one roll of that week. 5-6: the wagon lost a wheel and the horses are sick. You cannot move at all that week.
Winter: At the beginning of winter, roll a hunger check. Evens, your sims are fine and you make no changes. 1 or 3, your sims run low on supplies during that season. You can only eat one meal a day. A 5 means your Sims are starving. You can only eat one meal when your sims reach full red (testing to see if they can live with one meal every other day). You cannot buy food. You must hunt or forage on harvestables lots to get food. You can only hunt/forage every other day due to the weather. You can only eat food in your inventory. Sims will die of hunger. Take the fridge into inventory so they do not autonomously eat food. You should grab a bunch of bottles first if you have babies/toddlers.

Obviously if everyone in the group dies, you can start over with a new group.

Once your family reaches the End, they can then move to the Goal Hood. Start with an empty lot and recreate their wagon-homes. Then go ahead and (depending on story or not), move them around, build their houses, etc.


The Crossing
If you stop next to a lot that has water larger than a small pond (i.e.: lake or river, either a lot or neighborhood terrain) you must roll to cross it. You can think of it as skirting around it on perilous terrain or forging through it. Either way, roll the die. If you roll a 1-2, you make it safely across. 3-4, injuries occur. Roll to see how many sims then roll, or preferably use the list organizer and pick starting at the top to see who gets hurt. Injured sims cannot do any skulking, crafting, or chores for a whole day. If everyone is injured, it actually count. as a failed Crossing. No one can skill/craft/chores (except take care of baby/toddler) for one day. You do not move the group for two days. 5-6 means one sim drowns. Roll to see who is the unlucky one.

The Plague
Once a season, roll 1-6 for each group. Evens, the group is fine. Odds, the group is sick. Make everyone in that group (except babies and toddlers cause I think it's impossible) sick.
The plague lasts for three days. If you are sick on a moving day, then roll. Evens, you can move the group. Odds, you are stuck in place. After three days, you can use a hack/mod to make everyone healthy again, but if you want a harder challenge, then everyone must get better naturally.
You can only be cured during this time if you are near a medicine man. You can mod/hack everyone better or send one sim to go buy soup/medicine.

The Raid
Of you stop within a 5x6 of squares of a Raider Camp, a Raid is initiated.
Simple rules are:: Roll a dice to determine the winner. 1-2=raiders. 3-4=draw. 5-6=group. A draw means no one takes anything at the end and the raiders go home.
If raiders win, roll again. 1-2=mass slaughter. The group is dead. Game over. 3-4=stolen. Roll 1-10 as a percentage to see how much money they take, then fanilyfunds the proper amounts into the proper families. 5-6=kidnapping. Roll to see who they kidnap. Your party can initiate a rescue (explained later).
If group wins, roll again. 1= slaughter raiders. 2-3=stolen and roll the percentage and family funds. 4=kidnap. They can only take on an adult/teen as those would be the fighting force of the raiders. This prisoner is now treated as a slave pretty much to do all the chores and such. 5-6=let them flee.
Injuries/Death::: works as follows
Roll to see how many of each group dies. Then go ahead and roll/list to see who from each group is unlucky. Then roll individually for each Unlucky. Evens they are only injured and cannot skill/craft/chore for an entire day. Odds they are dead.
If someone of yours was kidnapped, you can initiate a rescue once everyone is healed from injury. You can only attempt a rescue once every other day and you must be within the 5x6 area. If your group is moved out of that area, you cannot rescue attempt anymore. If by some chance your group winds up in that area again, you can decide to attempt a rescue.
When attempting a rescue, decide who in your group goes. Then roll. 1-2=successful you return home with the victim. Victim is “injured” for two days instead of one. 3=success with injury. Roll to see how many and who is injured. Include the victim in the rolls and then add on a day if they are additionally injured. If someone in the rescue party is injured they are only injured for the standard one day. 4=success with death. Roll to see how many and who in the party is dead, excluding the victim (as they are being protected by everyone). 5=failure. You do not bring home the victim. Roll to see how many and who are injured. 6=total failure. Roll evens odds first, evens everyone is injured and odds everyone is dead.
On the success rescues, roll for how many and who of the raiders are injured. You can also do an evens/odds for each injured to see if they die.

