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#1 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 3:52 PM
Default Custom food question
i wanted to know if sim can have wishes to learn custom food recipes or to eat some custom food, like he does with vanilla food. Is it ever possible?

thank you )

p.s. i have sims pet stories
Mad Poster
#2 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 4:38 PM
I don't know if it's possible within Pet Stories, but I know that my sims treat custom foods exactly as they treat the foods that come with the game. It can be their favorite; having eaten it, they can want to learn to make it; having made it, they roll wants to eat it.

This being the case, I suggest that you make sure you back up your custom food downloads when you back up your game, because if something happens and you lose your downloads folder, these sims will be left with dangling bits of code that are trying to hook up to something that's no longer there, and that's always a fraught situation.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#3 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 4:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I don't know if it's possible within Pet Stories, but I know that my sims treat custom foods exactly as they treat the foods that come with the game. It can be their favorite; having eaten it, they can want to learn to make it; having made it, they roll wants to eat it.

do you play basegame or with packs? i know pet stories have lots in common with basegame, so that could rise my chances to get wants for custom food. i have knowledge inclined sim, and for 20 or more sim days, he never got a want to learn any food or eat any food. i keep him on openfaced ham sadwiches and he often influence a guest to serve new meal, so he eat lots of new food, and have 10 in cooking skill.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 22nd Jul 2012 at 5:19 PM
I've got all the EPs and it's certainly possible that FreeTime, which adds Culinary Enthusiasm to the randomizing factors, increases the probability of rolling wants for a particular custom food. You'd have to experiment.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#5 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 12:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I've got all the EPs and it's certainly possible that FreeTime, which adds Culinary Enthusiasm to the randomizing factors, increases the probability of rolling wants for a particular custom food. You'd have to experiment.

thank you for the info. So far i'm trying with different sims, and the only wants i've got is for common food, nothing for custom food. maybe it's not supported in pet stories.
From developer view, is there a way to register custom food for learn new food and eat new food interactions? how it works for different games?
Forum Resident
#6 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 3:05 AM
So, I had a question about the custom food. But if I have read well, it's always better to leave custom food in once you have put it in your download folder and taken his place in the game?
Because I added some custom food, but it has overwritten some other food, which I not particular liked happening. It is possible they first have to learn to make this food and then when they get better more options for making other stuff should show up. I thóught I already noticed that but I am not sure.
I wanted to ask here if it was safe to take it out but already one family have dealt with it. They had to. It was the only course for breakfast and lunch and I only noticed later this was going on.
I better leave it in then?
#7 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 6:36 AM
The deleted food can result in squigly lines when Sims are viewing the menu at a restaurant.
It breaks their want trees. This is because it's their favorite food. You can however change what their fav food using Batbox->Info->fav. food. Just click on another choice of food and it will become their favorite.

So you need to check if the food has become fav to any Sims. I however think that this can be the case only if you've created new Sims in the meantime. Or possibly even if you've created a restaurant in the meantime - meaning after you've installed this CC food in your game - don't know when exactly this favorite food thing gets assigned to a Sim. Knowing this would help you with picking out those Sims that might have it set as fav food, but you can simply go through all of them and check. Yes, even the townies. I know - a lot, but what can you do?

If the Sims have the memories relating to it, you can delete them in SimPe. First do this though: in game, click on the Batbox and delete all gossip, in case they've gossiped - you know how they are. Then in SimPe, delete the related memories from all Sims having them. Since it's only this one family, you'll get them all. By deleting gossip, you've dealt with possible other Sims' gossip memories, so they'll be gone too. And you'll be clear out of this dish

ETA: I forgot to mention - do this *prior* to deleting the food in question.

The best thing about a good thing is that it inspires a better thing. ♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Mad Poster
#8 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 7:43 AM
Hmmm...what if you just left the whole memories of a favorite food in place, didn't play with SimPE or the Bat Box, and chose to let the problem resolve itself by letting the Sim(s) in question just grow old and die with this issue. Would there be an impact to your game once the affected Sims have passed on? I ask because there are times when the custom foods don't work, such as the one mirjamsim2love pointed out, and I am unfamiliar with and uncomfortable with the steps involving deleting gossip, etc....

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
#9 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 8:21 AM
The issue is listed on the corruption page - check here.

But if its taken out it can't be additionally assigned to a Sim as a fav food. So no new cases will emerge.

Let me make the steps of dealing with it more apparent - I tend to babble, sorry.

1. get Pescado's Lot Debugger from MATY
2. go in game, load the family that cooked the meal and has memories
3. click on Batbox - Lot Debugger and select "delete gossip->from all"
4. check if the food is favorite to *anyone*, playables or townies alike; you'll have to spawn them and select them for this - change if it is, preferably into something from the vanilla game, especially if it's a townie
5. exit the game and load hood browser - hood memories
6. delete all memories pertaining to the said food - in the above case, from the family that cooked and ate it; all gossip about it is already gone, as well as any gossip pertaining to it being someone's fav food, if there was any

It's not hard or particularly dangerous - it can admittedly get tedious.

As always - backup before trying this, and do all this *before* deleting the food.

