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#1 Old 12th Oct 2015 at 8:37 PM
Default Book titles from your Sims
I'm not sure I've seen a thread about what books our Sims have written. If so, I apologize for the repeat in topic.

i'd love to hear your in game written book titles. My current family has a one star celebrity named Otissa Tobias and she has written the following:
A Silly Shift (comedy book)
The Extremely Peckish Perch (kids book, name take on The Very Hungry Caterpillar )
Plan 5 From Inner Below The Apes (sci-fi, take on those cheesy Planet of the Apes films/the corny Plan 9 From Outer Space movie)
and she is currently writing Crater of the Puppets a trashy romance book with a name based on a real life a trashy book called Valley of the Dolls.

I'm always stuck with what to name my in game books (trying to be clever on the spur of the moment, usually failing).

Please share your titles!

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 2:01 PM
I love doing this, have quite a lot of random titles such as;

An Anatomy of Custard
Random Hedgehogs
Pink Socks and Purple Knickers

One of my favorite things to do if I know I am going to write a bundle of books is to use song lyrics eg;
(From the brilliant Pink Floyd)

"Ticking Away"
"The Moments that Make Up A Dull Day"
Field Researcher
#3 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 5:29 PM
I also find it really hard to come up with book titles. So, as I'm always listening to music while playing TS3, I pretty much always just use the song title of the song I'm listening to as the book title
Mad Poster
#4 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 5:59 PM
Just a few of my recent titles.

A Simulation of Nodes
Citrus Skittles': A Treatise on Pleasant Side-Effects
Discovering Alwaysland
Remnants of a Woman Called Ke$ha
The Gilscarbo Combination
The Subtle Gasping

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#5 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 6:01 PM
Ooh, I recently had a writer Sim, and was really stumped at what titles to give his books. In the end I went with:

How To: Bake Brownies (Non-Fiction)
How To: Braid Bagels (Non-Fiction)
How To: Fold Your Handkerchief (Non-Fiction)
Death by Shovel (Mystery)
The Mystery Of The Blue Sands (Mystery; glanced at my Agatha Christie shelf for inspiration)
Intentionally Misplaced Identity (no clue)
Selling The Wounds (no clue)
Skate Or Die (Humor)
Slides And Swings (Humor)
The Hunter And The Songbird (no clue)

Song names are a great idea, makes me want to play a Writer sim again :D

Tumblr - more downloads! ◾ CC reuploads / creator backupsTS3 CAS Conversion Catalog - for basegame, EP, SP, and Store clothing!
Spice Pony
#6 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 10:52 PM
The epic Joe the Llama series, which is extra good for the fact that the game gave every one a llama cover:

Joe the Llama Goes on a Date
Joe the Llama Files His Tax Returns
Joe the Llama Goes to the Moon
Joe the Llama Gets Subpœnaed
Joe the Llama Gets Mistaken for an Alpaca
Joe the Llama Gets Arrested for Piracy
Joe the Llama is Declared King of Canada
Joe the Llama Declares Underwear Illegal
Joe the Llama Starts a Holy War
Joe the Llama Deletes the Internet

The Captain Eyebrows series, based on a sim I made back in TS2 (skipping the boring titles):

Captain Eyebrows and the Shrine of the Golden Llama
Captain Eyebrows and the Cursed Tomb
Captain Eyebrows and the Last Gnome
Captain Eyebrows and the Accursed Cup of the Werewalrus
Captain Eyebrows and the She-Sídhe
Captain Eyebrows and the Revenge of the Sídhe
Captain Eyebrows and the Sphinx Builders
Captain Eyebrows and the Anticlimactic Finale
Captain Eyebrows and the Unexpected Sequel
Captain Eyebrows in: Llamabeard's Revenge
Captain Eyebrows and the Guaranteed Victory
Captain Eyebrows Deals With Boredom
Captain Eyebrows and the Legendary Black Beast of Arrgh
Captain Eyebrows Vs. the Lawyers of Python
Captain Eyebrows Goes to Mars
Captain Eyebrows in the Tiberium Reactor
Captain Eyebrows in the Tiberium Mines of Jupiter

And then there was a crossover between the two, Captain Eyebrows and Joe the Llama: Back-to-Back Slackers.

Some other miscellanea I found or remember (asterisks if I'm not sure whether they are my work or EA's):

Flame and Fortune (Pretty sure it was a romance novel involving a djinnī and a rich person.)
The Staring Contest* (?????)
Where Are My Car Keys?* (A mystery novel.)
Who Ate All the Doughnuts?* (A mystery novel; same series as the latter.)
Redmond's Guide to Buying Used Underpants Online* (self-explanatory)
Dumpster (A literal interpretation of the "trashy" genre.)
Punishingly Punpunny Puns (Self explanatory)
Dark Lords of the Sídhe (No comment.)
MY CAT IS EVIL (Maybe he stepped on the keyboard or something?)
Your Lack of Cake Disturbs Me (Please tell me that's not a butchered Star Wars reference…)
Hte Dsylexic Oen: Lief Wtih Aixelsyd (No offense intended toward those with "Aixelsyd".)
Attack of the Giant Mutant Monkeys from Mars (A phrase of uncertain origin which has been lodged in my brain for a long time.)
Flying Cats of Doom, Ha-Haa (Ditto. Seems to have something to do with "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haa".)
Gazebo Age: Origins (No comment.)
Knights of the Olde Pub (I made a lot of Bioware references…)
Knights of the Olde Pub II: The Sídhe Lords (Like I said.)
The Mirror of fo rorriM ehT (Kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.)
Fire Nymphs of the Sun (First in a planned series of titles that never got off the ground because the game got glitchy.)
Test Subject
#7 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 11:42 PM
My Sims, Laura and Matt, wrote lots of books. I've had them on the computer non-stop. They really have no life ^^

So far, Laura's wrote only four books, the titles are dumb though.

