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world renowned whogivesafuckologist
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#1 Old 17th Jun 2007 at 2:17 PM
Default What did you do with the Pleasantview characters?
What did you do with Mortimer, Dina, Nina, Don, Darren, and the rest? Tell us every little detail of what happened with the Maxis premade characters in Pleasantview in your game.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
#2 Old 18th Jun 2007 at 7:15 PM
A while ago, I loved to play with my Burb/ Pleasent/ Langerak family but Im tired of them now. Their lives are like a big soap opera.

I started playing on the Burbs first. They had two more daughters after Lucy, Nancie and Cecilia. Then Jennifer cheated on John in their own house with this male model I made, Wilson. John kicked her out ; Lucy was in her late teens, Nancie was still a child, and Cecilia was only a toddler. Jennifer and Wilson moved to another house and they soon had twins, Roma and Leo. Meanwhile, Kailyn Langerak got pregnant with Daniel's child while he was still married to Mary Sue. Mary Sue caught him cheating and she moved out. I had nowhere to put her so i decided to make her live with John, Lucy, Nancie, and Cecilia as a rommate. John and Mary Sue fell in love after a while and married a day before they both turned into elders. Lucy was an adult by then and she fell in love with that Jacquet guy (forgot his name). She got pregant and he had an affair. She raised their son, Alec, alone. Then Nancie got married to a sim I made, Drew Summers. They now have 3 daughters, Sophie and twins (Carolynn & Rachel). Cecilia is still living with her father (John) and Mary Sue. Lucy later on got married to a sim I made, Georgio and they had their daughter Isabella. Now back to Kailyn: she raised her son, Ross with Don Lothario and they also had a son together, William. Don cheated on her with both of the Calientes but she never found out. Daniel is still alone. Wow...this is terribly long. lol sorry
#3 Old 18th Jun 2007 at 7:38 PM
Okay..lemme think...

Goth: Mortimer is happily married to Dina and they have twin teenage daughters, Elizabeth and Victoria. Alexander still lives at home and is going to transition to adult soon.

Caliente/Lothario: Nina and Don live together, and have a son (Child age) named Juan. Don also has a teenaged daughter Stella, that is the result of an Alien abduction. Stella's boyfriend is David Broke (What I named Brandi's third son). Both Don and Nina have affairs like crazy, but neither has been caught yet surprisingly.

Broke: Brandi had her baby, a boy I named David. Both he and Beau are teens. I eventually had them save enough cash to get a better house. Which was necessary because Brandi had an afair with Don Lothario and gave birth to quads: Two girls, Larissa and Carlita, and two boys, Fernando and Cid. The quads are now child aged.

Broke/Pleasant: Dustin is an adult now, and has moved into a new house with his fiancee Angela Pleasant.

Pleasant: Mary-Sue is still working her way up the business career track, after having divorce Daniel when she caught him cheating with the maid. Adult Lilith still lives at home (I'm waiting to move her out till I grow up Dirk)

Dreamer: Darren married Cassandra, and they have a son named Brian. Dirk is still a teen.

Pleasant2: Daniel moved in with Kaylyn, and they got married. They have a daughter together, whose name I can't remember.

Moved the Burbs into a house but never played them, and haven't touched the oldies. Might move them in with Mary-Sue after Lilith moves out.

Phew, that's a lot of stuff :P

You can call me Robyn, tis my name after all
Test Subject
#4 Old 21st Jun 2007 at 2:09 AM
I've had to re-install the game half a dozen times, so I've played these characters repeatedly. I guess that's one "benefit" of having a really buggy game.

Mortimer has been gay, straight, and bi. I usually have him run the gamut on aspirations (switching him from one to another, just for the heck of it), but it's funniest when he's a Pleasure sim. I've never married him off to Dina, though. Not sure why - that whole gold-digger thing just creeps me out.

I always feel sorry for Brandy Broke, so she gets a rich, stable, loving, family-oriented husband. And by gum, her kids always go to college!

I've married Darren off to Cassandra more than once, but I've also had him marry my self-created sims as well. He's a bit boring, but wow, his son is cute (and nice)!

Don Lothario actually makes a surprisingly good knowledge sim. Once you change him from romance, his needs stabilize, he gets a good, easy lifetime want, and is very playable. His offspring isn't too bad looking either (though they tend to be lazy).

I never play the Pleasants, because Daniel is such a rude jerk.
#5 Old 21st Jun 2007 at 1:46 PM
Goths: Mortimer married Dina, and they had twins - Christopher and Clarabelle. Mortimer and Dina are now dead, and Alexander mostly raised Christopher and Clarabelle. Alexander is now married and has grown up kids of his own, one of which married Nina Caliente's daughter, although both Alexander's son Lombard and Jayne Caliente had several other lovers so the marriage collapsed.

Broke: Dustin has moved out, and Beau was taken by social services and was adopted by Cassandra. Brandi re-married to Christopher Goth - Mortimer and Dina's son.

