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#1 Old 26th Jan 2013 at 7:20 PM
Default Will the neighborhood blow up if the child has a crush on an adult?
First off, NOT in a pedofile/creepy way.

So, I'm playing The Sims Castaway Stories after a long time, and since now I know how to use SimPE, my castaway doesn't end up being head-over-heels in love with a woman that doesn't even like him (players will know).

The castaway is like, a handsome, good-looking, ultra nice, outgoing... pretty much perfect, ya know. Now, since he saved Nanihi Manave, the Chief's daughter, I decided to make it more realistic and that she has a crush on him (like, when her friends talk to her, she'd be like "I don't like him...! He's just a nice person.") - not a type of crush such as "Meet him. Talk to him. Make babies. (Boy that escalated quickly!)", but instead, in a situation where you are a first-grader and you have a crush on a boy from another first grade. But you don't wanna show it, and you'll fight every single boy who dares to mention that you find him cute.

To sum up, when I open up SimPE, open the Falicity Island in there -- go to "Nanihi Manave" character description, and in there, under the "Nanihi Mahave towards the castaway" I just check the Crush checkbox (so the Crush thing isn't mutural. Dammit, he's not a perv). Question; will it cause an island corruption?

DJ. who?
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Mad Poster
#2 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 2:54 AM
I have no idea, but if you're trying to make a connection between seeing inappropriate wants in children as evidence of existing corruption with whether or not you'd be creating corruption by ticking the crush flag in SimPE, I don't think there is one.

Nonetheless, I don't think I'd risk it. You probably don't really want to see Nanihi rolling romantic wants toward... is David his name? (I forget.) Nor would you want to see her behaving romantically toward him, so really the only way you'd know she has a crush on him is that there's a box ticked off in SimPE, right? If her feelings only ever play out in your own mind anyway, what would be the point?
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 11:39 AM
He's a custom castaway. Anyway, I see your point. No, the neighborhood/island is not corrupted, nor she has any special "romantic" feelings towards the guy. And since I only play the household with the castaway, mind as well edit Nanihi in SimPE to make her shy so that she'd be running off as soon as she'd see him coming towards her (or any other Sim, that is). Lolz.

But since it's all in my head, I'll just stick to not risking my island getting corrupted. Thanks!

DJ. who?
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