The Vampire in my basement
(just so you know, my sims have never had basements)
The Vampire in my Kitchen (sequel to the book above)
Now you're just talkin' CRAY CRAY (supposed to be about interviews with stupid celebrities)

Matt's written a lot more, here are some I can remember:

Shut up and go
Leave me be
Never alone
Meet me over there (children's book)
Destiny, Book 1: Destined to die
Destiny, Book 2: Destined to love
Destiny, Book 3: Destined for the sea
He's working on Destiny Book 4: Destined to be famous

So, yeah
#8 Old 14th Oct 2015 at 4:57 PM
Just imagine a constant stream of obscenities and expletives. Those were my book titles.
F-word this, F-word that. I love the F-word. Debra from Dexter was my idol.

Resident wet blanket.
#9 Old 14th Oct 2015 at 7:19 PM
The Flower of the Valley: the Margaret Green-Conti Story by Nathan St. Cloud
A Modern Day Cinderella: the Ella Vanderburg Story by Francisca Vanderburg
Behind Palace Walls: the Francisca Vanderburg Story by Francisca Vanderburg

All three are biographies (I forget what their actual category is).
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 14th Oct 2015 at 8:34 PM Last edited by Gnasher316 : 14th Oct 2015 at 8:44 PM.
Most of my book titles would make a pornstar blush & I dare not risk posting most of the titles here, most shop's don't have a top shelf high enough to stock my Artistic Gentleman's books. (My sim thinks he's the next Hugh Hefner)

I used to write books based on the current career/profession of the sim writing it, For example...
Firefighting Vol 1 - Prevention
Firefighting Vol 2 - Tackle The Blaze

I got bored of that though and moved on to other *cough* Genre's
It's quite amusing to see your sim sat enjoying the latest issue of Jugg's, a guide to jug making
#11 Old 14th Oct 2015 at 11:29 PM
I had Simis Batchlore once write a non fiction book call I had sex with Hitler, and I liked it!

I know I am an awful person.

Strangely it did cause him to max out his writing skill and it became a best seller.

My PC specs.
Windows 7 64 bit,AMD FX 4300 quad core processor, 8 gigs DDR3 ram, 1 gig Geforce 9500 graphics card, patch 1.67.2
Every time I reinstall the game I run it clean without any CC, not even the store bought stuff so it isn't CC or mods that cause me trouble.
#12 Old 15th Oct 2015 at 1:26 AM
My book titles include
It's Got No Eyes!
It Came From Twinbrook.
It Came From Twinbrook: The Revenge
Don't Go In The Basement I, II and III
Fuck Your Sandwich: Feminism Unleashed
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 15th Oct 2015 at 1:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion
Don't Go In The Basement I, II and III

Are they written about my sim's basement?

Quote: Originally posted by Gnasher316 from What did you discover today while playing TS3? Thread
After my sim snapped and turned his basement into a horror movie set he was hoping to become a deranged kidnapper/serial killer.
With and endless supply of housemate's turning up at 9am he thought it would be easy,

However after keeping a housemate locked in the basement with only a sleeping bag and a toilet (broken) for day's on end with the only social interaction being a slap and an insult, this housemate refuses to die from starvation.
I find it very inconsiderate as I have lot's of people waiting for that luxury bedroom.

I didn't know housemate's need's act differently to regular sims...
#14 Old 15th Oct 2015 at 5:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Gnasher316
Are they written about my sim's basement?

Top Secret Researcher
#15 Old 15th Oct 2015 at 10:13 AM Last edited by r_deNoube : 15th Oct 2015 at 10:55 AM. Reason: proper italics in Turbo-Pro+ trademark
There was a time I thought I was pretty good at coining book titles. But then I had a class that required a textbook named "Fear and Trembling (and) The Sickness Unto Death" so I realized there are some real giants out there, upon whose shoulders I can only hope to stand.

I have used some of these, and am banking the others in case of future need:

Then Speak No More of Goats
Only I Alone Survived
Self-Help / Motivational:
Be Your Own Boss -- and Fire Yourself!
Whine Your Way To Prosperity
Sci-Fi / Fantasy:
DyrkLyrdWyrld Rysyng
Ponies for T'PKHarhpniss
Empire's Revenge: The Beginning Continues
Technical, Uni textbooks, etc.:
Scalable Chaotic Paradigms II (computer science)
Inside TurboPro+ Plus! Version 4.62 (3rd edition, with CD-ROM) (computers / application software)
Fundamentals of Occlusive Thought (?? beats me.)

The first Romance novel done by one of my Sims will be titled "To Love Her Faster", in honor of someone I actually do love. Then, any & all subsequent Romance novels will be named "To Love Her Oftener."
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 15th Oct 2015 at 5:54 PM

My job at Burger King

My job as a comedian

My job sucks


How to scare away Santa

Don't mix milk with redbull


Supernaturals exist!

Paranormal pancakes
#17 Old 15th Oct 2015 at 9:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by r_deNoube
I have used some of these, and am banking the others in case of future need:
Whine Your Way To Prosperity

Could you ask Janet whether I could borrow this book?
Test Subject
#18 Old 31st Oct 2024 at 4:04 AM
The Humans 4 (self-explanatory)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar: The Untold Story
Cretaceous Park (Jurassic Park)
The Last Life
The Last Life 2: The First Life (self-made titles)
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