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#1 Old 1st Jan 2021 at 8:38 PM Last edited by Astaroth600 : 1st Jan 2021 at 10:59 PM.
Custom parrot not exiting custom cage when door is left open
EDIT: Wow sorry I'm being silly. I forgot to update MMATs. I think that particular issue is fixed now. Though I'm running into a new problem where the bird isn't exiting the cage when the door is left open. I'm assuming this might be because I need to create a new NPC for it, since the basegame bird NPC might still be looking for a vanilla cage to interact with instead of the custom one. Time to do some homework I guess!

Apologies if this has been asked about before, but I did some digging and couldn't find anything.

I'm trying to create a custom caged pet based off of the parrots, and link them to a custom cage object. Both the new cage and 'parrot' objects make it into the game just fine, but for some reason the new pet object is still linked to the original bird cage (the new birds display alongside the old ones). When I try to stock my custom cage, the parrot selection window is empty.

I've checked the bird and cage BHAV files multiple times in case I forgot to replace a GUID somewhere, but everything seems fine. I also downloaded a couple of the custom womrat mods on the site which do the same thing I'm going for, but still don't see where the problem is coming from.

I have a basic enough understanding of BHAVs that I can read them, and get an idea of which lines do what, but I've never really tried to make anything too complicated before, so I'm wondering if there's an extra step I've missed somewhere. I've attached a .zip with the pet and cage .package files. Any help is appreciated!

Vanilla GUIDs:
0x118876B0 (parrot)

0xB182020E (parrotcage)

New GUIDs:
0x00C8142C (custom pet)

0xA09B7E6A (custom cage)
Attached files:
File Type: zip  CustomParrotProblem.zip (1.06 MB, 5 downloads)

Blue alien back on track.
#2 Old 3rd Jan 2021 at 3:19 AM
The NPC Bird (controller) will only control the default bird which is recognised by it's GUID. You can either create a new NPC controller or edit the existing one, the file here (extracted from A&N) will override the default NPC's main behave to enable it to recognise the bird by it's category instead of GUID so it can control any/every bird.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  NPC-Bird(fix).zip (696 Bytes, 9 downloads)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Jan 2021 at 3:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
The NPC Bird (controller) will only control the default bird which is recognised by it's GUID. You can either create a new NPC controller or edit the existing one, the file here (extracted from A&N) will override the default NPC's main behave to enable it to recognise the bird by it's category instead of GUID so it can control any/every bird.

Oh, sorry, I missed your reply. Yeah, I figured out that was the issue after taking another look at some of the other parrot mods online, but this alternative solution is much appreciated as well! Thanks a bunch

Blue alien back on track.
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