Pleasant: Not really done anything with, but the 'father' of the family is currently one of Jayne Caliente's many lovers.

Nina Caliente: Had several children with Don, but he left her. Married Remington who used to be the maid, and now has a baby with him, altogether she and Don had about 5 kids including twins.

Can't think of anything else now, but little is left unchanged.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 21st Jun 2007 at 8:22 PM
Don: He married Cassandra and tried to reform, but was never quite able to stop cheating on her. He had four kids with Cassandra: Carmello, Darius, Prudence, and Isabella. He also had several children with other women. He died of old age.

Cassandra: Married Don. Had an affair with Darren when she suspected that Don was cheating on her, but felt guilty and broke off all contact with Darren shortly after sleeping with him. Died of old age, before Don.

Mortimer: Married Dina and died of suspicious circumstances shortly after. Leaving his house and all of his money to his son, Alexander.

Alexander: Married Dina shortly after his father's untimely death. Had two or three children with her and died of suspicious circumstances shortly after.

Dina: Married both the elder and younger Goth men, had children with the younger. Suspected killer of both Mortimer and Alexander, though they could never prove it. She died in a horrible fire shortly after her first born son transitioned to a teenager.

Nina: Was a party girl for a while, but changed her ways after hooking up with Knut Trimble (I think that's his last name) and getting pregnant with twin girls, Becca and Rachel. Met the newly single Ted Washington and asked him to move in. Ted brought with him his teenage daughter C.J. and his young son Jack. Shortly after moving to Bluewater Villiage, Nina and Ted became corrupted and I had to kill them both. C.J., who had went to college and graduated, assumed charge of the twins and moved them both back to Pleasantview.

Brandi: Brandi had a secret relationship with her son's friend, Orlando, and that relationship produced a daughter. However, she soon met a man from Bluewater Village and moved out of her trailer and into his house. They married and lived a quiet little life running their bakery. Her life was made eaiser when her overbearring mother-in-law finally kicked the bucket.

Dustin: Went to college, messed around with Angela AND Lilith, but eventually married Molly Mack. They're living a quiet life in Pleasantview and expecting their first child.

Beau: Beau went to college and despised the dorms, so he rented a room with Angela Pleasant. Eventually, the two roommates developed a relationship with each other and began to hook up. Angela took it very seriously, while Beau was less serious about the relationship. When Angela graduated and Isabella Lothario (Don's daughter w/Cassandra) moved in and took over Angela's old room, he began messing around with her too. After graduation, he moved in with Angela and eventually married her. Beau recently became the father of twins.

Caleb Broke: (the child Brandi was already pregnant with) Went to college, had several girlfriends, and then settled down with Roxie Stone (my self-sim's daughter).

Daniel Pleasant: Cheated on Mary Sue for years without getting caught. Finally, right after transitioning to an elder, she caught him with his pants down and he was kicked out. They divorced and Mary Sue kept the house, so Daniel bought the house across the street and got a dog. Including Angela and Lilith, he has about ten children. He recently died of old age.

Mary Sue: Finally ditched Daniel, transitioned to an elder. Got a cat. Messed around with the MUCH younger gardener, Leo. Recently died.

Angela: Went to college and began a relationship with Dustin Broke's younger brother, Beau. Graduated and move into her father's new home to take care of him. Dreams of opening an art gallery to showcase her own paintings. Married Beau Broke and had twins.

Lilith: Messed around with Dustin Broke behind her sister's back. Went to college. Graduated and moved back home to live with her mother. Has a shaky relationship with her sister. Recently married a CAS made sim and had a little girl.

Darren: Pined away after Cassandra for a while before finally snapping out of it when a young CAS made sim moved into his house. He remodeled his home and fell inlove with his new roommate. They had twins.

Dirk: Bores me. He's currently stuck in college because I can't stand to play him for long. I might kill him.

Burbs & Oldies: John Burb is a cheater, imagine that. He has a child with someone else, but is still married to his wife (who bores me to the point where I'm ready to kill her off and be done with her). Lucy is still a child. The Oldies moved in with Mary Sue and died of old age shortly after.
retired moderator
#7 Old 21st Jun 2007 at 8:43 PM
The Broke-Nova Family
Brandi had enough aspiration points to get a smart milk maker for little Beau. Therefore Beau learned how to walk AND talk; he grew up with a platinum aspiration level. Dustin is still going steady with Angela, had his first kiss, raised his grade up to an A and reached the top of the Criminal Career track. Brandi gave birth to her third son, Andy. Brandy and her sons grew up nicely (with the help of some make-overs), and Brandi started a little romance with Castor Nova (a frat brother from Uni). Castor is planning on proposing to Brandi sometime tomorrow.
The Broke's House
Castor Nova

So, I think its written in Brandi Broke's cards to have boys, boys and more boys. At least in my game. Before my re-install of Pleasantview, Brandi Broke was re-married and had twin boys naturally. After this re-install, Brandi Broke was re-married again, and AGAIN she had twin boys naturally. Crazy, huh?!

