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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 21st May 2019 at 6:06 AM
Default Distorted ankle after swapping shoes - MESHING
I'm very new to meshing! I'm following the beginner tutorials here.

I am mixing together 3 Maxis meshes. I have succeeded in changing sleeves on a dress. Now I want to change out the shoes for boots. I followed the tutorial (Unimesh/Milkshape Tutorial 3) and the right boot has worked out fine. The left boot, however, has become distorted as seen in Bodyshop, although it looks fine in Milkshape. I'm sure I did the same for both feet. What is the problem here?

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 21st May 2019 at 11:29 AM
I solved it! I was selecting both ankle seams together and clicked "apply to all" with the bone mesh tool, instead of doing them separately. But I'll leave this here for anyone else who wanders by.
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