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#1 Old 10th Aug 2016 at 8:11 PM Last edited by Jawusa : 6th Oct 2017 at 10:43 PM.
Default What did you do with the Emerald Heights characters?
Since some people have already started playing Emerald Heights despite it not being "finished" yet (well... only the Storytelling stuff is missing; otherwise it's done), I thought it's time to start a thread for Emerald Heights.
Because I always love to read what other people have done to the neighborhood and its sims, I decided to create this thread. It always turns out being so different and that's the reason why I like to build neighborhoods for upload.

Anyway, what did you do with the Emerald Heights sims?

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Mad Poster
#2 Old 11th Aug 2016 at 6:24 PM Last edited by grammapat : 12th Aug 2016 at 12:10 AM.
I played it before, and I'll play it again! And probably will work the same...it's my STYLE. I have default face templates (doesn't interfere with these "unique" mugs), skin tones, eyes, etc etc. I also play with ACR, which I set to enhance what YOU have created; Romance sims are either not at all jealous, or jealous of everything. If a woman is dressed and made-up like a old-fashioned girl, and seems gullible to me (no logic?) I will let her be duped by the cad. But (I'm going for RL here) an intellect may not be wise where her heart is concerned. >>>>>>>>>>>>
I've moved the cemetery, and abandoned station & building (don't know what I'll do with THAT big thing, but I's cool) to the "bad" part of town, by the towers and the Lab - where I added a snack bar and a coffee bar--

At the old train station, I've added a "tenant" --

I'm putting a beach community lot on the street the lab is on, and retro houses (named 3 through 10 Beach Street).

And my first story-line starts:
The Blaque family were not coping well with the loss of their daughter. Ista couldn't bare to see her little girls room, and dug up all the white roses. Her husband agreed they needed to move, to start over. He would even get a new job. They moved to 10 Beach Street, right across the street from the proposed board walk. Knight gave Ista a tickle, "Maybe by the time the park is completed, we'll have a child to take there".

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#3 Old 13th Aug 2016 at 5:17 PM
@grammapat Wow! Some very interesting changes going on!

I've only played the Blaques to test out the child ghost issue/situation. Knight and Isla didn't waste any time to reconcile. The first few days I had them spend their time at the cemetery to see if their deceased daughter would spawn as a ghost, and fortunately, by the second night they were there, she spawned. She was slightly glitchy, albeit harmless. Well, not really considering she was scaring everyone around her, even her own parents. She was quite a pleasant child during her lifetime, but quite an angry ghost.

Once I figured that at least everything was ok, I sent them back home... I think I'll end it here, don't wanna spoil what happens next for others who are yet to play the neighborhood.
#4 Old 13th Aug 2016 at 5:44 PM
So any plans to finish this 'hood?

"Oh look, my grandchild is now an elder. They grow up so fast. Gee, I wonder when I'll finally graduate college." Sims 2
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#5 Old 13th Aug 2016 at 5:50 PM
It's almost finished, Dezzy. Only the Storytelling pictures need to be taken and it's finished.
We also have to fix some tiny bugs here and there.

But we've already begun to set up the download page for Emerald Heights. And it should be downloadable officially at the end of the month. Maybe on 30th of August.

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
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Mad Poster
#6 Old 14th Aug 2016 at 2:33 AM
Question about graves: I see from above that the Blaque daughter's grave is at the cemetery-- are the Coopersmith's there too? Pearl Davenport's last husband's grave is at her house. I'm working through the houses alphabetically; next will be Rotspatz. And... MY story-line:
Mr. Coppersmith thought he would never get over the loss of his wife and daughter...then he met Pearl Davenport. Not only was she poor, but an outcast. He didn't condemn her for being romantic; after all, she WASN'T a slut! She fell in love 4 times, then married, THEN had a baby. It wasn't HER fault she was so unlucky. Mr Coppersmith made a lot of money from a real estate transaction, and moved into her house. Pearl's "acting out" teen blossomed under the attention of his "new dad" ("We're going to the beach, just us GUYS!"). Little Taffy follows him around ("Can we get a puppy? Can we? Can we get a kitty?"). Bubble gum has become a happy boy...but why is Pearl sick al the time?

... is quickly followed by flying macaroni. Who know Mr. Coppersmith is a food flinger just like all the Davenports!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#7 Old 14th Aug 2016 at 5:48 AM
@grammapat I have seen some of your pics that have become missing because the site you have them on has either deleted them or broke the link to them so they don't show here any more. http://modthesims.info/download.php...=1&goto=newpost

Those pics are small in size and can be uploaded here at MTS and they will remain here until forever.

Maximum size for images is 800kb bytes for JPGs.