These are some snap-shots of Brandi's latest twin sons, Blake and Zach.
Zach (named by GreenStraws)

Brandi Broke is pregnant AGAIN. She has five sons as of now (Dustin, Beau, Andy, twins Zach & Blake) and is hoping for a little girl this time. Dustin is happily married to Angela Pleasant and just had triplets - two boys and one girl. Beau is living on his own in a tiny studio apartment, earning his money making music and painting. Jobs are not Beau's cup of tea. Andy is one day away from turning into a teenager while twins Zach & Blake are young children as well.
Andy (loves alien stuff)Twins Zach and Blake
Beau being hot...
Dustin and Angela
Trevor, Rose and Sean

Brandi and her husband, Castor, decided to move into a bigger house. When Andy aged into a teenager, the twins got eager for their own bedrooms. The new house solved everything - 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, pool, backyard, the works! The baby Brandi was pregnant with was born... another boy! This one was named Christian, and he has brown hair like Daddy. Andy is by far the smartest one in the family (private school, straight As, top of his career, TONS of skill points), and he is going steady with a neighbor girl, Maria Laney. Castor and Brandi christened the new home and accidently got pregnant - this is only the 2nd time a risky pregnancy has EVER happened in my game.
New House
Castor and Brandi
Andy and Maria

Brandi and Castor now have seven children! And their last child was a girl!!! After six sons, the two were elated to have had a little girl, Cosette... finally. Andy is now graduated from college and is married to his high school sweetheart, Maria Laney. The two are trying to have a baby. Dustin and Angela are still married and their triplets are now children. Beau is keeping to himself nowadays and spending a lot of time on his art. The twins, Zach and Blake, are in high school (teenagers) and are looking to go into the Military.

Andy and Maria had twins, Joel and Rosa. The cute twins are now children, and Andy has made it to the top of his career track. Maria stays at home with the twins often and doesnt care much for working these days. The twins are currently trying to convince their parents to have another baby! Dustin and Angela's triplets are now teenagers and are looking into which colleges they should attend. All three of them plan to attend. Beau is still dating casually and has sold more masterpieces than anyone ever has in my game. Blake is married with a baby on the way. Zach is living on his own in a small condo down the street from his older brother, Beau, and he is working in the Military Career Track.
Blake and wife

Don Lothario
The first person I played with after installing TS2 was Don. So obviously I started with him again (upholding tradition); I gave him a home renovation and a much needed make-over. The make-overs came out rather nice...
Don Lothario
Don's Kitchen

Don was steadily climbing the Medical Career Track until he decided enough was enough. He quit his job and started in on an entry-level job at the local Music Recording Studio earning somehundred dollars a day. His new lifetime aspiration is to WooHoo with 20 different Sims, so he is spending a LOT of time doing that. In order to give him enough time to get all this done, he broke his engagement off with Cassandra. He recently had Nina over for a romp in the sheets, but it turned into a nightmare when Don had to run upstairs and extinguish a burning Nina from being in the hot tub for too long. Luckily, Nina survived.

Don is currently up to 11 Sims he has WooHoo'd ... he is trying to make it to his goal of twenty. For some reason, he is infatuated with Brittney Upsnot from the sorority house in Uni. He actually got the want to propose to her! Maybe this is the woman he will settle down for?

Don has acheived a lifetime platinum by WooHooing with 20 Sims. But you know what? Dons life isnt as great as he thought it would be. After finding out that Dina Caliente was pregnant with his child, he asked her to move into his home with him and start a life - just the three of them.
Pregnant Dina
Don and son, George
George is a Teenager!

The Pleasants
Daniel decided that enough was enough, and he fired the maid. When Mary-Sue came home from work that day, Daniel was waiting for her at the end of the driveway holding a big boquet of roses. They are now patching up their relationship, and the couple has never been happier. Angela graduated college around the same time Dustin did and is now married to him (with new born triplets). Lilith is still struggling through college, but she is almost graduated! She is going steady with Dirk, and the two plan on marrying after college.
The Pleasant Family

Daniel is still staying true to his wife, and she is happy about that. Their relationship is back to normal, and Mary-Sue is climbing her career to the top rather quickly. Lilith has graduated from college and is still dating Dirk Dreamer. Dirk wants to propose to Lilith really soon.

