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#1 Old 31st Jul 2019 at 4:44 PM
Default Changed slot height, Sim animation is off
Hi all ! After hours of searching the forums and tutorials at MTS, I'm calling for help.
I am making a kitchen dresser, cloned from a coffee table. I successfully changed the height of the 2 existing slots (to be the same height as a counter). Objects put on top of the dresser show up properly. But with the phone especially, Sims will still reach for the receiver as if it were on a low coffee table (they bleed through the dresser).
I tried several changes in the CRES and SLOT files, but nothing would do. And I'm completely lost when it comes to BHAVs.
Any ideas on what I could do ?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 31st Jul 2019 at 8:04 PM
The animations for the telephone is probably so that the sim still bend down to the original height. Animations don't usually get corrected with the slot height change. Occasionally they may if it is ansnimstion dependent on the hand being in a certain place, but the animations then cause the arms to bend weird. Kinds like if you enable a child-height item so adults can use it, or opposite.

There are a few ways around it - making a custom animation is possible, but difficult. Not placing usable items on the dresser is one way, cloning a dresser with the right height is another, or modifying the item to be the correct height of the original usable slots.
#3 Old 1st Aug 2019 at 1:37 PM
Likely the game sees your dresser as a coffee table so they are coffee table slots and sims will use the coffee table reach/grab animations, sims can reach/grab a phone from a kitchen counter OK but they must know that's what they need to do.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 1st Aug 2019 at 3:43 PM
Thanks you both for the replies!
Related to Chris Hatch's answer, I think I might be onto something : in the "Function - Init" BHAV, there's a function called "My category". And there's a value defining the category of the object. Look at the picture to see what I'm talking about.
But thing is, I tried to change the value to the one corresponding to counters, but SimPE won't let me save the change (you can see on the pic that "commit file" is greyed out).
#5 Old 1st Aug 2019 at 4:24 PM Last edited by d4RE : 1st Aug 2019 at 4:33 PM. Reason: misspelling
I think Chris Hatch is suggesting you change the slot types in the SLOT file of your package. Here's a good article by Numenor that explains the slot types and usage: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=146440. Note the list of types that go in I7 field of the SLOT file near the bottom of the first post. It seems Chris Hatch is saying they are probably type 2=low table (since you cloned a coffee table) and you should change them to 4= on counter to elicit better animations.

I believe the reason you can't make changes to the BHAV is because it is a semi-global BHAV stored in the permanent game files (BHAV 0x2010 in objects.package). You can import it as a local BHAV and make all the edits you want to. You will have to search the tutorials to find out how to exactly do that as I can't recall off the top of my head. Still, possibly not necessary if you just change the slot types.


We have been stuck too long with "New Mesh" as the apex of creation.
_ WesHowe
Lab Assistant
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#6 Old 1st Aug 2019 at 4:34 PM
d4RE, I actually already changed the slots types (as explained in Numenor's article), but it only changes the type of objects that you can put on the slot, not the animations (I tested it in-game).
And instead of making it a local BHAV, do you think I could make it refer to another game file (not the 0x2010 one) ?
#7 Old 1st Aug 2019 at 4:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Aquagloups
d4RE, I actually already changed the slots types (as explained in Numenor's article), but it only changes the type of objects that you can put on the slot, not the animations (I tested it in-game).
And instead of making it a local BHAV, do you think I could make it refer to another game file (not the 0x2010 one) ?

Yeah, OK, that makes sense.

I reckon you could try looking at a counter or other surface where the phone animation works correctly and change your INIT reference to that object's INIT BHAV. Or maybe start over by cloning a game dresser or counter and changing those slot types. Another thing that *might* work is to change the Z values on the routing slots.


We have been stuck too long with "New Mesh" as the apex of creation.
_ WesHowe
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