All my Beginning Hoods here at MTS. http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=7749491
All my Beginning Hoods as Shopping Districts plus Old Town. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=523417
MooVille, a tribute to Mootilda and her fabulous lots http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=534158
Trainee Moderator
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#8 Old 14th Aug 2016 at 8:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Question about graves: I see from above that the Blaque daughter's grave is at the cemetery-- are the Coopersmith's there too? Pearl Davenport's last husband's grave is at her house.

Yes, Seamus's late wife and son (Jia and Ron Coppersmith) are buried at the cemetary as well.
At the cemetary, there're 11 ghosts in total.

By the way, I love the funny picture of them eating macaroni!

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
Want to get rid of EA's sims in neighborhoods? Check out my Clean and Empty Steatlh Hoods and Clean and Empty Neighborhood Templates
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Mad Poster
#9 Old 20th Sep 2016 at 6:56 PM
I'm still not seeing Emerald Heights under your downloads...? And I can't get into "mod your panties", MTS upload site I think you were referring to. It says I must sign on using the link on their page, but it doesn't do anything (even if I AM signed on to MTS)

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#10 Old 20th Sep 2016 at 6:58 PM
The storytelling albums are still under construction, but Jawusa's the one doing most of the work on that and she's started school again. That last lap is the longest.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Trainee Moderator
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#11 Old 20th Sep 2016 at 10:16 PM Last edited by Jawusa : 20th Sep 2016 at 10:29 PM.
I'm sorry but I don't know when Emerald Heights will be finished. I barely have time to work on the neighborhood these days; not even to play the game itself.

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
Want to get rid of EA's sims in neighborhoods? Check out my Clean and Empty Steatlh Hoods and Clean and Empty Neighborhood Templates
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Field Researcher
#12 Old 22nd Sep 2016 at 2:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
I'm sorry but I don't know when Emerald Heights will be finished. I barely have time to work on the neighborhood these days; not even to play the game itself.

Take a break! I've heard you're just getting into high school - that can be quite the switch. Relax, let yourself get used to things, and come back when you're fresh and ready. Nobody is pressing you to release it.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 19th Jan 2017 at 5:25 AM Last edited by grammapat : 20th Jan 2017 at 8:18 PM.
Holly Wood, the gay teen who was put in a home for "unruly girls", was one of 4 girls left at the school. Now an adult, she thought if she got pregnant her folks would think she was "OK", but now she's decided she's just FINE the way she is. As her house-mates (all pregnant) eat, she asks her brother Birnam what he thinks. "Sis, I always thought you should just be YOURSELF. Mom & Dad will still disapprove...uh, unless you marry the father." Holly could only laugh; "The same guy got us ALL pregnant, but I'm STILL gay. I'll be giving the baby up and marrying my girlfriend"

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Forum Resident
#14 Old 11th Feb 2017 at 2:32 PM
Ah, I was hoping there'd be a thread for this.

Caesar Rafferty is still ruling the town, but recent incidents might lower his reputation with the electors. For starters, Cola Pavnoski gave birth to a son and didn't really care to be discreet about the fact that it's Caesar's. He'd better hurry up with the hush money, before she sells the story to the papers.

Caesar might be able to silence Cola, but Cecily Wentworth thinks it's incredibly funny that Sebastian Rafferty managed to knock up two of her three daughters and will joke about it at any opportunity. "My dear, you seem stressed out. You should relax a bit. Have a baby with the mayor's son, all my daughters are doing it! Well, not Vera, but she'll come around, I'm sure. She's always been a bit slow."

Fitzwilliam Bonet will have you know that he is not jealous that Pearl currently-Davenport married three more times, although it does seem unfair that she has had more men than he did. He is worried about S-Pop (he absolutely refuses to call the kid Soda Pop, what was Pearl THINKING?), the kid needs to enjoy his youth instead of caring for his constantly pregnant mother. Fortunately, Fitzwilliam has an idea how he can provide for his son. A little blackmail won't hurt the Rafferty boy, right? He's rich. He can take it.

Dr. Adam Splitter has been noticing some rather strange biochemical reactions whenever he sees his new lab assistant Mata Dore. Hopefully she'll be able to help him figure those out. Steve Dore, meanwhile, keeps himself busy hitting on all the girls next door, because if he stops, he'll have to think about walking in on his mother kissing the old fart and he does not want to think about that.

Isla Blaque did not take Dahlia's death well. She might have gotten over it in time, but her husband gave birth to an alien child, and a daughter to boot! She won't have Dahlia replaced by this weird green thing! Isla has started to research the paranormal in hope of getting her daughter back. Rumour has it the Rothspatz women know how to commune with the dead...
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#15 Old 7th Oct 2017 at 12:45 AM
The final version of Emerald Heights has just been uploaded. It was nice creating this neighborhood!

