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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 12:34 AM
Default Image not showing correctly in catalog

I have several sets, from different creators and sites, that show up as blue blobs in catalog view. I downloaded the content again and installed it again and it is still blue blobs. The items themselves, once chosen, look okay in the game.

Is this a CC problem or a game problem? One of the sets was from an archive of a closed site and another is a five year old set from a creator who hasn't had any activity in 6 months, so I'm concerned that if it is the content I may just have to put up with the blue blobs.

Thank you for your advice
Mad Poster
#2 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 12:38 AM
Blue blobs are most likely repo'd meshes that need the master mesh (+ recolors of it) to show up properly, and to show recolors. If the download topic is still up, there's often a link to the item(s) you need, an explanation in the text, or an info document in the zip file.

Worst-case, post the name of the meshes (if you find them in your Downloads folder, or if they have proper names ingame) and we can try to help you find the items you need. A lot of items are repo'd to quite common items (Buggybooz' kitchen sets, Jonesi's blanket, etc.).
#3 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 1:46 AM
If the items' recolours work, you may just need to update the thumbnail in the catalogue - Ctrl+right-click should do it. I sometimes have to select one of the colour options (without placing the object) before that works.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 2:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by aelflaed
If the items' recolours work, you may just need to update the thumbnail in the catalogue - Ctrl+right-click should do it. I sometimes have to select one of the colour options (without placing the object) before that works.

Oh, bless you! That worked!
#5 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 2:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by FrancesWeyr
Oh, bless you! That worked!

I do have one or two objects where that doesn't stick, and I have to live with the blue blob, or re-fix it every time I go past it in the catalogue. Mostly it's fine.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
Mad Poster
#6 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 3:59 PM
Blue-flashing usually it means the item is repo'd.

If it's not repo'd, blue-flashing usually means something is broken somewhere in the texture resources. If it only occasionally blue-flashes, or will switch between working and blue-flashing, or the icon is blue but will update to a non-blue one without editing the file or adding in master files or anything like that, the issue is usually a minor thing that still allows the item to work somewhat fine under the right circumstances. I've seen several strange examples.
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