Also, any custom podium has its own, different fav. foods than those listed on the Batbox - I just noticed that in my game. So maybe get rid of that item first if you have it - prior to doing all this, at least until the issue is resolved. Then you can put it back.

The best would be to first go to a restaurant featuring the custom podium and replace it with the in-game one, just in case. If you still haven't used the custom podium, then it isn't a problem.

Delete all cache files too: Groups and Accessories, definitely, maybe even Thumbnails. It won't hurt in any case.

It's a chore, alright...

The best thing about a good thing is that it inspires a better thing. ♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Mad Poster
#10 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 9:48 AM
Oof - that is a chore! Thanks for writing all that down. It sounds like, when trying out a new food, that it would be best to try it in a test neighborhood first.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#11 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 12:13 PM
I'm wondering though, if the food overwrote a standard in-game food (Mirjimsim's case), then it must have shared a GUID with the original food. In that case, I think, removing the food will just revert the affected sims to having the in game food as the favourite.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
#12 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 12:49 PM
I... didn't even know they could have a favourite food. I know that sometimes they roll a want to eat a certain food, usually after it's been eaten within the last day or two. But I've never seen it with custom food -- I have a pile of custom salads in my cookbook and they never seem interested. It's always "eat pancakes" or "eat omelettes" or "eat hamburgers". Is the favourite food the one that shows up in those wants? I'm not sure I've ever seen one sim consistently want the same food whenever they roll the "eat" want.
#13 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 12:55 PM
No, Lexie Jayapalan's cousin went to a diner, and she had Eat Spaghetti in her wants panel, but I saw Gelatine in her thought bubble.
The diner has Spaghetti on the menu so, she could have had it.

Elephant! Handcuffs! Naughty! Tee hee!
Mad Poster
#14 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 1:12 PM
Their favorite food is the one they are automatically brought when you click "chef's choice" in a restaurant. Which I always do unless there's a story reason (very rare!) because the waiter is a lot less likely to forget about your sim with "chef's choice" than with individual orders. Normally it'll be in their thought bubbles as they study the menu.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#15 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 1:18 PM
I see, so the favourite is restaurant food rather than home cooked food. Personally, every time I send sims out to dinner, I want those lime-seared prawns for myself...
Mad Poster
#16 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 1:37 PM
Well, they can cook the restaurant foods (many of them) for themselves, too. Clovis Point practically lives on omelettes, and Mary Munny on spaghetti, since those are simple foods they learned to cook for themselves early on and are also the foods they automatically get on their numerous dates. But I believe the favorite food mechanic was introduced in NL to make the Chef's Choice option work, and I believe it affects customer satisfaction at OFB restaurants - customers who can get their favorite foods at a restaurant will be more satisfied with their experience there.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Forum Resident
#17 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 9:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simsica
The deleted food can result in squigly lines when Sims are viewing the menu at a restaurant.
It breaks their want trees. This is because it's their favorite food. You can however change what their fav food using Batbox->Info->fav. food. Just click on another choice of food and it will become their favorite.

So you need to check if the food has become fav to any Sims. I however think that this can be the case only if you've created new Sims in the meantime. Or possibly even if you've created a restaurant in the meantime - meaning after you've installed this CC food in your game - don't know when exactly this favorite food thing gets assigned to a Sim. Knowing this would help you with picking out those Sims that might have it set as fav food, but you can simply go through all of them and check. Yes, even the townies. I know - a lot, but what can you do?

If the Sims have the memories relating to it, you can delete them in SimPe. First do this though: in game, click on the Batbox and delete all gossip, in case they've gossiped - you know how they are. Then in SimPe, delete the related memories from all Sims having them. Since it's only this one family, you'll get them all. By deleting gossip, you've dealt with possible other Sims' gossip memories, so they'll be gone too. And you'll be clear out of this dish

ETA: I forgot to mention - do this *prior* to deleting the food in question.

Thanks for your input! Appreciated ánd clear enough. Very helpful. (And I felt heard with 'my issue'.)
The point was: I don't have the Batbox.
These kind of things still scare me, as lame as that may sound.
I always think by putting in (too much of) that kind of stuff, I eventually screw up my game.
I reluctantly installed ACR at some point (couldn't resist myself) and the do homework at a certain hour mod/hack. That's all I have about that kind of stuff in my game.
Even I have ACR, I didn't touch it yet to set things differently.
That already points out how unfamiliar I am with these things.
I did peek inside it but that's about it.

Now back to the custom food.
The good news was, I didn't make new sims after I put that food in. Only one family used it for a day or so. And they never in their Sims life went to a restaurant yet. None of my Sims have. (Too busy making babies and skilling.)
I do have SimPE and I did look if they had memories, that were about this food. I didn't see any. And no gossip about it either.

I took the chance and took it out of the download folder. I have a very recent back-up might anything goes wrong. And even two previous back-ups. I made three in the last 1,5 weeks. I loaded the game again and the base game food was back.

I downloaded custom food before and it didn't overwrite anything so I was happy with that food. This one apparently shared the guid and/or overwrote it, which I definitely not want. I normally never install c.c. which is default. I want to keep the things that come with the game. I always read the discriptions before I download things but it was never stated it would be default, otherwise I would have left it alone.