Mortimer has been down in the dumps lately. Dina showed up at his doorstep and seduced him late into the night before leaving town for a couple of weeks - Mortimer misses her greatly and has no idea when she is due to return. Cassandra was heart-broken when Don broke off their engagement, but she is looking towards bigger and better things in life. Alexander is only a day away from becoming a teenager and is already looking into which college he should attend.
Mortimer and Cassandra

For some reason, I get really addicted to playing the sisters whenever I start... so a lot has happened with them in my game. Firstly, Dina is still in love with Mortimer. She wants to marry him but doesnt want people to think she is just after his money. Nina has a little thing going with Don, but Dina sees Don much more than her sister Nina. About two nights after Nina had the "unfortunate incident" over at Don's place (when she caught on fire), a burglar broke into the sisters' home! Dina ran downstairs to call the police, but the gentle policeman was not tough enough for the burglar. He got off with the girls' hot tub. The policeman, Dorian, certainly got Nina's attention, and she is now going steady with him. Dina is feeling a little sickly lately, and little does she know that she is actually pregnant! I wonder who the father is...

Nina and Dina were robbed one night in their home, when Dorian Kauker (a police officer) tried to stop the robber. Unsuccessful at his attempt, Nina still developed a soft spot for the man in uniform. The two are now married with their first child on the way.

Dina gave birth to her first child, a son named Kyle. Dorian is still working in Law Enforcement while Dina stays home with the baby. Every time she wants a job, she wants to quit the next day to stay at home with her son.

Formerly known as boolPropped
#8 Old 21st Jun 2007 at 10:43 PM
I only have played a couple of the Maxis-made families, but....

Caliente: Dina married Mortimer, and moved into the Goth household. Nina is engaged to Don, but they aren't planning to get married.

Dreamer: Darren and Cassandra married, had a daughter, and then adopted a son.

Broke: Brandi was violently murdered, but the killer has not been found. Dustin and Angela broke up, and Dustin is now an adult who takes care of Beau.
#9 Old 22nd Jun 2007 at 9:11 AM
Don Lothario: He got married to Cas Goth (and I stupidly did it in their house, so his name is now Don Goth ) and moved back into his old house. He ended up cheating on Cas with... everyone and Cas ended up cheating on him with Darren. Long story short, they both got negative levels of each other and they got devorced. Cas is currently sitting in my Sim Bin.

Caliente: I always forget these guys' first names. I married the blonde one off to Mortimer and she was happy for getting with a rich sim. The redhead one I ended up hooking up with one of my Custom made sims. I changed the redhead one into a family sim and they both began to pop the babies out. They currently have 3 (I think) kids, though only one is made naturally. The first child I impregnated the guy with one of the social bunnies using InSim and named the baby girl Bunny, she's currently a teen. 2nd child I impregnated the Caliente with Don's kid (InSim again) and named the kid Lucas, Lucas is currently a child. 3rd kid was made naturally and I forgot what I named it... Pretty sure he's a todler though.

Pleasants: Never actually played these ones. I did use InSim to age the twins into adults though so one of my Romance Sims could tap them :P

Broke: Didn't play this family but Don did end up banging Brandi :P
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 22nd Jun 2007 at 5:50 PM
posted by Everyone's Favorite Arab
(and I stupidly did it in their house, so his name is now Don Goth )
I've found that it doesn't matter which house they get married in. His or hers, it's irrelevant. The change in surname is dependant on the sim that's active when you click on the wedding arch or when you click on Propose>>Marriage.

At the Goth estate, if you've got Cassandra as the active sim and click on the arch to marry them, Don will get her name. If Don is the active sim when you click on the arch to marry them, then Cassandra will get his last name. It is less about where they are and more about WHO does the asking.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 22nd Jun 2007 at 6:50 PM
At the Goth estate, if you've got Cassandra as the active sim and click on the arch to marry them, Don will get her name. If Don is the active sim when you click on the arch to marry them, then Cassandra will get his last name. It is less about where they are and more about WHO does the asking.

Unless you use the insim, Don can't be the active sim.
Goth: I had Cassandra marry Don, they had four kids, a boy (Donny) a girl (Cassie) then a late in life set of twins, Isabella and Mortimer jr. Don cheated a few times, Cassandra cheated with Darren on thei wedding day, but not after that. They both died of old age. Alexander I had sent to college a day before he turned into an adunt, but I didn't play with him until I sent Cassie and Donny to college. The three of them shared a house with their girlfriends and boyfriend. Donny and Cassie went to college with their lovers, but I found Alexander Brittany Upsnott after. They ended graduating with out her and she ended up dying her Junior year. Alexander ended up marrying Brandi Broke, and they had a set of twin boys. Brandi brought all her kids, but Dustin moved out to go to college shortly after.

Pleasant: I ended up moving Lilith Pleasant in with the Oldies because I thought her parents and sister were unecesarrily mean to her. She got pregnant with a sim I made after Herb died, but before Coral died. Her baby daddy moved in with her, he worked and painted for money, and they married the night after they turned into adults. They moved into a house and had three more children,until they got a girl. Then she had a surprise pregnancy and had another boy. Lilith wanted to be in the Music career track, but kept getting fired. Her husband had a journalism career track and was a Sports columnist.
Angela Pleasant got pregnant with twins after cheating on Dustin with Castor Nova, and after she had her babies, was kicked out by her parents. She and her twins ended up in a trailor and she paid the bills as a legal seceratary. She got engaged to Sheldon Hanby, the mailman, but he never got a job, and muched off of her until she kicked him out.

