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#1 Old 28th Jan 2022 at 5:31 PM Last edited by Tsuki : 2nd Feb 2022 at 8:47 AM.
Wolf Legacy Challenge
Note: This is a challenge that repeats itself like the wolf packs in the wild, also some facts said about the wolves in the challenge might not be true/realistic enough, since this is the TS3 challenge version.

The Wolf Legacy Challenge

EPs Required:

Mods Needed:
CmarNYC's Pregnancy Progress Controller Mod (Optional, this will let you get a wolf you want pregnant without the pet houses)

You start your journey in Appaloosa Plains.
The Story:
You and your mate have escaped from a nearby national park. After wandering around for a long time, you finally settled down on large plains, close to water. The only problem is that there's a town nearby..

The Goal:
Raise a successful wolf pack for as many generations as possible!

It is highly recommended that you add another pack in case you want a fully grown wolf who completed the pup stage to leave the pack and find a mate.

The Pack Rules:

- Alphas are the only wolves permitted to breed. Only they can produce offspring.

- If any lower rank (other than Beta) becomes enemies with an Alpha, they must be killed or kicked out in any way you see fit.

- Betas can challenge the Alphas, however, they must be enemies with them. The female Beta will fight the female Alpha, and the male Beta the male Alpha.

- Pack members must fight constantly to keep their rank, or rise in rank.

- Testingcheatsenabled true cheat is allowed. You can drag a pup's hunger up with this cheat.

- If you don't mind being cruel, you might buy the "Vomit Machine" lifetime reward for an adult wolf who has pups, since wolves feed their pups by regurgitating.

- You can't interact with humans. If you come in contact with one, you must flee or growl at them/attack them.


1. Alpha - First in command, the wisest and strongest wolves. They're responsible for making decisions and managing the pack.

2. Beta - Like the heir and heiress (yes, both), the betas are second in command, they discipline the pack and give advice to alphas when there's a decision being made. The beta pair will become the alphas when the alphas die/turn into elders.

3. Delta - Protect the pack and help hunting (in this case, knocking over trash cans.).

4. Omega - Used for relieving the stress, all the higher ranks, and subordinates should be enemies/disliked with wolves who have this role since, what I mean by stress, is destruction and when it gets low the omegas can be used to fight with instead to fill it up.

5. Subordinate - Subordinates are the lowest in rank, they watch the territory and warn the pack when there is danger. Other than that, they eat last. (Pups are pups, and do not have a rank or are not subordinates.)

If you wonder where you can get some good wolves, then here are some that I found!

https://modthesims.info/d/468085/wo...-your-sims.html (Includes brown, cream/white, gray and black wolf by Lea.Sikora.)

On Exchange (By LittleV):
https://www.thesims3.com/assetDetai...assetId=6422960 (Cream White)
https://www.thesims3.com/assetDetai...assetId=6392908 (Black)
https://www.thesims3.com/assetDetai...assetId=6389333 (Mixed Colors)

I found LittleV's wolves thanks to this thread, it also inspired me a little to make my own challenge, so thanks to Caitlinslash02 (even if they left MTS.).
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