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#1 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 5:23 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default start over with my sims 2
want to start over with my sims 2 game but don't want to loss my lots I worked on for a long time! I don't care if I loss there memories or friendships they made in game but I also want to keep the family or sim I created too ??? If anyone can tell me step by step how to do it - Thanks !!!
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#2 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 7:03 PM
Are you reinstalling the game?
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#3 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 7:07 PM
Exactly what do you want to start over with, if you want to keep the families/sims and lots?

You can extract sims and lots, to use in other neighborhoods as if they're new sims/lots. Is that what you mean?
You can also start a neighborhood fresh, with some of the extracted sims/lots + new ones.

Another option is to actually start fresh, but keep the old game as a backup (very handy for later extraction, or later gameplay).


Quickest way to start fresh (and avoid reinstalling) - Easiest way if you're just starting neighborhoods fresh (keeping lighting hacks or similar in the install folder) is to EITHER move the "The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection" or "The Sims 2" folder (depending on install) from the Documents location to an external harddrive (or anywhere else with enough space) as a backup, OR rename the folder by adding something at the back ("The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection BACKUP" or "The Sims 2 BACKUP")

Then you run the game. This should regenerate a new game folder.


Extracting lots and sims:

Extract lived-in lots: https://thesims2.livejournal.com/6049797.html or https://2fingerswhiskey.livejournal.com/160934.html
**Use in combination with this one:
Cleaning lots: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=609188 (+ lot cleaner Globe by Chris Hatch at the bottom)
*For both of these, make sure you keep your CC in, and it's a good idea to pack the lots if you want to store them for later use, as this method doesn't save CC, only the references for where to put the items ingame.

Safely extracting sims (toddler and up - infants can't be made in CAS) - https://pixel-trade.livejournal.com/16091.html


Other things to consider if you're starting fresh (do this before regenerating a new game folder)
Clean/empty starting hoods: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=615468
Clean/empty stealth hoods: https://modthesims.info/d/520751/cl...-templates.html
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#4 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 8:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Are you reinstalling the game?

no just want to keep the lot I did and the one family started but as if I started over like I never used the family
#5 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 10:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by romatice
no just want to keep the lot I did and the one family started but as if I started over like I never used the family

If I'm understanding correctly, you want to keep the lots you made and restart the family?
If so, I think about the lots you can just package them so you have a sims2pack file of them, and as for the family I have 2 thoughts:
Package the lot they are living in which means it will be an occupied lot. Occupied lots can be a bloat to the game if they have lots of relationships because upon the placing of them the game creates stub files for those other Sims they have relationships with. If your Sims don't have lots of relationships with other Sims, then it's fine and it's an easy way to save them. They will not be started over though, and will retain your progress.
Revert to a backup when you started the family. This is a long stretch since I don't know if you have a backup of them, but it is a way. This will "restart" the family, which I mean will revert to that state they were in at the time of the backup.

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#6 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 2:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by FuryCat
If I'm understanding correctly, you want to keep the lots you made and restart the family?
If so, I think about the lots you can just package them so you have a sims2pack file of them, and as for the family I have 2 thoughts:
Package the lot they are living in which means it will be an occupied lot. Occupied lots can be a bloat to the game if they have lots of relationships because upon the placing of them the game creates stub files for those other Sims they have relationships with. If your Sims don't have lots of relationships with other Sims, then it's fine and it's an easy way to save them. They will not be started over though, and will retain your progress.
Revert to a backup when you started the family. This is a long stretch since I don't know if you have a backup of them, but it is a way. This will "restart" the family, which I mean will revert to that state they were in at the time of the backup.

the family, which I mean will revert will they loss there memories like never met them if I p;lace in another neighborhood just made ???
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#7 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 2:34 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 8th Jul 2024 at 3:13 PM.
You can extract and then clean up occupied lots without getting the sims involved. I posted the method above (two links). Personally, I prefer to clean up previously occupied lots in a "throwaway" hood (empty hood I'm not using for other things), just so I'm sure there won't be any ill effects from trash memories or whatever might be left on the lot before cleaning. I also tend to remove things like used newspapers, and switch out items that look like they've been in use (untidy beds, dirty or broken items, plates, or similar). After cleaning, the lot can be placed into the lot bin (no need to package first, but you can pack it for backup/CC purposes). These lots are not guaranteed to be 100% bug free, but it's better than not cleaning.

Don't package the lot with sims living in it - this only creates a lot of trash memories, etc. if you install it into a neighborhood.

To revert sims, you extract them (method in link above, extract with SimPE and clone in Bodyshop), then remake them in CAS as a new family. They'll have blank slates, no memories or previous relationships.
#8 Old 8th Jul 2024 at 1:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by romatice
the family, which I mean will revert will they loss there memories like never met them if I p;lace in another neighborhood just made ???

What simmer22 said.
I said that they won't lose their memories, so if you want to fully restart, extract their appearances in SimPE and then you can place them from the CAS Sim Bin as a family in any neighbourhood without any info about them (Memories, relationships)

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