I never did play with the rest but I'm working on it.

"No, college is for women who don't want to marry the first idiot they meet and squeeze out his bastard, moron children." Laura Prepon from That's 70's Show
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 22nd Jun 2007 at 9:11 PM
Unless you use the insim, Don can't be the active sim.
He can be the active sim if you move him in before the marriage.

After they're married, with Cassandra having the Lothario surname, they can be moved back out. And as I redecorate Don's house anyway this is never an issue for me.
#13 Old 23rd Jun 2007 at 5:18 AM
It's interesting to see what other's are doing with Pleasantview - I've just started playing Maxi's combined hoods by SaraMK and I'm enjoying playing Pleasantview (along with Strangetown and Veronaville) again.

So far I've only played the Oldie household extensively.
I moved Coral and Herb Oldie into a house with the Singles girls (every old horndogs dream ) and Herb ended up having (un-cheated) twin boys with Chloe Curious-Smith. Their boys are so cute too; both red heads with their mother's alien eyes.

I can't remember what I named the twins but here are baby pictures here and here . And also pictures of the boys when they were toddlers, here and here

I've also played the Brokes a wee bit. SaraMK fixed the father details for Brandy's unborn baby and she ended up having a baby girl Tammy
#14 Old 24th Jun 2007 at 5:27 PM
Oh dear... well...

With the Goths, after Cassandra got left at the altar by Don, she called Darren Dreamer over and married him the same night she got jilted, haha. Dirk moved in too. I haven't played them much after that, they kind of bore me.

Don, after he dumped Cassandra, married Nina... or was it Dina? Anyways, he married one of them, and Nina-or-Dina's sister Dina-or-Nina moved in too. Again, haven't played them much.

The Pleasants. Oh, boy. Well, Angela and Lilith went off to College. Lilith's major was Poli Sci and she graduated just fine, Magna Cum Laude. Angela, on the other hand... well, she rolled a want to join the Greek house since she's popularity, so she joined, then moved in with the Tri-Var girls, Tiffany, Heather, and Britanny. Then I decided I wanted Angela to marry another one of my sims... problem was, he was engaged. To make a long story short, Angie tried to kill my sim's fiancee in the fire, but instead ended up taking her own life, not to mention Tiffany's and Heather's. (Britanny and my sim's fiancee escaped, although the fiancee died in ANOTHER suspicious fire... but that's another story.) So Lilith moved back in with her parents. I wanted to start clearing out the Sim Bin, so i moved the Burbs in with them... bad choice. There were WAY too many people in that house, Lucy was getting horrible grades, and Lilith and Jennifer kept getting in catfights. So then Daniel Pleasant fell prey to one of my own sims, Vendetta... he moved in with her, taking Mary-Sue and Lilith along with him. But then Mary-Sue caught him cheating and divorced him, except I accidentally made HIM divorce her, so she was the one that moved out. Anyways, Daniel impregnated Vendetta, Lilith still lives with them, and things are actually going okay.
After Mary-Sue moved out, I decided that the logical thing she would do was move back in with her parents. So I moved her in with Herb and Coral Oldie, and as an afterthough, I moved in the Ramaswamis from Seasons in with them too, just as boarders. Things... didn't go so great. Herb rolled a want to flirt with Priya, so he did. Coral caught them cheating, but instead of breaking up with him she took her own life (read: drowned in the pool. Whoops!). So Mary-Sue was mad at her dad for flirting with Priya, so SHE flirted with Sanjay... and Priya caught them cheating. Priya kicked Sanjay out to the curb (actually, he moved in with Daniel and Lilith and Vendetta, and had an affair with Vendetta... but again, another story.) and married Herb... except she was still pregnant with Sanjay's baby. Now Herb Oldie, Priya Oldie, and their daughter Thalassa Oldie live with Mary-Sue.

I played the Brokes long enough to have Dustin quit his job and Brandi give birth to her son, Criss. They bored me too.

And you already know what happened to the Calientes and the Dreamers, so that's it.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 29th Jun 2007 at 1:30 AM
Mortimer and Dina got married, Alexander grew up to be a teenager. Dina had a child, Christian. And then twins, Tristan and Cameron and finally a girl Imogen. Mortimer Died and when Alexander became an adult he married his step mom Dina. They had twins, Yasmin and Amani. Then they had a son, Tyler. Dina died tragically during pregnancy.

Don married Cassandra, they had triplets. Marisa, Carmela and Antonio. Don cheated and Cassandra caught him, she threw him out, he moved into his old house. Don Lothario married Tristan Goth (Yes a boy and yes Dina and Mortimers son).

Mary-Sue threw Daniel out when she caught him in bed with the maid, I made her drink elixir, found her a hunk to marry. She had a girl Lucy, a boy David and then twins, Luke and Trey. Angela and Lilith are friends now. Angela broke up with Dustin and married Dirk Dreamer instead and Lilith broke up with Dirk and married Dustin.