Now it sounds I didn't do anything with your advice but on the contrary. I read it thorougly and checked what I was able to check.
I just figured with the info I had and what I saw in SimPe, I wasn't too late to take it out.
Didn't delete it, just put it somewhere where the game can't read it. If necessary I could put it back in. I know it can screw up with the data in certain cases. I just hope it didn't in my case.
Forum Resident
#18 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 9:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by maxon
I'm wondering though, if the food overwrote a standard in-game food (Mirjimsim's case), then it must have shared a GUID with the original food. In that case, I think, removing the food will just revert the affected sims to having the in game food as the favourite.

I took a chance on that thought before I read this and made the decision to take the food out accordingly. It is in a way reassuring to read back here what I thought.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#19 Old 10th Aug 2012 at 11:36 PM
Mirjamsim - the bat box is to fix things (it's called the Lot Debugger officially). It's far less risky than ACR. In fact, it's not risky at all. Also, it's a must-have to help you fix things. Really, if there's one thing I could not do without it's the batbox.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
#20 Old 11th Aug 2012 at 2:40 AM
I haven't found that the batbox fixes any of my serious problems. But maybe I should go start another thread...
Mad Poster
#21 Old 11th Aug 2012 at 2:55 AM
What sorts of serious issues are you trying to fix with it?

The batbox isn't intended to fix serious issues, generally. It's intended to be used to keep on top of small issues that build up to the more serious issues, if left unaddressed.
Forum Resident
#22 Old 11th Aug 2012 at 6:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maxon
Mirjamsim - the bat box is to fix things (it's called the Lot Debugger officially). It's far less risky than ACR. In fact, it's not risky at all. Also, it's a must-have to help you fix things. Really, if there's one thing I could not do without it's the batbox.

I did read a while ago what was in it. I saw a bunch of stuff that said nothing to me and which I was sure of never to use. I did keep the page about it, to ponder about it some more. Maybe I should reconsider. I am however the type that if something is new and I don't know how it works I am hesitant to try to 'fiddle' with it.
Scared I screw it up. :p
#23 Old 11th Aug 2012 at 7:33 AM
Well, I've been poking around podiums and fav foods and dining globals in general last night, again - obsessing over restaurant prices, and I *think* the fav food gets assigned only when a Sim enters a dining situation, linked to a podium. So that's why there are different fav foods for different podiums. I'd need to check some other globals too, but I think it's safe to say that newly minted Sims have no fav food until they visit a restaurant.
This requires in-game testing to be sure of the exact moment the token gets created - would help greatly with removing the food safely and quickly, at that.

And I think that in custom podiums that functionality might somehow be broken - at least in the one I'm using it is. I've never seen the waiter bring out food that was in a Sim's thought bubble while ordering when ever I ordered "chef's choice" at that podium. Same with the townies' or non-controllable Sims': orders and thought bubbles never matched.
They seem to get fav food linked to that specific podium (a diff food in a thought bubble than in any of the vanilla podiums) but they never get the actual food to eat.
Maybe a Sim can only have two (number of in game podiums) and this is coded somewhere I couldn't find it yet.
But I'll be checking it out some more.

Regarding the food that overwrites some other food - I'm sorry for forgetting to address that issue - twice!
Removing such things shouldn't be any problem cause I'd imagine them behave like any other replacement - safe to replace or take out. But with food, I'd think no one wants that replaced. If you still want the food maybe give it a unique guid through SimPe? I've never fiddled with food creation so I wouldn't know if there would be any additional work on it. I imagine not.

About Batbox - I'm with maxon: one of my "must-be-in-there-or-i'm-staying-out!" mods. First thing i check after I enter and before I exit a lot. Each house has it buried under their foundation - maybe even a subconscious reason why I prefer houses on foundation. It's a part of my "Home Setup" folder. I've saved many a lot from various minor and potentially dangerous situations using it. And it talks to me - has that dynamic menu thingy that shows you what goes on on your lot. I'd feel blind without it.

I recommend it to all Simmers - just go over there, you won't get eated Study the thread, and hack descriptions in other threads and give yourself a gift in the form of an ugly bat-box. The most precious ugly thing I have in my DLs, that one.

The best thing about a good thing is that it inspires a better thing. ♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Forum Resident
#24 Old 11th Aug 2012 at 10:03 PM
I did go there once and read about it. Even saved the page for 'possible download in the near future' purpose so I was working my way up to eventually using it.
I think I will. I guess I just have to get more familiar with things and it takes time.
I'm glad I probably borked nothing by taking that food out. I can do without it and I also am not familiar with fiddle with guids. Still have a lot of reading to do and I already have read so much. Luckily I like reading, haha.
Mad Poster
#25 Old 11th Aug 2012 at 11:33 PM
I don't get why Sims have two favorite foods--one for the Nightlife podium and one for the OFB podium (very rarely have I seen them prefer the same food with both podiums). Still scratching my head over that one. You'd think that if something is their favorite, it'd be their favorite all the time...

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