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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 16th Feb 2019 at 4:17 PM Last edited by CuteCuteSimChild : 9th Feb 2019 at 9:06 PM.
Default Build prompt challenge: Live in the future!
I found the build prompt challenge section, to my surprise the whole thing was empty as
fluffle paper (fake saying i made up) where only one exists in the hole thing. At least when it comes to non moderators making them.

(I tried to make one once, it got rejected...)

Anyway, let's go...

Listen, you have a sim who is a future type girl,

The challenge is to build a home for her, a young sim just out of the 21st century and into the 31st due to time travel,
and she only has $8000 to spend on her new house including the base lot price.

This time period also has a few requirements:
Her home Must be girly, the laws on a single girl's home are stricter in the future, so no tomboy stuff! Not even nerdy! Unless it's SUPER girly!
She hates the color blue in all hues and shades.
The house MUST look futuristic, and nobody likes you if you look like you live in 2019.
Or worse, ANY YEAR BEFORE the 31st century!
You popped up on an empty lot. So choose one.

How not to look like you came from the past (and get taken by the gov):
Paint the house Pastel Green colors + Pink to be super girly, only.
You can Only buy high priced or white tech.
Green cars are only being sold, due to the flag being green in the 31st century now. Totally green.
You can Only use a double bed. Single beds are not sold anymore due to inefficiency.
You cannot use:
Brown wood wallpaper, panel flooring or wood flooring. Or anything wood, they have destroyed wood shopping
and outlawed the building of houses with wood to keep people buying house material (Lying and told us it was to "Save the environment")
You can use white wood, White wood will be used to "Trick the markets" (People selling house building materials) if you use any. You do not
have enough wood and money to make the floors made out of white wood, so you cannot use white wood flooring. As she is practically broke in the future....!

Build her a home and show us what you've made!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 17th Feb 2019 at 3:55 AM
This was for the sims 4, you can do it int here, too. :D
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