Dirk broke up with Lilith and married Angela (Lilith's twin sister). Darren married Demi (policewoman), they had a daughter Tiffany, then another daughter Mandy and then a son, Reese.

Brandi had her 3rd child, Calvin. She moved Daniel Pleasant in, had an affiar with him, had a daughter Isolde Pleasant. Brandi eventually married Malcomn Landgraab. I changed her name in SImpe, just to show that and not the initials after. She had children with him (but he wasnt the father), using Insimenator I got her pregnant with the best looking male and then changed the fathers ID to Malcomn. The children were: Andrew, Jason, Melissa and Catherine.

Resurrected Micheal Bachelor, who married Dina, had twins with her - Daniel and Franky Bachelor. Then Dina married Mortimer. Nina had a child with Don, Carmelo (named after Don's father), I changed her aspiration to pleasure and married her to Michael Bachelor. They had kids, but I cant think of wo.

Didn't really do much with them. As their connection to the existing families wasnt much, I kept it that way. I moved them in. Grew up the daughter, just in case one of my sims in the other houses needed a wife or girlfriend.

I moved them into a house renamed them Caroline and Henry. Caroline caught Henry cheating, chucked him out and married an adult NPC. A really cute one. He carried their twins. Ben and Alison. They also had another child (that he carried), I think her name was Nicola. Henry moved in with the Pleasants (Mary-Sue being his adopted daughter anyway) and died later.

Tristan Goth and Isolde Pleasant (Brandi Broke and Daniel Pleasant's daughter) got married. As in the film: Tristan & Isolde.
retired moderator
#16 Old 29th Jun 2007 at 4:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by missaaliyah
Don Lothario married Tristan Goth (Yes a boy and yes Dina and Mortimers son).

Zomg brilliant!

Formerly known as boolPropped
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 3rd Jul 2007 at 12:07 AM
I had Lillith marry Dirk Dreamer, but that's just boring...they've got very demanding jobs and never see their teenage son, Garron, who has serious anger issues. His only friend is the child of a family I made, named Perion.
Angela Pleasant married a rich guy made by me, and they both perished in a house fire "accident".
Mary Sue and Daniel Pleasant continue to live in their big house and drop by Lillith's house every once in a while to steal her newspaper and harrass her. I want to kill them off, but I think it adds to the storylines I'm developing...ha, guess who's my favorite Pleasantview original character?
Don Lothario married Dina Caliente, cheated with Nina, got caught, married Nina, then turned around and cheated on Nina with the maid. He ended up moving out and becoming a playboy with 12 (!) girlfriends, and eventually died of old age. Nina and Dina each had a kid by him, and every once in a while the kids will think of him in a burning thought bubble. Nina never re-married, but Dina married that Cyd guy that came with Pets. They've bored me to tears by this point, so I just never play them any more.
Cassandra Goth proposed to Don Lothario, he turned her down, and Mortimer beat him up (yes!). She ended up never marrying, and neither did Mortimer. They both died at the same time in a pool, because I was tired to death of both of them. Alexander was hauled away to the orphanage, where he sits in limbo until someone adopts him.
As for the Brokes, well, Angela left Dustin for her sugar daddy, so he married Lucy Burb (!) and had some really hideous kids. They were stunningly ugly. So I moved the whole Burb/Broke household into the family bin and deleted them, and same with the remaining Burbs and Brokes. I was dead tired of them too.
The Oldies really didn't do anything, they just stayed in their house and had uninteresting lives until they both died of old age, within a day of eachother. I thought it was a bit sweet, really.

*counter culture since '03 and counting*

"LMAO wtf r u syaing?!!1!"
The above sentence is not english. I only understand english. Thank you.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 3rd Jul 2007 at 12:50 AM
The Oldies really didn't do anything, they just stayed in their house and had uninteresting lives until they both died of old age, within a day of eachother. I thought it was a bit sweet, really.
Aww, kind of like Johnny Cash and June Carter. ...In a way.
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 3rd Jul 2007 at 11:12 PM
Wow, everyone's Pleasantview sounds very entertaining. I decided today that I'd restart my game and jumped straight into Pleasantview to play some drama! I was going to organise it under family names but I haven't played all of them and the main 'plot' is all mixed in with each other anyway, so here goes...