Have fun!

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
Want to get rid of EA's sims in neighborhoods? Check out my Clean and Empty Steatlh Hoods and Clean and Empty Neighborhood Templates
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Mad Poster
#16 Old 7th Oct 2017 at 12:46 AM

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Test Subject
#17 Old 7th Oct 2017 at 10:43 PM
i'm starting on this hood now and...wow you must have put sOOOOOOOOOO much effort into this!
i'm starting by playing the group home and since I have ACR and inteen I have a feeling the group home will be like a brothel/orphanage....
Mad Poster
#18 Old 7th Oct 2017 at 10:48 PM
I'm playing an apocalypse, I'm playing an apocalypse, I'm playing an apocalypse . . .

Fails saving roll. I'm playing Emerald Heights.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Mad Poster
#19 Old 7th Oct 2017 at 10:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
I played it before, and I'll play it again! And probably will work the same...it's my STYLE. I have default face templates (doesn't interfere with these "unique" mugs), skin tones, eyes, etc etc. I also play with ACR, which I set to enhance what YOU have created; Romance sims are either not at all jealous, or jealous of everything. If a woman is dressed and made-up like a old-fashioned girl, and seems gullible to me (no logic?) I will let her be duped by the cad. But (I'm going for RL here) an intellect may not be wise where her heart is concerned. >>>>>>>>>>>>
I've moved the cemetery, and abandoned station & building (don't know what I'll do with THAT big thing, but I's cool) to the "bad" part of town, by the towers and the Lab - where I added a snack bar and a coffee bar--.

Hey can you stop using that site for pics and start using Mod Your Panties please http://www.modyourpanties.com/
Your pics are already gone and no one else can see them.

All my Beginning Hoods here at MTS. http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=7749491
All my Beginning Hoods as Shopping Districts plus Old Town. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=523417
MooVille, a tribute to Mootilda and her fabulous lots http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=534158
Mad Poster
#20 Old 7th Oct 2017 at 10:54 PM
It looks like she deleted her account and all the photos are gone. It also made quite a mess of the picture caption thread.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Test Subject
#21 Old 8th Oct 2017 at 12:24 AM
why do the raffertys remind me of the hart family from widespot? I mean in wiespot Rhett has impregnated 2 women in emerald heighs so has Sebastian valentine has 3 kids while Caesar has 2 kids and another on the way (or more)
pearl davenport reminds me of olive spectre and brandi broke,a mix of them
I couldn't resist calling cola's kid pepsi
is 5 emerald heights one of the houses from bayside flats?
i'll play more so I can get to know emerald heights but I absolutely love it so far!
#22 Old 8th Oct 2017 at 1:13 AM
Oh I wondered why I recognized the name of this 'hood. I may have the unfinished version somewhere...I can't remember. Anyway, I downloaded the Downtown version so now I need a town that doesn't have Downtown attached. I don't wanna lose Sims. Ugh. Don't think I have any 'hoods. Urg.

Could you maybe make a Shopping version? Pretty Pease?

"Oh look, my grandchild is now an elder. They grow up so fast. Gee, I wonder when I'll finally graduate college." Sims 2
Trainee Moderator
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#23 Old 8th Oct 2017 at 3:43 PM
You can have multiple inhabited downtowns at the same time.

I plan to re-write that tutorial. I guess, it's too confusing.

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
Want to get rid of EA's sims in neighborhoods? Check out my Clean and Empty Steatlh Hoods and Clean and Empty Neighborhood Templates
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Forum Resident
#24 Old 8th Oct 2017 at 5:09 PM
New start for the neighborhood! With all those apartments, finding new homes for the poorer teenagers once they grow up should be easier.

The Home is doing surprisingly well. The girls are starting to bond with each other and Claire, so eventually she'll be able to help them get better grades. Rocky Stone has taken up the hobby of making and selling toys now that his youngest is going to school and would like to donate some of the profits to the home, so the finances are looking somewhat better. If the King-Montes family learns about Holly, maybe they'll donate something towards them as well.

Fitzwilliam Bonet has decided to follow his dream and become a movie star, hoping that the money will allow him to live in splendor and rescue poor Soda Pop from Pearl's crazy house and her clumsy husbands who keep dying. Over at the Davenports, Pearl has managed to survive the first rotation, but is freaking out at the thought of having yet another baby. S-Pop has bullied Taffy into doing most of the cleaning work, so that he can cook and take care of Bubblegum, while Pearl rests.

Faced with two pregnant women demanding he marry one of them, Sebastian Rafferty's current plan is to hide. Eventually he'll have to come to a decision: Marry one of them or go partying with Genesis Montes. Possible comedy option: hook up with Cola Panoski.

