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#1 Old 25th Jan 2014 at 4:38 PM Last edited by justJones : 7th Feb 2014 at 6:51 PM.
Default What Bites? [challenge]
NOTE: This is my very first challenge, so it might not be the best of them all. Although, I hope you enjoy it if you do chose to try the challenge! It also required supernatural or late night, although I recommend using supernatural for it.

So here's the backstory;
Once there lived two lovely vampires, but they were far from happy. They were growing old, nearing their elder stage, yet they had no children, they could have no children. So they adopted a healthy teen, and cared for him/her until they grew old, and had to be taken care of by the child. A few days after their transformation into elders, the mother grew ill and died, leaving the father devastated. Out of rage, he blamed the teen for his wife's death, and turned her forcibly. Then, horrified with himself, he drowned himself. After experiencing all of this madness, the teen began to fail school, and had to deal with becoming a vampire as well. He/she moved to a different town as soon as he/she became a young adult, and strived for a new life.

As clued in above, your sim may be male or female. You cannot purchase the immortal lifetime reward for them, and if your using late night, don't purchase any reward they expands their life and/or saves them from the sun. All requirements and restrictions listed below;
-Must be a vampire
-Cannot purchase immortal lifetime reward
-To marry you have to become best friends with a human, turn him/her, then marry him/her
-You must fulfill every vampire wish; retreat indoors, drink, drink plasma, etc.
-You may only have one child, who has to be read every skill book as a toddler, as well as level up all the way on every toy. As a child they must do the same with everything you can;(play sets, etc.) and as a teen the same
-Your vampire can only go out at night, and is NOT EVER allowed to go to the elixir shop
-Cheats are not permitted, unless absolutely needed
-The goal is to find true love with every generation, the same way as stated above. All generations, (unless moved out) must turn and marry a human. As well as literally, turn the town
-Your child and your spouse may leave during the day.

The house can be any size, shape or form, but must have a pond, a basement, and four to six different rooms. There must be a kitchen, but your vampire sim is not allowed to cook any food, only drink plasma and blood. If any sim you don't know as a friend catches you drinking from another sim or drinking plasma, you fail. You also fail if your child fails to meet the requirements above.

Your sim must have these two traits, but the rest is up to you; night owl and unflirty.

I hope you enjoy, and comment below if you have any suggestions!
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 25th Jan 2014 at 6:18 PM
For a small 1 gen challenge, this isn't half bad... Good Job!
Test Subject
#3 Old 14th Mar 2014 at 3:35 PM
When you say 4 to 6 rooms you mean 4 to 6 bedrooms or room of any kind?
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