When two groups or more wind up within a 3x3 of each other, roll to see how they get along. You can only do the mentioned actions so long as you are within the 3x3 of each other.
1=Family. You guys are practically the bestest friends. You can use a phone (briefly) for the purpose of inviting them over. You can exchange items, have parties, make friends, fall in love, etc.
2=Howdy. You guys get along alright. You cannot use a phone, but if they walk by, you may invite them to hang out. Only pursue romance if there are two or more bolts. You can have them hang out during weddings and birthdays. You can exchange things.
3=Tolerate. You give a friendly wave, but other than that, you'd rather keep to your group. No hanging out unless your sim rolls a specific want to do so. Even if the neighbor wanders into your lot and tries to interact, if absolutely no one in the group has a want, then ask them to leave. You can exchange things once every two days.
4=Tension. You do not hang out whatsoever. If they come over, ask them to leave. Mean or Grouchy Sims are allowed to irritate (but don't make them enemies with the neighbors). At this point, only three bolters are allowed to be friends and pursue romance but they cannot be seen by the rest of the group. No exchanging anything.
5=Mischief. Pranking, stealing, arguing, irritating, shooing encouraged. They won't go out of their way completely, but will take the opportunity if they see it. If three bolters are caught, they will be treated negatively by the rest of the group for a day. It would be fun to get a gnome stealing trend going.
6=Enemies. You hate their guts. Once a day while in proximity, use the rolls seen in The Raid event. Three bolters caught are banished from their groups and should move in together to start their own group.

Risks of Love
It's hard raising a family and being pregnant when out in the wilds.
Whenever two sims of opposite gender woohoo, roll the die.
1= No baby. Your sims choose the regular woohoo option rather than Try For Baby.
2= Maybe baby. Since birth control isn't available in the middle of nowhere, your sims run a heavy risk of pregnancy. If you get maybe baby, roll again.Odds= you can regular Woohoo. Evens= you must Try For Baby.
3-4=Try for Baby. Your sims must use the Try For Baby. If no chimes, that's fine, but the risk should be there.
5-6=Absolute Baby. You must use L and D to make the girl pregnant if the regular Try For Baby does not give you chimes right away.
If the sim is now pregnant, every day of pregnancy you must roll.
Evens= healthy. The mother passes the day fine (unless she's sick from a plague or sickness check).
1=sick. Make the mother sick. If she's already sick from plague or sickness check then just leave as is.
3=miscarriage. You can skip this one if you're uncomfortable with it. Use SimBlender or Insim to terminate pregnancy.
5=dead. Again you can skip if you're uncomfortable. Be sure to roll again. 1-2 both die. 3-4 just mother, either in childbirth if it's the last day or early and baby is a premature. 5-6 just baby.
If you are within 5x6 of a Medicine Man, Secret Hallow, or Outpost, you can change 3 to being sick and 5 to the mother being “bedridden” where she can't skill/craft/chore or walk to community lots till one day after the baby is born. You can also use these rolls if the miscarriage and dead options are uncomfortable.

If you plan to have supernaturals in the groups, then I highly suggest playing around with different scenarios that involve them. Here are some ideas:
Recruiting: if the sim is a vampire, werewolf, or witch, and they meet one criteria (roll a want to have a baby, are in aspiration red, roll a paranormal/supernatural want/fear) then they must roll a die. Evens they will recruit someone. Odds they don't do anything. They must recruit the first person they lay eyes on that is not the same kind of supernatural, including group members or walkbys.
Turned Off: if the Neighbors are in Mischief or Enemies and someone in that group has a turn off to any kind of supernatural or even robots, they will initiate a Raid.
Call of the Wild. If there is only one supernatural in the group for an entire season and has not had contact with another supernatural all season, they can roll to leave the group and start a Secret Hallow lot. Evens they go off. Odds, they stay with the group. They make this check every week hereafter until contact/proximity to a supernatural is made, then the count starts over.

Giving Up
If your group has been traveling for four seasons and only has three or fewer sims in their group due to kidnaps/deaths, you must roll once a week to Give Up. 1-4 they do not give up. 5-6 they give up. Now the group is turning around and heading back to the Fort at the start. Once they reach the Fort, they can live right next to it on the tiniest lot available to set up a permanent home and get a job till they have enough money to move back to the main hood (or if this is a solitary neighborhood, they just stay next to the Fort in a small apartment lot.)
Members of that group cannot be added to groups or venture on the Trail for an entire sim week.

An interesting implementation of this playstyle is to use the Goal Hood as the BACC. Every new family must first go on the Trail and they only enter the back of they make it.
You can obviously make the Trail as short or long as you want based on what neighborhood size you use. If using this with a BACC in mind, I would highly suggest using a small neighborhood map like Three Lakes.
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