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#1 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 11:21 PM Last edited by SneakyWingPhoenix : 24th Jul 2024 at 12:02 AM.
Default Inside Out for TS2 (Asylum + City Building variation)
Basically, this challenge is based of the movie but adapted to the mechanics and systematics of TS2, for the lack of defining Emotion systematic it doesn't have, as it would be harder to do. Thereby, I'think the spin based of these should work in the gameplay setting.

Create A New Neighborhood: Call it Rileyš World (or whatver Sim you wanna name it after.
First Residents: Now create 6 Sims, and name them after six essential physical needs (Hunger (Family), Hygiene(Family), Bladder(Family), Energy(Family), Social(Family or Popularity)). With them, create a toddler or adopt a baby (Main Character. She will be said Riley.
Active Lot: Move them into a empty lot (or it can be prebuild, which will have its own limited set of objects and architectural rules (more on that BELOW). Set FREE WILL to OFF.
Lot building rules in early stage: When building a lot, you must make it so that each corresponding need is the only able to cater to said Sims physical need:

Riley's Early Childhood: Now the embodiments of the six Sims are only controlable until the main character turns into a child. Only these Sims can cater to the corresponding needs
- HUNGER: Room with a fridge is locked for all Sims but HUNGER (buffet table are allowed so others don't starve)
- BLADDER: While Riley is a baby, toilets are forbidden to be purchased on this lot until the child ages, in addition Bladder won't be able to access a shower (locked them in a room away from hygiene). However, when the junior ages into toddler, BLADDER will have their own toilet in their confined room and will serve the duty to potty train the child.
- HYGIENE: can only access changing table/bathtub
- ENERGY: has access to crib.
- SOCIAL: only Sim with MAX outgoing trait, and will keep the other Need Sims emotionally sane!
- FUN: Will Makey RIley Happy (play with her, throw and coo her)

Toddler Stage: Riley in tis stage will still remain these caretakers, but she will be more developed than previously, so of course more things be going on. Below is the list of mental-subneighborhoods will open up, according to the things unlocking them:

Main hood Lots: For every new memory the main protagonist gets, you are able (and suppose to) build a new lot in the neighborhood and name it after said memory (you can even run it as you wish with OFB).
University: For every skill she gains (if possible, hidden ones, other abilities/perks or whatever), you create university and name it as "Knowledge". You can then upgrade said lot (enter Buy/BUild Mode), after you gain a skillpoint in respective field (e.g. reenter COOKING lot once more if you gained 2nd skill point of it)
Downtown: In regards to people connection she forms (aside form her physical needs), you do the same - create a lot named after the familiarized acquaintance Sim, but in the island whic you create as a downtown, titled RELATIONSHIPS. Sims that are outside of her family MUST and CAN ONLY reside here.

Business District: This realm will represent Sim psyche, in which you can create households related to Simology elements after through the lifestage's you gain access.
* The Crushes (Turn on's) Household: the family must have Sims that meet up the requirements of a chemistry (i.e. meets the Riley's ideal Turn Ons)
- The Motives Family: when the toddler grows into adult, this household is then created with the control panel being hosted by Comfort and Environment Needs. However, when the child matures into Teen, all the remaining six embodiments move in here and are replaced by her Five Overpowered Traits (more on that about Teen stage) accompaning her domestic life.

When Riley/Whatstheirname becomes a Teen, it's time to boot out all the Motive Sims and replace them with Five Main Personality traits. Whichever their side of each specific personality quality is stronger, that name should be named that describes them (If the game describes her as Neat, then her personality embodiment should thereby named "Neat(ness)". However, the Sims Of Personality should have their other qualities have polar opposite points of the else personalities (If Riley has Serious 2.0, than other personality Sims should have 8.0 playfulness). The rules of furnising is unlifted loosely, but you should try shaping in a way it represents the Sim's overall personality (grittier objects for slobs, serious have more books over tvs and game stations, etc).

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 12:46 AM
Interesting. CONFUSING!

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