I started with the Goths where Cassandra and Don Lothario are about to tie the knot. I'd never noticed the little messgaes that came up before (like when Cassandra kisses Don and it says that kiss was on fire or something or other!!) and I thought it was cute. I tried a make-out but nothing else came up so I proceeded to the wedding arch thinking, as always, poor Cassandra would be ditched but no! That making out kind of did the trick and they married, much to my dismay.
At first I was going to out it without saving but I changed my mind and decided to play it through the old fashioned way. I had Cassie call Darren Dreamer and he autonomously serenaded her (immediately winning her over) and then continued his wooing with a kiss - right infront of Don. Now, I thought Don was stupid but I didn't realise he was a complete iggnorant fool, he watched and did nothing so it took a whole night of arguing to finally break them up!
Cassie split up with Don, taking all his well earned money in the process as revenge for all his indicent activites during their engagement. Don sunk into depression and settled for a small starter house, ready to work his way back up all on his own (what woman wants to be with a womanising slob?!?) whereas Cassie decided Darren was the one.
Mortimer was disgusted, he wanted Cassandra to marry Don because he was a doctor and actually had a career. When he found out about Darren he told his daughter to dump the fantasist or lose him and her inheritence. She, of course, chose Darren and moved out to live with him. She is now married and pregnant, happily pursuing her dream of becoming a police officer, Darren is living his dream of being a teacher and is flying through the levels, quite ironic seems as his not having a job cost Cassandra her fortune!

Wow I'm writing a lot, just a bit more to go I promise!

Mortimer was pretty bummed (okay, devestated) at losing Cassandra but went ahead with his marrige to Dina Caliente regardless. However, the first week of their marriage was rocky as Mortimer's mental state was becoming unstable but Dina was still very much in love. It was only when he hit her that she realised the man she loved had been lost forever, she begged Alexander to leave with her but he refused saying "It's my Dad that needs me, my place is here!"
Mortimer grew increasing insane and the stress of a social services visit threw him over the edge. When the next visit came, the woman found Mortimer dead in his armchair, with Alex crying beside him.
Mortimer's will was read, Cassandra, Alexander and Dina would receive nothing, all his money was to be burnt and his house demolished, also, Alexander had to go into care and both Cassandra and Dina were stictly ruled out of being his guardians. By his death at the age of 64, Mortimer Goth had caused everyone to hate him.
Cassandra is in the middle of a battle to prove that Mortimer was mentally unstable and to claim the will devoid but her lawyer says it will be next to impossible to do it. She did, however, find one loop hole. The money from his life insurance was still availble for them. Both of his children got $2000 and his wife (Dina) received $10,000. Dina has decided to put half of the money aside with the intention of helping Cassandra fight for parental rights of her brother, Alexander, and spent the rest of the money bringing a little happiness into her and Nina's lives.

Wow, I'm hard on the drama, that was two hours well spent I think . I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did playing it, lol.
Well I guess it's to be continued until my next update!
#20 Old 3rd Jul 2007 at 11:54 PM
Well some of you may smack me for what i've done to the Dreamer and Broke family, but I know mad Tae kwon do Skills :taekwondo ! (haha I wish) Anyways it all started when i was bored like a week ago and I just entered the Broke family for the first time since i reinstalled the game.

Brandy had just hit her first trimester of her pregnancy and she seemed extremely lonely. Her babies needed a father that would look after then, and besides one of her "wants" was to go onto a date. I called up the Gypsy lady and payed her 5,000 simoleons for a date (yes i know she didn't really have the money to do that, but perhaps it was worth it.)

The gypsy gazed into her crystal ball and seeked out the perfect match for Brandy. Seconds later I was amazed about who I saw standing proudly there infront of Brandy...Darren Dreamer! They were introduced and they hit it off automadically. I could see that they had never met before, because their relationship was so low when the date started.

Most of the things Darren wanted on the date had to do with Cassandra, but I figured that she still had Don and she could still have a chance of getting married to him. Brandy made sure that Darren's mind was away from Cassandra and on her.

The beginging of the date was great. A dinner, some bowling, etc. The date ended up in Brandy's bedroom. That was the cherry ontop of the cake for their date and it ended up being a dream date with Darren constantly leaving gifts on her doorstep. (Trust me there was no room).

They eventually decided to go on another date ending with Darren proposing to Brandy. Right now they are still engaged while Brandy is in her second trimester. They plan to get married shortly after she has her third baby, then they plan to start a family of their own. Darren hopes to add 4 more kids of his own to the family and Brandy really doesn't care just as long as Darren's in her life.

The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 4th Jul 2007 at 2:02 AM
Although I dislike the Brandi-Darren pairing (He belongs with Cassie and I always pair Brandi with Chester Gieke) it's sweet that she's found someone who loves her. Now I've got a little update of my own...

Don Lothario is close to depression, he's living in a dingy little bungalow and he's all alone. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of Nina Caliente. She offers to move in and at first Don is estacic and accepts, but a bit of time alone makes him realise he can't trust himself. When Nina returns with her belongings he breaks the news - she can only be with him when he completely trusts himself. When questioned when this will be he admitted he didn't know but that one day a test will take place and then he'll know.
Over at the Pleasant's Daniel think's he's handling life perfectly, he's bedded the maid three days in a row and he's even getting on with everyone (even Lilith!). But his days of bragging that he has 'woohoo on tap' from two women are over when Mary-Sue finds him with Kaylynn Langerak, the maid.
With nowhere else to turn Kaylynn begs Don Lothario for a place to crash and so Kaylynn, Don and Daniel unwittingly become housemates in the cramped enviroment of Don temporary hole of a home. When Don realises that he is attracted to Kaylynn, he knows the test he talked about has come, and things get even more complicated when Lilith Pleasant drops around and he starts flirting with her, not even noticing what he's doing! Will this guy ever me ready for a proper relationship?
Meanwhile... at the Dreamer's Darren returns home with news of a promotion but Cassandra has news of her own - she's about to give birth, with their gardener as the make-shift midwife!

