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#1 Old 20th Jan 2015 at 10:09 PM
Alice in Wonderland Legacy Challenge

This legacy challenge will be a bit different the original and have many other rules.

You cannot leave lots until you complete the challenge.
You must be on the current household at all times.
You could use the “freerealestate on” cheat at the beginning.

GENERATION 1: Queen of Hearts (RED QUEEN)

She is your founder. She should wear red, black, gold, and white.
Her husband should look like the knave of hearts with the same color scheme.
She should reach the top of the horse riding skill and/or athletic.
She should have at least 3 enemies.
She should join the political or criminal career.
She should own 1 lot at the minimum.
She should let no others take over her kingdom until the last daughter reaches the young adult stage.


She should be kind.
She should have at least 3 friends.
She should own 3 pets and try to get 1 unicorn.
She should be in the education or doctor career track.
Should have at least 4 children and could keep one brother or sister to be her servant or cook.
She should not step down from being queen until she trusts her daughter enough to be her best friend (becoming a young adult).


She should marry a man representing the frog.
She should love farm animals.
Should have one child.
The daughter/son should not look the most beautiful because he/she will be changed into a pig at the teenage years (you could change her/him after she/he turns into a young adult).
Duchess should dislike children.
Should join the criminal career.
Should stay queen until the child is not a pig anymore (young adult age).


This person should have at least level 5 charisma.
They should have 5 kids and become best friends with all of them because “cat” loves trees (family tree).
Should give the first child the family tree because they were the first branch or seed to the tree.


This child should be insane.
They should join the culinary or singing career.
Should love mix match colors.
They should have the martial arts skill or athletic because they love to chop things in half.
They next child should be less insane as their mother or father.


This person should be peaceful and calm.
They should also be hot headed.
He/She should be level 10 in culinary before they die/ turn into a butterfly.
You are allowed to bring this person back to life or into your household if you want to and they have to be a butterfly (dead).
The next generation should be the last girl born and aged with beauty to young adult age.


If you have late night, she should learn all the instruments.
She should be vain and only be friends with people she believes are beautiful.
She should join the political or actor careers.
Try to have her have 4 kids.


You need a hard working twin and a twin who is lazy but fancy.
The twin who represents the walrus is the true leader of the generation.
The twin representing the carpenter is a good builder.
The other 2 kids are tweedle dee and tweedle dum.
Once your last son turns into a young adult he could take over.


He could never miss work.
If he does not meet a lover by the time he is adult he should pass on the legacy to a brother or sister.
He loves reading.
Passes on legacy to his closest daughter.


She should be adventurous.
She dislikes reading.
She must reach level 5 in painting and gardening.
She should not get a job because she wants to stay young.
Once she reaches young adult the legacy ends.

Test Subject
#2 Old 24th Jan 2015 at 6:37 AM
This sounds like it would be very enjoyable to play, but I have a few questions: Firstly, you said that the sims cannot leave the lot until the challenge is completed, so how can the Queen of Hearts go to work and go out and make enemies? Are these exceptions to that rule? Then the white queen would have to go out and make friends, which would also mean she'd have to go out of the lot. There are also a few other cases where we'd have to break that rule. Also you said that the Duchess must turn her child into a pig, so how will this child continue the legacy as cheshire cat? You said they must have just one child. Do we have to start a new family every generation? Anyway, this is a nice idea for a challenge.
Test Subject
#3 Old 27th Jan 2015 at 2:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by KindKat
This Sound Interesting! I Will Try This! Also, IWANTMODSNOW just to point out that the dutchess gen it say in brackets you can change the child back into a human at YA.

Sorry, I must've read over that. Anyway I'm going to go try this challenge out!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 29th Jan 2015 at 5:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IWANTMODSNOW!
This sounds like it would be very enjoyable to play, but I have a few questions: Firstly, you said that the sims cannot leave the lot until the challenge is completed, so how can the Queen of Hearts go to work and go out and make enemies? Are these exceptions to that rule? Then the white queen would have to go out and make friends, which would also mean she'd have to go out of the lot. There are also a few other cases where we'd have to break that rule. Also you said that the Duchess must turn her child into a pig, so how will this child continue the legacy as cheshire cat? You said they must have just one child. Do we have to start a new family every generation? Anyway, this is a nice idea for a challenge.

I meant that they can not move from the lot. They are free to leave the lot when they want. This is not breaking the rules i just said it wrong. Yes the pig becomes the Cheshire cat, thanks for asking. No you stay with the family all generations. Thanks for the questions.
Test Subject
#5 Old 24th Aug 2015 at 12:17 AM
What do you mean turn the sim into a pig? I don't understand how to do that.
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#6 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 7:05 AM
Can this be a Sims 4 challenge as well?.
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#7 Old 24th Jan 2022 at 2:54 PM
Default 2022
I'm wondering if this could be updated by any chance?
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