Dr. Splitter and Mata Dore are falling in love again. Biochemical reactions are strong. Steve is traumatized.
Mad Poster
#25 Old 8th Oct 2017 at 6:08 PM
So I put Emerald Heights into my "CC-light" game and decided to start with the Raffertys and work my way through each household in a rotation order. During playtest I was mostly focused on making sure the lots and families I contributed worked as intended, so I'd never even looked inside a lot of the households before.

Ceasar and Judith left for work shortly after the house loaded. Sebastian'd already missed his carpool, so he decided to blow off work and head out to see who he could find to help him work with that "woohoo five people" want he had. Red's Rendezvous sounded promising, so he went there and met Cherry Wood (bad chemistry), Mata Dore (bad chemistry), and Vera Wentworth (bad chemistry). He got to work on Vera and Mata anyhow because he found them both hot and can't believe that his killer combo of money, looks, and charm wouldn't overcome bad chemistry. But his charm wasn't working very well because I hadn't thought to give him any Romance perks before he got out of the house. He couldn't even get any flirt options with any of them other than "Check out" and "Wolf whistle." He wound up eating alone.

In the background, Cherry and Claire Voyante were sitting together watching TV, and Cherry kept making helpless gestures with her hands. So it would appear that Claire's decided the best thing she can do for Holly is to contact and counsel her parents, and she's starting with Cherry, which makes a lot of sense, since Cord's the one who decided to lock her out.

Sebastian then went to the Spa and Boutique, where he bought some new clothes (there's a flamingo-themed version of the tight-pants-open-shirt mesh that I thought would suit him down to the ground) and met LIanne Steele, with whom he has unambiguous chemistry and with whom he got along excellently. But he was tired so he went home and took a nap in his dad's bed (as I assumed the downstairs one to be) before calling her for a date, at which point Magnolia told him she was out at work. He was thinking about going out again when Judith came home from work with Vera Wentworth in tow. She finds Vera attractive, too, but was too busy having aspiration failure to make any headway, so Sebastian stole a march on her and got to smooth-talking, since he now had his perks. He and Vera made friends in the hot tub while Judith tried to cook dinner and got distracted by a conversation with Professor von Ball. As a result, she started a kitchen fire. The firefighter who arrived was female, so Sebastian tipped her $100 bucks and tried to flirt with her, but she left before he could get any traction. Ceasar, having come home slightly after Judith, answered the phone, told Claire Judith was not available, shoved his son, answered another phone call, talked at length to Knight Blaque, and went to bed. I tried to get Judith a cooking point from the TV, to reduce her aspiration failure, but she had to sleep before she was quite finished. Sebastian called for maid and gardening service (and was disappointed when both phones were answered by guys) and ordered Chinese because who could expect him to eat that blackened crap his mom made? Vera had to go home before he could consolidate his position with her and the delivery driver was also male. Sebastian tipped him anyway, just not as much as if he'd been female. Never mind, he's pretty sure he can make a clean sweep of the Wentworth women soon.

The Blaques were next. Isla was upstairs playing the piano and getting hungrier and hungrier, wanting to kiss Knight; and Knight was downstairs wandering around aimlessly except when he needed to throw up. Getting abducted doesn't seem to have agreed with him. He wanted to flirt with Isla and he was starving, so he made sandwiches and called her down. But he had to throw up again before he could Caress Hands at the table with her and went into red on comfort and lay down on the couch. This penetrated Isla's grief fog enough that she grew concerned and gave him a back rub. They then proceeded to comfort one another and rekindle their marriage. But Isla seems to have caught his stomach bug...

Seamus Coppersmith kept thinking about his wife and son, but knew he couldn't hang around brooding forever. The point of moving was to leave the past behind and build a new life, so he went out to the internet cafe, where he met a number of people (and Ronda Corner was chatting up Ash Wood over a game of pinball), including the Esmee Rospatz. Two bolts! He talked to her for a little while, then asked her to join him for lunch, which she did. They went to the Noble Noshery and had a nice lunch - nice enough that he invited her home with him. He immediately took a shower and she, not standing on ceremony, used the toilet - and flushed it. But it was awfully late so I saved it there.

One thing I find concerning is that one of the waiters - the first one who spawned - is shattering badly. Usually this indicates either a bad mesh (unlikely; the other waiters who spawned were fine and in any case it's the Maxis mesh) or a strained computer. It shouldn't have been particularly strained and if that's the problem, why this waiter and not the others? He was in the same state at both restaurants. I used the Gussy Up program to give him a new appearance and to Check Clothes, but neither helped. So I'm not sure what to do about that. If I'm straining my computer that's almost certainly why I'm crashing so much in the other game.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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