Not so small I guess... I just love Pleasantview!
#22 Old 5th Jul 2007 at 3:50 PM
This is a cute thread. I have been playing for about year and a few weeks ago decided to reinstall pleasantview. I sit with my mother in law who has alzhimers...it is a good way to kill time while she watchs Little House on the Prarie or 100th time.
Both Lilth and Angela got pregnant as teens. Lilth's parents kicked her out of the house and her and Dirk moved into a tiny one room trailer. They just were able to keep social services from taking their daughter. When the baby reached shool age Lilth moved off to college where she still is living in a nice little apt. Angela's parents let her stay at home till the baby came. Mary-Sue actually gave birth to a son the day after Angela had her daughter. Angela moved in with Lilth at college but it didn't last long. Angela and Dustin currently live in basement Dainel and Mary-sue's house.
Brokes- I have not played at all except Dustin who moved to college..while there he fell for a girl ( something Mellon)at his dorm and I ended up using her to start a poverty challenge. I can't recall her name but I got to the 5th genration and eveyone died of a flu outbreak except her single almost elederly son she had by Mortimer Goth...( all the women in that family had huge attractions to Mortimer :confused: ).
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 9th Jul 2007 at 8:43 PM
Played the Burbs earlier...

John got a job in law enforcement and Jennifer got a job in the medical career, they were both happy climbing the ranks but money was short and Jennifer was beginning to get desperate. She searched the internet for ways of making money but all seemed impossible. One day she told John she wanted another baby; he was over the moon but didn’t really know what her real intentions were.
Desperate to get her away from public school scum (like the Brokes) Jennifer invited the headmaster around to dinner, Lucy grew up to a teenager, threw a party with her friends, got drunk and then (icing on the cake) Jennifer gave birth while the Headmaster was there (a boy named Liam Burb was born) but surprising Lucy still got accepted. Little did Jennifer know that Beau had already been attending public school, so she was just pushing her daughter closer to him!
Shortly after the birth baby Liam went missing, Lucy and John were devastated but Jennifer seemed less so and even had a smile on her face as she was suddenly able to afford the new house she had wanted for so many months (9 and a half to be exact;])!
Lucy lost grades at school and got a demotion in her job in politics, John was allowed time off work and so was Jennifer but only John chose to accept it. John finally snapped and demanded to know what was going on but he wasn’t prepared for the revelation, Jennifer had sold their baby for $10,000 and had to intention of getting him back.
Lucy is close to running away, and with the new risky of pregnancy when run away flavour pack for the inteenimater… who knows what will happen!
#24 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 3:37 AM
WOW i did so much with the Pleasent veiw citizans (favorite neighborhood)

Goth:Totally gave Cassandra a HUGE makeover!Dina and Mormiter are married and I pretty much hate Alexander so i killed him.Cassandra and Don are So done!!

Pleasents: Daniel and Mary Sue are back to a healthy realationship. Lilith and Angela became the best of friends. Lilith is engaged to Dirk and Angela is a lonley goody to shoes.

Dreamer: Dont really like them...

Broke: Brandi got a carree in the Culanary arts She is 1 day away from her third birth...Dustin is engaged to a Fabulous CAS i made named Cathleen Jones. They are going to get married very soon..
Breu is about the most ugliest kid i have ever seen!!! Luckily he will grow up soon.

Lutario: He pretty much still is a hooker lol..Though im working on his lifetime want

Caliente: nina is married to a CAs i made named Homer Dina and Morimter are married ( i regret the day i did that)

Burb: Jennifer and and John are happily married( uggghh) Lucy is a teen and is pretty much screwed with me in control MUUUHAHAHA She has an adopted sister named Ele she is a day away from a teen

Oldies: STill in the family bin -i hate old people-
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 13th Jul 2007 at 3:50 AM
I've pulled Brandi and Beau out of the sim bin, and Brandi is now dating Tom Delgado (the sim in my avatar, formerly my character in Shenanagin's rp, which I sadly had to quit). Brandi finally had her third kid, a boy named Gabriel, and the four of them are living the cramped life in Tom's one room trailer. It's so trashy you wouldn't even believe...Beau is sleeping on a matress on the roof. I can't wait until he's old enough to go to college.

*counter culture since '03 and counting*

"LMAO wtf r u syaing?!!1!"
The above sentence is not english. I only understand english. Thank you.
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